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Tyler Robinson

Misogyny and masturbation link

43 posts in this topic

Almost every man masturbate.. I don't know where your obsservesion is commign from. 

Also, most of the serial killers that i have watched videos and documentaries about were addicted to porn and masturabtion.

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Yeah, you're right. 

It's because sexual repression is unhealthy.

It's kind off like not eating enough calories.

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@Tyler Robinson

Mmmhh I wonder who you are talking about? 

They are sweet and kind to you because they are little simp motherfuckers who you can very easily manipulate because your pussy is like a class A drug to them. 

Knew you had a thing for me ;)  


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39 minutes ago, Hero in progress said:

@Tyler Robinson

Mmmhh I wonder who you are talking about? 

They are sweet and kind to you because they are little simp motherfuckers who you can very easily manipulate because your pussy is like a class A drug to them. 

Knew you had a thing for me ;)  


Respect is not the same as simping. 

It doesn't take much to respect another human being and decent people know this. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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3 hours ago, evgn said:

Almost every man masturbate.. I don't know where your obsservesion is commign from. 

Also, most of the serial killers that i have watched videos and documentaries about were addicted to porn and masturabtion.

Practicing masturbation in a healthy manner is far different from being addicted to it. Just like any other habit, our sexual habits too speak a lot about us. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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@Lizard Man What a weird take. First of all, plenty of people study masturbation. I would wager that human sexuality is widely studied at all western universities. It's a pretty interesting subject, idk why you make it a personal fetish thing; that's pretty strange.

@Tyler Robinson I don't know if its a fully accurate conclusion but a lot of men that demonize sex and masturbation end up demonizing themselves and women as well so they end up being pretty angry and intolerant so not really fun to deal with. 


Owner of creatives community all around Canada

 Instagram is @Kylegfall

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2 hours ago, Michal__ said:

Yeah, you're right. 

It's because sexual repression is unhealthy.

It's kind off like not eating enough calories.

I feel like it needs more studying. You'll see instances of sexual abuse in hyper religious communities. You have to wonder why. Also these same communities are very strict and puritanical regarding ideas of masturbation, they make it look like sin just like they do with porn.. At least one can live without porn. But I don't think you can live without masturbating because that's the most natural outlet for sexual desires that mother nature has created. It's almost like saying "don't sleep" or only drink little water. 

If drinking little water eventually makes you feel dehydrated, you realize that depriving the body of its most basic need causes the body tissue to lose strength or nutrition. Dehydrated skin looks very different from healthy skin. 

I have found that dehydration even leads to hair loss. And sometimes tiredness. 

If dehydrating the body has such awful consequences, can it be possible that not masturbating is similar to dehydration but in the more mental psychological sense as in psychological dehydration. It could be that this impacts brain wiring and probably causes such psychologically dehydrated men to act in different ways, probably more aggressive, maybe it automatically makes them hate the opposite sex because they are deprived of creating a mental connection with the opposite sex through the sexual route. 

You have to take into consideration the fact that when we masturbate, the body produces endorphins, thus the sight of the opposite sex gets associated with something positive in our brains automatically. How would the brain react in the absence of such association. Imagine that the sexually deprived non masturbating guy looks at an image of a woman but there's no chemical reaction or endorphins in his blood, it could be that the image of a woman produces disgust rather than relaxation, at least no positive association is happening. 

So more research is needed on why and how lack of masturbation for long periods of time impacts the human wiring or sexual chemistry related wiring in the brain and how this altered wiring impacts attitude to the opposite sex.



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 hour ago, Hero in progress said:

@Tyler Robinson

Mmmhh I wonder who you are talking about? 

They are sweet and kind to you because they are little simp motherfuckers who you can very easily manipulate because your pussy is like a class A drug to them. 

Knew you had a thing for me ;)  


Report him for inappropriate use of the forum. 

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Further elaboration on the same subject - 

In hyper religious communities, a certain trend is observed. And this trend is pedophilia. Sexual attraction to children. Could a dismissive/negative attitude towards masturbation have links to this deviant sexual tendency. 

I remember Leo saying in the "burning through your karma" video, about monks who would be celibate for years and then in their older years they would have all these sex scandals and deviant sexual behaviors because of years of sexual repression and how repression contributes to that. 

I think masturbating is something like burning through your sexual karma.. 

Edited by Tyler Robinson


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 minute ago, Hero in progress said:

@Tyler Robinson @John Paul

John paul mate whats your problem?

Tyler this is the last time I iKnowledge you on this forum, bringing paedophilia into this crosses the fucking the line

You’re coming off as almost troll-y it’s hard to tell. It’s not respectable to communicate arrogantly. You reap what you sow. Im coming from a place of care just like you are but it doesn’t feel good does it? Doesn’t feel good for me either I wish we could create or more peaceful, less accusatory and judgmental conversation. Take it easy man.

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12 minutes ago, Tyler Robinson said:

Further elaboration on the same subject - 

In hyper religious communities, a certain trend is observed. And this trend is pedophilia. Sexual attraction to children. Could a dismissive/negative attitude towards masturbation have links to this deviant sexual tendency. 

I remember Leo saying in the "burning through your karma" video, about monks who would be celibate for years and then in their older years they would have all these sex scandals and deviant sexual behaviors because of years of sexual repression and how repression contributes to that. 

I think masturbating is something like burning through your sexual karma.. 

Could it be possible that masturbating less than normal is causing these religious clergy men to not be attracted to women anymore. 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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1 minute ago, Tyler Robinson said:


Could it be possible that masturbating less than normal is causing these religious clergy men to not be attracted to women anymore. 

I doubt it. Im pretty sure it’s really hard for someone attracted to women to stop being attracted to women.

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Just now, Tyler Robinson said:

Catholic priests and all the other forcefully celibate religious dudes develop pedophilic tendencies cause they aint got no pussy. That's the actual problem.

But there's a problem. They don't seem to be attracted to women. If they had secret affairs with women, it would have been a different situation. 

I think this is somehow linked to shaming masturbation in religious communities 

Since they are less likely to do it out of shame, they probably lose attraction to women over time. Maybe they then replace this attraction to women with children. 

They simply aren't interested in women at all. This seems to me like a brain chemistry problem that could be resulting from shaming masturbation 

Of course masturbation is a cope. But it's a healthy cope than indulging in deviant tendencies. 

Also a lot of people just don't have access to sex for whatever reasons, religious or otherwise, so here we are, masturbating is the only viable option in the absence of sex. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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On 28/11/2022 at 5:40 AM, Lizard Man said:

Your a girl! you get turned on by single men with big dicks w@@king off in the same respect that I get turned on by little virgin girls with little vaginas masturbating in there bedrooms 

You should type with both hands instead of one hand on keyboard and one hand on dick my friend.

On 27/11/2022 at 10:06 AM, Tyler Robinson said:

Just my 2 cents from my recent observations on male sexuality. 

I've observed some men and come to this conclusion that — the more a man masturbates the sweeter he is towards women in general, he is also more desirable and less misogynistic. 

I have found that men who masturbate less or have a negative attitude to masturbating tend to be more misogynistic and bitter and aggressive in general. 

Such men generally perceive masturbation as being against male pride/ego kind of a thing. They also view masturbation and sex as a dirty disgusting low value thing too. 

Men who are kinder to women see masturbation as a good thing and don't feel ashamed of it. 

This is just my observation from my interactions with men. 



Nofap tends to attract toxic guys who aren't as successful with girls as they'd like. I don't know if the connection is necessarily masturbation so much as what kind of guys tend to end up doing nofap in the first place.

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