Tyler Robinson

Am I Low IQ?

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4 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

It's too cold outside and I don't want to fall asleep 


I was thinking about spirituality in terms of needs and wants, spiritual balance and imbalance etc. 

But I feel like I forgot a piece of information and it seems to have skipped my mind. 

Also the law of attraction. 


Creating a system that fulfills these needs and wants. A harmonizing system. 

Still not getting that clue! 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Distracted again. 


Spirituality is about fulfilling needs and wants and deepest desires. 

About food and fuel


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 11/17/2022 at 8:22 AM, Tyler Robinson said:


There is food 



On 11/17/2022 at 8:32 AM, Tyler Robinson said:


There is War 




On 11/17/2022 at 8:34 AM, Tyler Robinson said:


There is destruction 




On 11/17/2022 at 8:36 AM, Tyler Robinson said:


There is growth 



On 11/17/2022 at 8:41 AM, Tyler Robinson said:



There is love 


On 11/17/2022 at 8:44 AM, Tyler Robinson said:


There is beauty 



On 11/17/2022 at 8:46 AM, Tyler Robinson said:



There is glory 



And there's harmony, balance, equilibrium and continuation and protection. 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Evil will never succeed anyway due to its spiritual imbalance so we don't have to worry about it anyway. 


All universal laws of spiritual balance are in compliance with morality. 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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What I'm looking for 



Connection (deep) 



Emotional connection (repeated point) 

Domination (too much to ask for) /challenging/grounding 





Alignment and harmony 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Another thing I need to focus on is to decomplicate things as much as possible. 

Don't make it overly complicated with a lot of stuff on the plate. I know I want to learn as much as possible. But don't push. Don't get greedy. Keep it minimum. 

Try to decomplicate. 



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I need the following 

Tons of love and healing 

The earth needs the following 

Self Love 

The present moment 


Duality of love (love from a source) 

Protection of masculinity 

Deep solitude 

Healthy conscious love 


Masculine and feminine forces are some of the most important forces in the world.



Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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The other thing that you need to understand is what is fundamentally true is fundamentally true and what is fundamentally false is fundamentally false.



If you hold the bastion of truth, you will attract truthful people. Your own conscience is the attracter. You attract what you are. This does not mean that you can't attract bad apples. Yes you can.


But sooner or later there will be a fallout with bad apples. Because they won't align with your conscience. If you give leeway to sociopaths, you will attract sociopaths. But if your conscience denies sociopaths  you won't have them in your company. It's what you choose to associate yourself with. This is ultimately decided by your own conscience, nobody can do this for you. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Whatever we find between spaces is the most beautiful thing in the world. Not what we find consciously. But what we move towards unconsciously is the most beautiful. This is the place of rescue. This is the place of peace. Because here there are no outcomes of good or bad. These are interstitial spaces. If you live in Central places you will always suffer. But if you move to a place of safety and escape, that's where you will find growth. It's not a place that came to you. You went to it. Similarly we go to God. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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One way to find out is to not create camaraderie with them. The more you give in, the more the person is at an advantage to have power over you. You give your power over to them. You let them decide your fate. You shouldn't do that. Take control within your own hands. This might seem dominating and bossy but this is about self protection. You stay stoic. You stay where you are. You stay how you are. Let the other person come to you. Let people come to you rather than the other way around. This way you have monopoly over your own emotions and you are less vulnerable or prone to being emotionally exploited. You set your own rules. You define how things are going to be. If they truly wish to be with you, they will find a way to be with you.  You have to learn to let go. You have to test their commitment rather than the other way around. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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  1. Instinct 
  3. 1 Survival instinct- Basic instinct to want to live 
  5. 2   Creativity instinct - Is to create something exciting, full of passion, full of enthusiasm, desire, hope 
  7. 3 Liberation instinct - Want to be liberated from suffering, pain, disturbance 
  10. Achievement instinct - Wanting to do something that feels awesome, gives satisfaction, promotes growth and progress, success, it's a very important feeling, it gives a feeling of completion 
  13. Beauty instinct - Wanting things to be joyful, radiant, beautiful, complete, eternal, immortal like building the pyramids 
  22. Romantic instinct - Wanting a connection, intimacy, a partner and a feeling of being loved, treasured, belonged. 
  25. Healing instinct 
  26. Wanting to be healed from past troubles, trauma, hurt, pain, wanting to feel okay, wanting to recover from setbacks, wanting to start again, wanting to feel space and peace in order to recover, wanting to get better and plump again. 
  31. Fear instinct -The fight versus flight response. A response that alerts us to danger and wanting to huddle to a place of safety 
  33. Protective instinct 
  34. Wanting to treasure or protect something very valuable like a friend, a pet, a child or an important picture or a gift or a work of art. Even protecting basic resources like food 
  36. Harmony instinct 
  37. Wanting to create harmony with your environment and surroundings, with nature, wanting to blend in with everything, wanting harmony with the unique and universe, wanting the feeling of creating a home within this environment and feeling at home with your environment. You want that community feeling. A lot of people join organizations to have this feeling. A lot of people join religion. 
  40. Balance instinct 
  41. Wanting to sustain balance between everything that we do like health, relationships, work, passions, time etc. 
  43. Purpose instinct
  44. This is an extension of the self. You want to do something for the world, you want to contribute to your community or the world at large. Noble instinct. 
Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1Survival instinct- Basic instinct to want to live 


