
This forum became better without Nahm

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@Leo Gura be honest ..why did you ban him?  It can't be his "Neo-Advaita " jargon..because he was like that for years on the forum and you could observe it . So what really happend in your last communication with him about there not being a" separate self " who can awaken? 

I agree that he was kinda annoying with his overly pedantic replies that he almost was spamming the forum with his neo advaita jargon...but you know very well that he has sound degree of awakening. 

This type of awakened person can give you the finest type of awakening without taking a dime or saying a word to you. Very rare indeed but still available. These are Masters.

I joined his forum and I  consider him   awakened. The problem is he has too much clarity and he is witty which is why he feel to you like ”alien” or ”wierdo” and don’t fit in well at all. The people who think ”outside the box..are usually misunderstand .

Growing up thinking that theres something wrong with their personality. These are the awakened, and when they find their spiritual path (which they eventually do), they become powerhouses of light to people around them.


my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here

I nudged him multiple times over the years to improve and clarify his style of communication, but he didn't really get the hints and in fact it got worse with time.

Finally he started denying the existence of God and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I can't just allow supposed spiritual teachers on here denying God. So in the end it turned into the same situation as with WinterKnight. I don't know what these people are awakening to, but it ain't God and I want nothing to do with it.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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22 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@Someone here

I nudged him multiple times over the years to improve and clarify his style of communication, but he didn't really get the hints and in fact it got worse with time.

Finally he started denying the existence of God and that was the straw that broke the camel's back. I can't just allow supposed spiritual teachers on here denying God. So in the end it turned into the same situation as with WinterKnight. I don't know what these people are awakening to, but it ain't God and I want nothing to do with it.

OK I see . But there are still users on the forum who deny God and preach an extreme version of neo advaita like VeganAwake..and you didn't ban him .

I don't think Nahm denied's just he Is trying to offer an alternative to "you are God " because people here are just parroting it without being directly conscious of it. So Nahm was calling people on their BS.

 I'm actually sad since he left the forum.  He teaches how to consciously create your best life possible and he helped a lot of people.  More than those who were misled by him.

takes courage to live fully concious life.

If you are not ready, enjoy your loose standards. but once you realize awareness, God won´t give you rest anyomore.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here I tried to communicate with him about it. Communication with him became impossible. It was like talking to a robot.

I have higher standards for Mods and spiritual teachers than I do for regular folk who just spout off about stuff. But even so, if I see consistent God-denial here, I will eventually kick those people out. I am ruthless about cutting through spiritual BS. That's part of what makes my work unique.

Edited by Leo Gura

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

I joined his forum and I  consider him   awakened. The problem is he has too much clarity and he is witty which is why he feel to you like ”alien” or ”wierdo” and don’t fit in well at all. The people who think ”outside the box..are usually misunderstand .

There's a difference between witty communication and cryptic communication. You can do one without the other. But unfortunately, that doesn't seem the case for some people. When more than a few people complain about not being able to understand what you're saying time and time again, the least you could do to clarify your good intentions is to try to "level down" your language to something that an ordinary person could understand, not to double down and get even more cryptic. That just shows inflated ego and/or lack of humility.

Edited by Gesundheit2

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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7 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

There's a difference between witty communication and cryptic communication. You can do one without the other. But unfortunately, that doesn't seem the case for some people. When more than a few people complain about not being able to understand what you're saying time and time again, the least you could do to clarify your good intentions is to try to "level down" your language to something that an ordinary person could understand, not to double down and get even more cryptic. That just shows inflated ego and/or lack of humility.

Spirituality, in a good sense, is a process of transcending everything that you ever believed to be true and discovering a new dimension of understanding reality. Or, rather, it is a process of obliterating illusory dimensions that we are imagining and pointing at the direct truth that is accessible when not obstructed by them.

Either way, spritual teachers(true ones ) speak from a dimension that you simply cannot comprehend, but they hope that their words will push you towards venturing in that dimension and seeing everything for yourself.

That’s why you cannot understand directly what they are saying, unless you already see what they see. (Again, it’s really the opposite. You see things that they don’t. Those are called illusions.)

Their explanations are not explanatory in nature. They are motivational. Those who already understand their words usually have no need to hear them. But others may feel intrigued and get on the hook to become transformed the way the teacher got transformed, in order to be able to give such explanation. They want to see with teacher’s eyes.

