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Minimalism-less is more

1 post in this topic

Why are we always constantly seeking more achievements ,which might take multiple forms ?  More money .more sex .more luxury items etc.  Why can't we be satisfied with having just about right what's nesscary for our survival and that's it? food and water and shelter and basics of life ?

Why do people go out of their way?

To me,minimalism seems to be more simplistic and easy to walk through in this life .

Minimalism is not about depriving yourself from basic comfort or putting yourself through hardships. It is about developing in yourself the mindset of a monk. We are on a journey on Earth. This journey shall last a few decades. In the grand scheme of cosmos, our lives do not last for more than a blink.

When we travel to some place , we try to pack only as much as is necessary. Anything more becomes a burden, an inconvenience. Same goes for life. Pack only that is necessary. Everything else is a burden.

I do not see any cons of minimalist lifestyle.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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