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Biden has become the first sitting POTUS to reach 80 years old!

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Joe Biden just turned 80 years old today. Happy birthday to him. 

In one sense, it is amazing that America, which is the third most populous nation in the world, and is still undoubtedly the most powerful nation on the planet, is actually being lead by a President who is now that old. 

Yet, for many people, his age has become a worry not just in terms of his electability, but also with regard to running the country. My dad is actually the same age as him and he thinks that Biden has gotten too old to continue handling the extremely high demands and responsibilities of the job.

Then again, my parents and I think that he has done an absolutely fine job as President overall and was fortunately able to make a very significant amount of progress for America. Furthermore, practically every policy he implemented through executive order and practically every provision within each of the major pieces of legislation he passed with Congress have all been popular. Almost all of these policies, not only have been excellent and much needed for America, but they also became immediately popular as soon as they got either passed into law or done through executive order compared to the initial unpopularity of some of policies done during either the Clinton administration or the Obama administration. For example, although the ACA became one of the best laws ever passed in US history and in recent years finally became popular, it first started off as being relatively unpopular during the earlier years of the Obama's presidency because it was wrongly perceived by the majority of the people as a big government socialist policy in large part due to both the unfair negative attacks on it by the GOP and the failure of the Democratic party to frame it in a way that would appeal to the people's culture values of American tradition. That sadly became one of the big reasons the Dems got totally crushed in the first midterm election during Obama's presidency. Another example is the the major tax hike law that got passed during the Clinton administration in the early to mid 90s. While that tremendously helped to balanced the nation budget (to the point of creating a historic national surplus) and made corporations and rich people really pay their fair share of the wealth to the working and middle classes, it still started off as a very unpopular bill. That along with Clinton trying to pass his own version of a national healthcare law (which he unfortunately failed to achieved) became one of the main reasons why the Dems badly lost in the first midterm election during Clinton's presidency. On a sidenote, it also back then sadly became the first time the Dems lost the House after controlling it in Congress for over 50 years. This time however, Biden and the Dems seem to have successfully framed everything they have gotten done since beginning of Biden's presidency as being relatively, moderate, nonpartisan, non-socialistic, very pragmatic, quite popular, and traditionally American and forward-looking at the same time. 

Furthermore, Biden has presided over the best first midterm election ever compared to any Democratic president since JFK in the early 60s and one of the best 3 to 5 midterm elections for any party holding the white House within the entire history of the country. 

Additionally, presidential historian Allan Lichtman, who has accurately predicted every presidential election since 1984 (except for the Bush vs. Gore anomaly which was an extremely close race and sadly got unfairly rigged by both the conservative leaning SCOTUS and the outdated electoral college system), says that Biden absolutely needs to run again in 2024 despite his age because he is still the incumbent and he would prevent any unnecessary intra party conflict for the Democratic nomination from ever happening if he were to run again. 


What do you guys think?

Edited by Hardkill

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I don't know. Maybe I'm watching the wrong media, but the guy looks like he has dementia to me? 

Like mumbling all the time, forgetting how many people live in his country, shaking hands with air, falling asleep, falling on stairs/ from his bike, mumbling nonsense.

I don't think he's making any decision really, it looks like he is someone that is following orders and reading teleprompters. So I think Biden is a pure Joke, the ones who are making the decisions don't even care to hide it anymore. 


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   Congratulations, but really, it's time for another person to take over. At this point Biden is getting used by some other people, and at retirement age it's not really fair to force him to keep on running for president.

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