37 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Communication with him became impossible. It was like talking to a robot

Not sure if you mean Nahm or VeganAwake..but damn that's a description on the money ?

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Someone here What happened to Veganawake?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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1 hour ago, Someone here said:

Spirituality, in a good sense, is a process of transcending everything that you ever believed to be true and discovering a new dimension of understanding reality. Or, rather, it is a process of obliterating illusory dimensions that we are imagining and pointing at the direct truth that is accessible when not obstructed by them.

Either way, spritual teachers(true ones ) speak from a dimension that you simply cannot comprehend, but they hope that their words will push you towards venturing in that dimension and seeing everything for yourself.

That’s why you cannot understand directly what they are saying, unless you already see what they see. (Again, it’s really the opposite. You see things that they don’t. Those are called illusions.)

Their explanations are not explanatory in nature. They are motivational. Those who already understand their words usually have no need to hear them. But others may feel intrigued and get on the hook to become transformed the way the teacher got transformed, in order to be able to give such explanation. They want to see with teacher’s eyes.

Both spiritual teachers and their teachings are illusions. But they don't tell you this, even if they seemingly do. Nahm doesn't even call himself a teacher, which allows him to maintain a stronger teacher façade, at least with certain people. Don't look at what people communicate with their words, look at their actions and what those communicate. Hippies preach and talk about love and selflessness all the time, but most of them are of the most selfish and narcissistic people you could meet. They will only preach love and selflessness as long as it serves them first and puts them above of you. But once you try to level the playing field, they will increase and focus their usage of gaslighting techniques on you in order to triangulate you and paint you as a bad actor even if you're not. You're an enemy for questioning their authority.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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32 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Both spiritual teachers and their teachings are illusions. But they don't tell you this, even if they seemingly do. Nahm doesn't even call himself a teacher, which allows him to maintain a stronger teacher façade, at least with certain people. Don't look at what people communicate with their words, look at their actions and what those communicate. Hippies preach and talk about love and selflessness all the time, but most of them are of the most selfish and narcissistic people you could meet. They will only preach love and selflessness as long as it serves them first and puts them above of you. But once you try to level the playing field, they will increase and focus their usage of gaslighting techniques on you in order to triangulate you and paint you as a bad actor even if you're not. You're an enemy for questioning their authority.


Maybe it is not funny but it is the truth.

Why you hate hippies so much that's your next developmental stage according to SD.I think it's time for you to join the darkside.

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4 hours ago, How to be wise said:

She’s now a moderator in Nahm’s forum.

Yeah I know, but that forum is somehow more toxic than actualized. Most of the activity is just hating on Leo or spirituality with more culty undertones. The most popular thread is the one laughing about how Leo got molested which is kinda low.

I still visit there when I want to detox from Leo's teachings. Many of their critiques of Leo are legitimate but its clear he's living rent free in their heads.

The site has some really good spiritual advice and has much less of the toxic masculinity that actualized has. It just turn to shit whenever the topic is



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6 minutes ago, spiritual memes said:

Yeah I know, but that forum is somehow more toxic than actualized. Most of the activity is just hating on Leo or spirituality with more culty undertones. The most popular thread is the one laughing about how Leo got molested which is kinda low.

I still visit there when I want to detox from Leo's teachings. Many of their critiques of Leo are legitimate but its clear he's living rent free in their heads.

The site has some really good spiritual advice and has much less of the toxic masculinity that actualized has. It just turn to shit whenever the topic is

Like a broken record.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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1 hour ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Both spiritual teachers and their teachings are illusions. But they don't tell you this, even if they seemingly do. Nahm doesn't even call himself a teacher, which allows him to maintain a stronger teacher façade, at least with certain people. Don't look at what people communicate with their words, look at their actions and what those communicate. Hippies preach and talk about love and selflessness all the time, but most of them are of the most selfish and narcissistic people you could meet. They will only preach love and selflessness as long as it serves them first and puts them above of you. But once you try to level the playing field, they will increase and focus their usage of gaslighting techniques on you in order to triangulate you and paint you as a bad actor even if you're not. You're an enemy for questioning their authority.

