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Transformation, Pd Growth Spurt: Preparation?

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What are some things that you Actualizerz feel are good "mental/ physical/spiritual" preparations for intensive PD workshops, etc?

I recently made a Mala for Meditation. One of the words I used in the mantra was *Transformation*. Within a week, there was a message in my inbox for a PD workshop with the same name! I ended up getting a bursary for the full $500 cost, and another bursary to cover my child care too!!! Incredible!!!

I haven't had to conform, be in one spot, pay attention, etc...*full-time* in at least a decade! This is only a week, but it's a full, deep, intensive week! I feel like I'm having a PD growth spurt (similar to when I first began this a year and a half ago). Some of my beliefs, etc... can change on the drop of a dime, and I'm fantastically open. That said, I have a tendency to go overboard (like blacking out from sleep dep doing homework, etc). How can I go into this deeply, with full awareness, while at the same time, having this be gentle enough for me that I don't get totally overwhelmed. My motives are pure and true, I am prepared to release, travel into my dark corners, etc...Still, I have been (at least subconsciously) often more resistant and judgemental. How can I dive into this fully, to allow the ultimate blossoming to occur?


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I don't need answers about preparation/ focus, etc. That said, I am still a bit concerned about my ability to *be present, this extensively* etc. I know many of you work 9-5 etc, I honestly* haven't in over a decade (even if I spend 8 hours a day on a painting, I can walk away at any time, I usually require that, headaches etc ).  So, I'm going to provide some more info about what I'll be doing (pretty standard PD stuff), and also attempt to answer my own questions in case this comes up for anyone else:

*Learning: communication, breathing techniques, trauma effects/ compassion for wounded self, boundaries, sensations & self awareness, express energy/ more aliveness, how our bodies inform, appreciation - ourselves and others, places we’re stuck, patterns that no longer serve, enriching relationships/ healthy, personal responsibility, future planning, etc...

*Answers attempt: use part of lunch break for private meditation, do only basic chores that week, ask for hand-outs/ less notes, avoid or limit homework until after workshop, etc, more ideas?



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