2 Creativity instinct - Is to create something exciting, full of passion, full of enthusiasm, desire, hope 


3Liberation instinct - Want to be liberated from suffering, pain, disturbance 


4 Achievement instinct - Wanting to do something that feels awesome, gives satisfaction, promotes growth and progress, success, it's a very important feeling, it gives a feeling of completion 


5 Beauty instinct - Wanting things to be joyful, radiant, beautiful, complete, eternal, immortal like building the pyramids 




6Romantic instinct - Wanting a connection, intimacy, a partner and a feeling of being loved, treasured, belonged. 


7Healing instinct 

Wanting to be healed from past troubles, trauma, hurt, pain, wanting to feel okay, wanting to recover from setbacks, wanting to start again, wanting to feel space and peace in order to recover, wanting to get better and plump again. 


8Fear instinct -The fight versus flight response. A response that alerts us to danger and wanting to huddle to a place of safety  


9Protective instinct 

Wanting to treasure or protect something very valuable like a friend, a pet, a child or an important picture or a gift or a work of art. Even protecting basic resources like food


10Harmony instinct 

Wanting to create harmony with your environment and surroundings, with nature, wanting to blend in with everything, wanting harmony with the unique and universe, wanting the feeling of creating a home within this environment and feeling at home with your environment. You want that community feeling. A lot of people join organizations to have this feeling. A lot of people join religion


11Balance instinct 

Wanting to sustain balance between everything that we do like health, relationships, work, passions, time etc. 


12Purpose instinct

This is an extension of the self. You want to do something for the world, you want to contribute to your community or the world at large. Noble instinct. 



13 growth instinct 

You want to develop yourself, explore, learn, expand and grow. You want to feel that you are progressing not just surviving 


14 Transcending instinct 

You want to outgrow whatever you are currently learning or dealing. You want to evolve to your next phase and development in life 

15 Transformation instinct 

This is also a part of self evolution. Sometimes you want to radically transform yourself, your life, shed all past baggage and turn over to a new leaf. Clean the slate, start afresh. 


16  fulfilling instinct 

This is about your needs, wants, desires, from the utmost basic to advanced and higher needs. You want these needs to be fulfilled as much as possible to leave room for other things like spiritual stuff. Most people waste their lives in fulfilling needs because our social system constantly deprives us of our needs and makes us into a hamster running on the wheel chasing our needs. Like a dog chasing its tail, we're never free to think about other things. When needs are not fulfilled whether it's something like survival, food, security, sexual, love, bonding, financial, health, we become deficient and miserable and can hardly focus on anything else, we become too stunted and lost, deprived and confused, trapped and in constant search of something. And very frustrated. This is the single biggest reason for everyone failing to achieve anything else. This instinct  is sorely left ignored. This side needs to be compulsory fulfilled in order to get other instincts properly sorted out. This is the most important instinct as far as survival is concerned. Without this there is no spirituality and you're in limbo. This is a major bridge. If you're on this bridge you'll forever stay on this bridge. You are stuck. If you fulfill most of your needs, that's where you get the golden chance to cross the bridge. And a chance to achieve your higher growth. Until then everything is a pipe dream and nothing else will matter and nothing will even make sense or meaning. You wouldn't even want to pursue spirituality. You will half ass everything and live forever dissatisfied, much of your spirituality will feel like an unhappy vacation where you're just pretending to smile. 