No .spirituality is not an illusion. Spiritual Awakening is a real phenomenon. I think it's time for you to  transcend stage orange already and be more open minded about Hippies' BS .
But anyways..I'm not trying to make this about you (I know you love to play the role of the extreme skeptic ).

Genuine spiritual teachers will always give the most direct answers; it's usually that the inquirer who lacks the wisdom to understand how the answer is direct. If the answer you want is what you need, then you wouldn't need to ask. You might not get what you want, but you will get what you need.

If you observe how Nahm works notice When someone asks a question, Nahm  can sense some things. He might sense the relatively or vagueness of a question. He  might sense the underlying emotional impulses that drives the question. He might sense that the person is asking one question, but might be afraid to ask what they really want to ask. He might sense that the person is so fixated on a particular answer, when they ask a question, they are really trying to get something different from the teacher.

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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@Leo Gura

As if it's possible to communicate God/non-duality.

Intrinsic joy is revealed in the marriage of meaning and being.

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"He said, 'the human being is like a wise fisher who cast a net into the sea and drew it up from the sea full of little fish. among them he found a fine large fish and cast all the little fish back down into the sea, easily choosing the large fish. anyone who has ears to hear should hear!" 

Jesus, from the Gospel of Thomas 


Edited by Vibroverse

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5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

No .spirituality is not an illusion. Spiritual Awakening is a real phenomenon. I think it's time for you to  transcend stage orange already and be more open minded about Hippies' BS .

Lol. Okay.

5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

Genuine spiritual teachers will always give the most direct answers; it's usually that the inquirer who lacks the wisdom to understand how the answer is direct. If the answer you want is what you need, then you wouldn't need to ask. You might not get what you want, but you will get what you need.

Hell is paved with good intentions. Just because you're a surgeon with good intentions does not automatically make you a great surgeon.

5 minutes ago, Someone here said:

If you observe how Nahm works notice When someone asks a question, Nahm  can sense some things. He might sense the relatively or vagueness of a question. He  might sense the underlying emotional impulses that drives the question. He might sense that the person is asking one question, but might be afraid to ask what they really want to ask. He might sense that the person is so fixated on a particular answer, when they ask a question, they are really trying to get something different from the teacher.

Which can both great and dangerous at the same time, which is why they need to be kept in check more than normal people. Narcissists are also known for their ability to "sense" some things that you would not ordinarily be able to.

Foolish until proven other-wise ;)

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11 minutes ago, Gesundheit2 said:

Which can both great and dangerous at the same time, which is why they need to be kept in check more than normal people. Narcissists are also known for their ability to "sense" some things that you would not ordinarily be able to.

There are lots of other variations, but generally, a person who is more aware of themselves than someone else can see and sense a lot of things about a person that they don't know themselves.

Because someone has obscurations, it requires the teacher to select from a potential of answers that would be received by the student. If the student has a lot of obscurations, they have to shape the answer in a way that bypasses the obscuration so it is properly received. Sometimes, the teacher might directly cut through the obscuration. Sometimes they might answer with a less potent "seed" that is meant to unfold in practice later. I tell you, selecting and shaping an answer can be a pain in the butt; like the mothers of newborns somehow finding strength to get up in the middle of the night to change her child's diapers, genuine spiritual teachers will do this out of love. And Nahm is one of those. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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I personally feel like the quality of this forum has decreased in recent years. 

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3 hours ago, spiritual memes said:

Yeah I know, but that forum is somehow more toxic than actualized. Most of the activity is just hating on Leo or spirituality with more culty undertones. The most popular thread is the one laughing about how Leo got molested which is kinda low.

I still visit there when I want to detox from Leo's teachings. Many of their critiques of Leo are legitimate but its clear he's living rent free in their heads.

The site has some really good spiritual advice and has much less of the toxic masculinity that actualized has. It just turn to shit whenever the topic is



I didn’t see that. From what I see their subject matter is rather positive and benign. Not sure if I’m allows to talk about it. 

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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5 hours ago, Thought Art said:

@Someone here What happened to Veganawake?

Nothing .

He's just inactive recently. 

my mind is gone to a better place.  I'm elevated ..going out of space . And I'm gone .

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Let's not speak ill of people who aren't here. It's distasteful. 


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