spiritual memes

Is materialism on the decline and spirituality on the rise?

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I saw a survey on philosophical positions of academic philosophers and there was a slight percentage decrease in materialism and a slight increase in idealism.

Are people becoming less materialistic and more spiritual? Is this part of a larger trend or just a random bump?

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@spiritual memes I like the topic dude! And I always laugh at your profile picture ?.

I think the answer would differ according to context. Speaking on the academic context, overall I think folks are likely becoming more spiritual, or perhaps closer to being spiritual. I think relativism lends itself to that, and my understanding is that relativism is popular and growing in academia. Though perhaps in some disciplines, such as Law, I don't think its as prevalent as before. Though, I think that could be to do with an expected backlash against the relativism of the 20th century and so relativism could still be on the rise in these subjects, in a big picture sense.

Relativism is something that lends itself to spiritualism, and coming closer to spiritual views, imo. But is not spiritual in of itself.

That said, what the fuck spiritual actually means is, imo, going to just be, from a logical standpoint, arbitrarily decided.

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27 minutes ago, Ulax said:

@spiritual memes I like the topic dude! And I always laugh at your profile picture ?.

Thanks! It's a funny meme that accurately describes by spiritual journey xD

@Ulax I agree with you on the relativism part but I also think the relativism only makes you more open to spirituality but won't make you spiritual by itself.

I also think online teachers like Leo and others have really made spirituality more popular on the internet allowing for spiritual ideas to be shared with more people.

Edited by spiritual memes

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Ha ha what a question 

All that really matters is what you awaken to

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art

The question basically was that do we have increasing trend in spiritual maturity among universtity or society overall and the answer is complicated. I'd say that we have more people interested in very high spiritual ideas thanks to internet and movement to more greenish society, but overall due to increased tehc-development we go more into unconsciousness. I think it's fascinating to contemplate the development of "society's ego" and think the possibilities to boost it even more.

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@Kksd74628 I like that, what do you find fascinating about it?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@Thought Art

First of all thinking about political, sociological or ethical questions helps with your fluid intelligence and creativity and the level in those correlate very well to your own life aswell. You can't integrate things to your own personal life which you don't understand on the intellectual level and vice versa. Second point is that if your personal journey as a human being is at certain level you'll find it very hard to make progress on your own life so thinking about problems of others or problems of society gives some "puzzles" for you to the meantime. Third point is maybe just that I'm really waiting to see stage yellow thinkers in politics soon.


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There's a French expression:

Reculer pour mieux sauter.

It means taking a step backward in order to brace yourself, and jump farther forward. Overall, the progress is positive but it is punctuated by periods of apparent regression.

The last few years have felt like a step backward, but inevitably we jump forward to a point that wouldn't have been possible without the regress.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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That's really important insight to the nature of making progress of any kind. Better meter to the progress than results are your skills to work. For example if you want to make real progress in gym then instead of staring your set weights and reps you should just focus to maximizing your training, sleeping, relaxation, eating, mental state and mood state. Usually the main problem people have with progress is that they are just too impatient with their life. Best cure to that is meditation and adopting the mindset of trusting the process and universe. The universe will show you what you want to see if you just let it guide you through it by its own beautiful way.

With peace and love -joNi-

Who told you that "others" are real?

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@Kksd74628 Well said. The conditioned mind claims to know all the answers, but I've learned not to trust my thoughts, especially when it comes to spiritual progress. I don't blame the mind. It is trying its best to keep you well, but is blinded by its conditioning. It is an elephant that needs to be tamed. That domestication, as you realize, is guided by Consciousness. Who could expect the elephant to tame itself? It is not an easy task, but what an ally when the elephant is finally tamed. Instead of sabotaging your progress, the unbound mind will carry you to creative heights that would never have been possible otherwise.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Hmm, trusting to your thoughts is another very deep topic. Basically you really should trust your deep wisdom aka intuition more and at the other hand listening your mind judging every day doesn't do good to your picture of yourself neither. I'd say that you should contemplate the reason your thoughts are against your progress. Why are you so skeptical about your skills and strenghts? How do you feel when you have those thoughts and what are the first memories you have about having those emotions in the past? When you really do the work and solve uncured traumas your mind will be with you and your intuition will sharpen and a lot. Hope that what I said made sense to you, my hero!

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@Kksd74628 I agree with you. As Consciousness, aware of itself rather than distracted by the delusions of the conditioned mind, we are presently creative and wise. Thoughts are necessary to navigate the practicalities of life, but there is no value in identifying with them, as if they had the capacity to understand our true nature. Consciousness is only directly realized, beyond the limitations of thought. The Self-realized are able to constructively think, rather than destructively be thought.

Hard it is to train the mind, which goes where it likes and does what it wants. But a trained mind brings health and happiness. The wise can direct their thoughts, subtle and elusive, wherever they choose: a trained mind brings health and happiness.

Those who can direct thoughts, which are unsubstantial and wander so aimlessly, are freed from the bonds of Mara.

- Buddha

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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This is fun! I'd throw my own perspective here as well. If you try to control the thoughts then you can only think whatever you know. but when you take thoughts as a sign from higher consciousness you could receive something hidden to the bare eyes. The less control you have of life the more mysterious it is. The biggest problem is that people are bad at seeing teachings around them and they'll never learn and they'll stay in the labyrinth forever. Basically the point is not to crack the game, but to realize your life is an one and after that you can begin having fun.


Who told you that "others" are real?

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26 minutes ago, Kksd74628 said:

The less control you have of life the more mysterious it is.

So true, and terrifying to the conditioned mind which desperately wants control. Embrace the mystery, and in the unknowing space realize the Self. Lucidly dream ?

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Exactly! We don't even know what happens couple back and forths in this dialogue even if we tried to guess our best. Don't let me hanging and come up with more content. I'm waiting you :).

Who told you that "others" are real?

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