If you want something of substance and really want everything to count on your future travels into eternity, then this instinct has to be compulsorily fulfilled. 



17 Vibe instinct 

There's a certain vibe you want as your guide. Everything carries a vibe. Even the stuff you eat. You want always the right vibe to motivate and stimulate your inner energy. You don't like vibes that don't suit your character, personality or style. You want a morning vibe in the morning. A pleasant vibe when you are working and a snuggly vibe when you are with your special one. 


18 fuel instinct 

You need fuel to motivate and stimulate yourself. Any energy, emotion, vibe can serve as a fuel. Anything that gets you going and motivates you is a fuel, even a prayer. God can be your fuel. Masculine and feminine energies can be your fuel. God's energy can be your fuel. This is the most important instinct. It's like a breakfast. You must have it before your main meal. It's your starter kit sort of. Your launch for the day. Your energy. Your fuel. Your must have travel kit. It's your energy bottle. Without it you're just languishing through the forest with a map in hand but no energy to walk. 


19 Karma instinct 

This instinct exists like a conscience. It tells us right from wrong and guides us to good karma, shields us from bad karma


20 Companionship instinct 

We all need friends. Someone we can share things with at the campfire. Someone who listens and understands and offers warm company on cold nights. 




21 Communication expression instinct 

This is important. We all have needs for communication whether you are introvert or extrovert. Your communication is your main method of expression. 


22 Regulation instinct 

After doing what we can, we want to regulate our life cycle to see how it's all going. We want to spot flaws, resolve issues, solve problems, get back the rhythm. Get things back on track. But for that we must regulate our daily goings on. 



23 Reflection instinct 

In order to solve a crisis, we need time to reflect on what should be done. Going back to the drawing board. Reassessing. Analyzing. Studying? Wanting some insight, some answer. Taking a break and Reflecting. 



24 Wisdom instinct

This instinct is best used when you gather wisdom and implement it 



25 Courage instinct. 

You need courage to push a breakthrough in life or else you are stuck. One courageous move will change everything. Take that leap of faith. 


26 Innocent instinct 

You'll reach this stage or instinct after death. Here you're set free from all fears, attachments, worries, needs etc. Here your spirit is like a child again, innocent and pure. You are finally yourself. No fabrication. 

The living version of this is the "authentic instinct." 


27 Spiritual instinct 

I don't know how to describe this instinct. This is where I'm puzzled. I think spiritual instinct is like a process. 

Imagine a computer slowly generating your identity, all your personality traits being typed out line by line on each cursor prompt. That's how this is going to look like except for this is going to be your spiritual identity. This will consist of your deepest desires, your unfinished business, your general vibe in your ghost state, these are your spiritual signatures unique to you like a DNA. They will define you spiritually, they will constitute your spiritual identity. 

This instinct will carry a strong Subconscious energy. 

28 Communion instinct 

I think just like material existence comes with an expiry date/death, your existence as a ghost will have it's own unique expiry date. After your spiritual existence has expired, your journey in the afterlife is over and you will slowly come to the end of a tunnel. This tunnel is dark. It's your spiritual tunnel and it's your gateway to the next realm. Once you come to the end of the tunnel, you will turn into a ball of bright light. Bright ball of energy like the Sun. You'll come out of the tunnel and escape as a ball of bright light. Your spirit has been converted into energy. This ball will then merge with a much larger ball of energy that looks like a big sun. This is God. You're entering communion. The ball disappears as it merges into this large ball. It's the end. While turning into a ball your spirit experiences extreme bliss and fiery energy and peace. 

Restless souls will take even centuries to turn into a ball. Or they might just never make it. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Angel instinct 

This is a helper instinct. The need for a helper. This instinct is activated when your subconscious screams for help. It can be accessed by prayer. 

Evil instinct 

This is when you have evil forces tormenting you. You have to implement special or unique protective forces to shield you from evil. 

Whats the spiritual meaning of life?


