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Guest Edvardas

Thoughts about the void and deep sleep, Shiva & Shakti, and stages of enlightenment

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Thoughts about the void and deep sleep

The Primordial Being has the ability to experience non-existence. I hear people saying that there is no non-existence, which is true in the context they are communicating in, but the experience of non-existence is not only possible but happens every night, and it's also what going into the void during cessation is like.
Both an enlightenment experience and going to sleep replenish you because absolutely nothing is happening. The difference is that sleeping takes hours, while an enlightenment experience (cessation) refreshes your mind in a blink.

What happens, experimentally, in deep sleep? Nothing. Exactly the same happens when you are in the void. There is simply no self-awareness. Paradoxically, when you wake up from both, you can tell what it was - nothing. How can you know that that is what happened when you did not exist? Well, you existed on some level still, but at such a low level that it seemed as though you didn't. 

Why do you think enlightened people don't need to sleep anymore? They are so close to the center that they are always replenished by it. They are still conscious, so there are still waves of vibration, so it's not absolute rest, but it's close enough. 

Shakti - the feminine side of the Godhead

The Void is only one side of the Godhead, though. Traditions call it Shiva - the masculine side. It's immovable, eternal, infinite, and stationary, which is not the full expression of the One. The One also has a dynamic side, the feminine part of his core - the movement and the Divine Love.

However, you need to get to know Shiva first before you meet Shakti because you won't be able to handle her without first being a mature man. If you are immature, then Shakti will destroy your life. You couldn't handle a woman, and you can't handle Shakti because you need to grow a lot more as a man/woman.

Kundalini snake crawling inside you  

Also, here's a newsflash to most of you - when Kundalini really awakens, it feels like you are being penetrated by a male because a snake-like physical sensation is entering you at your perineum. So be prepared for that, folks. It's extremely ecstatic if you won't get scared by what is happening.  It's like having sex with a hundred Godesses at a time in the spirit world. It's not only a feeling, but for me personally, it was literally within a visual tunnel of walls made out of legs in stockings, the most perfect lips kissing me, and my whole being exploding in pure sexual energy.

Anyway, awakening your kundalini is the second step. The first one is getting to the void. The second is getting to the Love of the Divine. It's unconditional, so don't worry. If you were a bad boy, it doesn't matter.

Closing remarks

The Gates of Heaven are open to all sinners and saints because sin is impossible in the place of Oneness.

P.S. Consequences (karma) still exist to most of you to some extent. Only liberated beings go around without creating any karma since they are ahead of all laws.
P.S.S. I am talking about the energetic side of enlightenment, not the intellectual.

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I'll also add that maturing as a man is not that much about achieving more, being more disciplined, being more confident, or sleeping with lots of chicks. It's some of that, but a huge part is also learning how to be open and honest, learning the value of truth and integrity, and overall living by your principles.  

It's also learning to lean back from life instead of leaning into it. It's learning to flow and surrender instead of trying to control, change, and dominate, which are all very masculine, rigid, activities.

Basically, you need to learn that the Son of God is taken care of by his Father forever and unconditionally. Only then will you be able to fully surrender without fear. You can't believe that it is so, you have to see it, or else your Faith will falter.


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Great publication, interesting insights. 

This is very true and difficult to accept:  

7 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

It's also learning to lean back from life instead of leaning into it. It's learning to flow and surrender instead of trying to control, change, and dominate, which are all very masculine, rigid, activities.

Basically, you need to learn that the Son of God is taken care of by his Father forever and unconditionally. Only then will you be able to fully surrender without fear. You can't believe that it is so, you have to see it, or else your Faith will falter.


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@Edvardas Amazing post. Describes my journey and spiritual experiences perfectly both sober and due psychedelic/weed induced. Can't wait for the end of this journey. ❤?

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