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The impossible is nothing?

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Prove me wrong. Is there a single thing in this uncertain world of ours that is by definition, “impossible?” I think  NO .

Of course, many people misinterpret the meaning of the word “impossible.” If something cannot be done now, does that mean that it will never be done? No, of course not. For example, we humans used to think that flying was impossible, that it was the stuff that only happened in fairytales. But look at our world now! Airplanes! People probably also thought, at a certain point in time, that seacraft made of metal was impossible. Well, look at our harbors now! Metal ships everywhere!

So what really is impossible? In my opinion, nothing is strictly impossible. If you can’t do it, that doesn’t mean that others won’t be able to. A fish would obviously think that climbing a tree was impossible, but little did the fish know that it was indeed possible. For the fish, it was impossible, but for a monkey, it was possible. In the same way, the monkey would think that it was impossible to live in water, but the fish demonstrated to him that it was indeed possible.

Now, there are some things that are possible but not plausible, as I like to say. Have you ever wondered why humans haven’t built any flying cities? Many people would say that such things are impossible. But are they really? No! Flying cities are possible, just not plausible. If you build a gigantic metal platform and attach millions upon billions of engines and propellers to it and build a city on the platform, you have a flying city! It is indeed possible, but the cost of building such a mammoth would be extremely high. That is why we are still stuck to the ground. But if something is deemed impossible now, that may change in the future. In some cases, particular things that were possible in the past are now impossible. A good example of this is Greek fire.

In conclusion, is anything truly impossible! No. The correct way to view this is, “With God, anything is possible

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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