Answer - life is a sacred journey. It must be protected and shielded from beginning to end. It must be lived to its fullest and in fulfillment. It must be lived to reduce spiritual signature. To reduce karma. So the afterlife is easier and we aren't stuck. 


How to reduce spiritual signature? 



Are we here to change the world? 

Answer - No. But we can make it better. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I'm kinda having hot flushes right now. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I think I was discussing spiritual signatures and left midway. 





The following is just my theory of what happens post death. 

Now imagine the spiritual signature as some kind of a print like a fingerprint. The stronger and bigger this print or even longer, the worse is your spiritual signature. A massive strong spiritual signature means you have too much burden on your spirit. A lighter shorter signature is the best. It keeps karma to minimum. Less baggage in other words. 

A stronger massive print can look like this. 



download (81).jpeg


A lighter smaller print can look like this 






Your ideal spiritual signature should be like the second image. As light and short/small as possible. 

Longer/massive stronger signatures are a bad idea. It means your spirit is stuck in unfinished business and still longing. 


The objective of your life is all about developing a decent spiritual signature.. 


All of your past lives are records of your spiritual signatures. 

You keep spawning and respawning every birth cycle. 

You remain in the dark tunnel and spawn again. 

Until your spiritual signature becomes lighter and lighter and you escape SAMSARA. 

When you're escaping SAMSARA, you are escaping this dark tunnel (Tunnel of the Spawn in the Afterlife), and as you have your final escape (NIRVANA), your spirit is about to liberate from years of slavery to Samsara, and at the point of getting out of this dark tunnel, your spirit turns into a bright ball of light and escapes forever to merge with the biggest ball, the primordial ball, God Energy or the ultimate - GOD. 

At this point, your struggles are over. Your massive soul journey from birth to SAMSARA is finally over. You are liberated from constant spawning and respawning. You got your final flight to freedom. 

The soul's final departure from SAMSARA can be symbolically represented by a bird flying away into oblivion. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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The objective of your life is all about developing a decent spiritual signature.. 


All of your past lives are records of your spiritual signatures. 

You keep spawning and respawning every birth cycle. 

You remain in the dark tunnel and spawn again. 

Until your spiritual signature becomes lighter and lighter and you escape SAMSARA. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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As a side note - the world has no correlation to your spiritual journey 


Your soul family and your romantic partners and pets and all that, these are souvenirs on your journey, they are your supplement, your nutrient, your fuel, they are your collectibles that give you companionship and strength and vigor to have the best life, but they are not permanently attached to your spirit, they might still entertain you in the afterlife and your spirit might be attached to your romantic spouse and pet, looking after them, wanting to meet them again in the next spawn or rebirth/reincarnation, yet over many respawns, they will slowly detach from your spirit and you'll have to forget them eventually in your spirit form and continue the journey alone. It's very tempting to bring them along because you had such a darling time with them, but unfortunately every spirit has to journey alone after the tunnel. You have to kiss them a final goodbye at some point and walk out the tunnel. They have their own journey (just like yours) although they will remember you too. This is the reason why soulmates meet again and again in every birth one way or another, because their spiritual signatures keep colliding. These spiritual signatures carry the memories of their times together in their past lives/spawns.. They come to merge again. And want to see each other, even become husband and wife again. But sometimes this isn't easy, they could be far away from each other in different cultures and countries and in a pathetic materialistic reality their union becomes impossible due to geography or age differences or cultural differences or anything that keeps them from coming together. Even shallow fights or other unfortunate happenstances. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Usually the entire set of your parents, siblings, friends, romantic lovers, pets etc should be enough as angels on your path to support, value, love, guide and fuel you. 

Yet sometimes they are not enough or they are toxic people. 

Your parents/spouses could be toxic. 

You might not have friends or pets.

Your romantic lovers might have ditched, betrayed, strayed or broken up. 

This means you have a broken support system, not a fulfilling one. 

So you might need some external help because the above mentioned are either toxic, ignorant, indifferent, absent or you are just feeling like an orphan with nobody to love you. 

This external help is the Angel Instinct. This can be accessed by prayer and your spirit animal will be sent to guide and nourish you with love and wisdom, comfort on your journey. 

So don't worry if in the pathetic material world you have had difficulties finding a mate or been betrayed too much. An angel is always waiting for you in the form of a spirit animal. 


Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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