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Strategist or construct aware

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was wondering if that was from the construct aware or the strategist stage 

 « If we think of a spider as a creature that spins webs, we can think of humans as creatures that spin narratives about reality. That’s why people have such radically different worldviews in a certain sense, it’s because every worldview is constructed by the ego mind. Hinduism, christianity, islam, judaism, atheism, relativism, feminism, postmodernism, veganism, buddhism, agnosticism, communism, capitalism...All of it is pure fantasy and constructions that help us survive.

It’s like constructing a car, it’s useful, but not real, i mean what is a car fundamentally, existentially, we don’t think of a car as what it actually is but of how it can help us survive, how it can serve us. 

That’s why ancient Egyptians could get away with believing in multiple gods and stuff. They were not crazy, they were just constructing something that helps them make sense of reality. And you’re doing the same thing with whatever ideology you’re subscribing to or whatever worldview you hold. »

tell me what you think 

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53 minutes ago, Majed said:

was wondering if that was from the construct aware or the strategist stage 

 « If we think of a spider as a creature that spins webs, we can think of humans as creatures that spin narratives about reality. That’s why people have such radically different worldviews in a certain sense, it’s because every worldview is constructed by the ego mind. Hinduism, christianity, islam, judaism, atheism, relativism, feminism, postmodernism, veganism, buddhism, agnosticism, communism, capitalism...All of it is pure fantasy and constructions that help us survive.

It’s like constructing a car, it’s useful, but not real, i mean what is a car fundamentally, existentially, we don’t think of a car as what it actually is but of how it can help us survive, how it can serve us. 

That’s why ancient Egyptians could get away with believing in multiple gods and stuff. They were not crazy, they were just constructing something that helps them make sense of reality. And you’re doing the same thing with whatever ideology you’re subscribing to or whatever worldview you hold. »

tell me what you think 

   It's likely a bit of both, maybe more construct aware than strategist. However, even though there are stages to ego development, doesn't mean you are clearly a construct aware and not a strategist, or a strategist and not co0nstruct aware. Or an impulsive and not opportunist, or opportunist and not impulsive, this is cognitively binary thinking. Certainly, there are small gaps in between each stage of development, that you can have a mix of the lower stages and the upper stages.

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@Danioover9000 but still there's a very big difference (relatively speaking) between the pluralist for example and the strategist, when i was a pluralist i used to think that everybody should be vegan and that meat eaters are selfish and i used to debate and argue about it not understanding the relativity of my position. whereas when i became a strategist, i started taking way more factors into account, and started being more understanding of meat eaters and became way less judgemental about the whole thing, partly is because i myself realized that it was more difficult than what i thought to stay healthy on a vegan diet, but also just because you start taking more factors into account when you  reach higher stages of development, you become more conscious, less ideological and dogmatic and more aware that the map is not the territory. 

the paragraph that i wrote in my previous comment, i wrote it yesterday and shared it today because i wasn't really sure if i was at the strategist or the construct aware stage. but yeah maybe i am somewhere in between the two 

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From my own experience I would say the difference between the strategy and construct stages is this:

At the Strategist stage you'll be likely to know in an abstract way that Constructs exist and may be able to list off some examples of social constructs (gender being an obvious one), but you probably won't be putting serious work into understanding the adaptive purpose of constructs, nor will you possess a high degree of self awareness about how your own experience of Reality is filtered through Constructs of various kinds.

Once you start to move in to the Construct aware stage, you'll begin to cultivate a background awareness of the ways that human beings carve up an undifferentiated Reality for the purposes of survival. Constructs will move beyond something that only exist in the social realm, and you'll start to get an initiative sense of how the basic ways that we perceive and interact the world is pre-structured in advance of experience. You'll be less likely to see bad behaviors in a purely pejorative sense, but will want to understand what adaptive purpose those behaviors fulfill.

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On 11/23/2022 at 8:47 AM, DocWatts said:

From my own experience I would say the difference between the strategy and construct stages is this:

At the Strategist stage you'll be likely to know in an abstract way that Constructs exist and may be able to list off some examples of social constructs (gender being an obvious one), but you probably won't be putting serious work into understanding the adaptive purpose of constructs, nor will you possess a high degree of self awareness about how your own experience of Reality is filtered through Constructs of various kinds.

Once you start to move in to the Construct aware stage, you'll begin to cultivate a background awareness of the ways that human beings carve up an undifferentiated Reality for the purposes of survival. Constructs will move beyond something that only exist in the social realm, and you'll start to get an initiative sense of how the basic ways that we perceive and interact the world is pre-structured in advance of experience. You'll be less likely to see bad behaviors in a purely pejorative sense, but will want to understand what adaptive purpose those behaviors fulfill.

Agree with this. Strategist can see the social construction of reality (like worldviews) while Construct Aware sees the construction of the individual ego, in addition to social constructions of reality. So I'd say your original quote is more Strategist with touches of Construct Awareness. 

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