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Videogame addiction and a host of other problems

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I feel as though I am a deeply negative and cynical and pessimistic person. I’ve tried psychedelics and have had beautiful experiences where I felt free of time for the first time in my life. Where I was in the present moment. But returning to normal life seems to suck so much. I have no willpower or discipline over myself and I have bipolar and probably some schizoaffwctive stuff too(i would think people are planting thoughts in my head, stuff like that.) i suck at socializing and think I’m gonna lay off the psychedelics for a while and get therapy. Currently I’m playing a lot of World of Warcraft as a crutch. I still work and stuff, but it’s as though I’m not really living for anything. My life just feels hollow and empty and dead. I tried meditation and I’ve even tried Transcendental Meditation and I can’t even do that right. Am I fucked? I have a chronic condition that causes my body a high level of pain + some sort of disfigurement that I went to physical therapy for. They gave me stretches but i still feel like the condition is getting worse. Obviously I’m not fucked - we’re all gonna die anyways which is kinda funny. But I’m pretty miserable and feel disconnected from everyone and everything. I’m very socially awkward which I guess is a skill I can work on. I just feel very half baked and underdeveloped and feel like there’s no point in even trying to remedy my mistakes when I can just play WoW. Maybe i should quit but then I don’t have the willpower or grit to muscle myself through learning new skills like playing the guitar. I had episodes in the past where i went insane and was diagnosed with autism so i guess it makes sense. Im currently taking meds for bipolar but it feels like now im just a cog in the wheel of the society we live in. And it sickens me. I hate myself and this world sometimes as well. Also i have a LOT of anxiety. And im just overall miserable. I don’t know how to feel my emotions or what that even means. I overanalyze and judge and even have thoughts when other people are speaking to me that say “nobody cares,” which i feel like i dont actually care about others. I dont want to commit suicide but i have suicidal urges. Also this condition that i have causes me extreme distress and misery. Its like im in pain and discomfort all the time and nobody can see it. Makes me want to “shtomp on their testhicles” like mike tyson haha. So im in this state of complacency with my life where im just sort of on this societal conveyor belt- going to work, playing WoW, eating, sleeping. Or maybe im blaming society too much. Idk man


what should I do??

How can i live a good life?

Edited by JoshuaBell

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Note ive tried quitting cold turkey before and last about 3-4 days before i cave

Edited by JoshuaBell

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You need a long-term vision/plan and then break it up into baby steps and take some steps every day. Gradually things will improve if you do that.

Be careful pissing your life away on WoW. You need to start doing some emotional labor and genuine work to build a good life. Wow is toxic garbage that you must ween yourself off of.

You don't have to quit cold turkey but start taking small steps to scale it back. Find healthier alternatives. So out and socialize with people.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It's not about quitting WoW.

It's about finding a higher purpose so great, WoW becomes insignificant to you.

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15 hours ago, JoshuaBell said:

bipolar and probably some schizoaffwctive stuff

15 hours ago, JoshuaBell said:


Two things that obviously don't mix well 

Uninstall WoW and delete your account, Since I last played it you had to buy the game after you did a test run or something. Delete it immediately, this is how I quit gaming years ago and it worked flawlessly. also make sure to leave all your discord servers associated with WoW or gaming in general, block all youtubers that upload wow content. try that, and if that doesn't work there's a even simpler solution: throw your graphics card in the garbage, most dumb ass parents would be sending their kids to camps by this point, when the solution is actually fairly simple


Try playing games without a GPU, You can't... not even WoW with it's potato graphics (Word of caution: you need to have an APU / CPU with integrated graphics for your computer to still work after you take out the dedicated graphics card) Or maybe you can just try playing the game without one, If It annoys you then good. throw it away if you hate playing without it. good APU recommendation: Ryzen 5 5600g, this can only run WoW in the fields, as soon as you enter a concentrated area it will be unplayable.

I can fall asleep playing wow, its so god damn boring

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I remember a day some 15 years ago when I was playing WoW and dreading getting started on building my business, longing to play a little bit more. Despite the fact that even back then I knew that WoW is truly a stupid game.

Sometimes you gotta be patient with yourself and just burn through some of that karma.

Yes, of course you need a much higher vision for yourself that will ultimately simply eclipse WoW from your mind. That's exactly what happened with me. I haven't even thought about WoW for some 15 years. For me that would be like dreaming of eating shit off the sidewalk. But the point is, I had to work my ass off to grow to such a point. So don't feel bad if you're there now. Don't underestimate the power of baby steps done every day.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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   Basically, Twitch and almost all of streaming, in a nutshell, is designed to start and maintain social media and gaming addiction. It's a hellish system. Screw the streamers that perpetuate this cycle of abuse and drama chasing and drama creating, and feasting on video gamer's addictions.

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