
Body awareness is unconditional happiness

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During the last days I got little glimpses into ego deconstruction aka unconditional love and acceptance with the help of body awareness. Mostly during day to day activities.

I felt myself the most when I walked down the street or when I felt any kind of uneasiness, which suggested "feel into your body" rather than thinking more into the uneasiness. I trained to „be“ in my body, and to be as silent as possible, that I wouldn’t miss anything in my body.

My focus was mainly in my hands and feet, which can easily be felt in most situations. More nuanced sensations like feelings in my neck, legs or bottom could be felt when I sat down or laid in bed for example. This practice in combination with not thinking about it as practice really got me into peacefulness and satisfaction without an object, which has to satisfy me. I was just happy for no reason at all.

I want to point a little more awareness to the fact, that thinking about this as „practice“ hinders you from being peaceful and happy for its own sake. Because thinking about anything moves you away from your body and this present moment. Which is, regardless of the content of your thought, always a process of more uneasiness and feeling that this moment is somehow „not complete“ or „not enough“.

So forget about all the theory like speeches from Eckhart Tolle, books, this post and everything you might „know“ about unconditional happiness. All this is, as a thought form, which it always is, a 180 degree turn away from unconditional happiness.

Just let sensations be. As silent as possible. Not to miss anything in your body. Notice this. Whatever is.

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Thanks this is what i was missing.  Thinking about it as practice prevents intimacy. 

StopWork.ai - Voice Everything Browser Extension

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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