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What do you class as flirty eye contact?

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Just looking for other styles of how people engage in it, I know theres no ultimate right way, but like to compare. When I've been getting good signals and vibes from a girl and have been chatting, I will slightly cock my head to the side and give and look into her eyes and say something flirtatious, this will usually result in her blushing and looking down coyly. If we're across the room I smile and if she smiles back I increase my smile and we briefly mutually stare at each other.

"You have to allow yourself to not know"- Peter Ralston

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Eye contact is the one of the best ways to know if a girl will be receptive to your advances or not. It gives it all away. They aren't quite as visual as men but they do decide some level of attraction from looks. If you give her a short calm stare and she coyly looks away smiling or smirking like you said, she will be receptive to an approach. If she keeps staring and doesn't have a resting bitch face, then it's on...

My first lay in college was from this girl, we kept staring at each other from across the room at a party. I was standing beside my room and she walked by to use the washroom. When she came out she stood beside me so I gently grabbed her hand and asked her to come with me. Didn't even get each others name til the next day LOL.



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It's interesting. In a public setting a woman will check you out (if you're a man) when you first enter a place and there will be prolonged eye contact. Then nine times out of ten she won't look at you again. You can safely ignore that sort of eye contact, it means nothing.

Also there is the reciprocal eye contact. Women will sense when they're being checked out by a man, and some women will enjoy the attention and play up to that attention. Again this doesn't mean anything. Who doesn't like being flattered?

But there is what I call "the stare" or "the blink" where genuine interest is being shown. It's very difficult to describe, but there's kind of focused prolonged attention and undertone of excitement or tension in the woman's body. If you get that then you should immediately start talking.


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Exchanging of fuck faces is mostly done subconsciously. Try no fap and you will do it automatically when you see a girl you like. It is very subtle. I doubt that most girls are not even aware of it since it is their ID that is doing it. You really don’t have to think about eye contact game when you stop masturbating. Your body will make the right chemicals and make you act in ways that will get you laid. 

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