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Christoph Werner

Awakening in memory

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There are many people on this forum claiming "they are god" or "I became conscious of the truth" or "through direct experience I know"...

Isn't this ego? Why the need to claim awakening? Why claim you're god when you cannot even stop talking to yourself and just be quietly your Self? Maybe this is a way of the ego of postponing it's transcendance, because now it fooled you into believing you are awake? 

There are few things on this forum I don't understand, also why if someone who is god conscious would spend so much time on this forum doing a lot of nonsense debating with others. Don't you have better things to do?

I have few awakenings in my memory also, they are some of my most important, beautiful and life transforming experiences  Some time back I made a topic "5Meo Dmt and I don't know". Since then I had 2 breakthrough trips with 5MEO DMT and needless to say it's very powerful, I absolutely love it and I will continue working with it. It made all my practises more powerful. However it didn't help me with the constant talking to myself that I'm doing every day and intuitevly I don't think it will help me with that much in the future. Can anyone give me some advice how I can stop talking to myself?

Is there actually someone on this forum who can just sit for an hour without talking to yourself?

I can slow down the thoughts and become very blissfull. Silent nirvana mind I have only experienced once for like 30 minutes where I felt so complete that I didn't feel like thinking. That was after a meditation while I was on lsd combined with mdma. 

Maybe I shouldn't strive for a non-talking to itself mind? Right now my approach is just enjoying life, doing my practises, devoting myself as a meditation teacher and to my projects, travelling. When I am in devotion my mind is the more peaceful and silent but still not at all what I have experienced is possible.

I appreciate any advice and answers to my questions :)

Thank you❤️?

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Eckhart Tolle said that after his awakening, his thoughts reduced by 80%. As long as you are experiencing life through the lens of a human being, the mind will continue to think. The difference is that you no longer respond to your thoughts, as if they had any ability to save you from suffering. You realize that they are actually the source of suffering, and are sustained by it.

Like you, I have found refuge from my mind in meditation:

Meditation enables them to go
Deeper and deeper into consciousness,
From the world of words to the world of thoughts,
Then beyond thoughts to wisdom in the Self.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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Speaking from experience.

My thoughts have reduced, but they still continue to churn thoughts. This is what the mind does - it is a thought generating machine. What’s different now is that the center of identification is no longer on the ego-mind.

The sense of “I” has dissipated. But the “I” is still there so that the body can continue to take care of itself in creation. The body still needs to eat and sleep. 

As an analogy, my right foot is there to serve its function in walking, but I am not my right foot.


Edited by YogiCosmos

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2 hours ago, Moksha said:

Eckhart Tolle said that after his awakening, his thoughts reduced by 80%. As long as you are experiencing life through the lens of a human being, the mind will continue to think. The difference is that you no longer respond to your thoughts, as if they had any ability to save you from suffering. You realize that they are actually the source of suffering, and are sustained by it.

Like you, I have found refuge from my mind in meditation:

Meditation enables them to go
Deeper and deeper into consciousness,
From the world of words to the world of thoughts,
Then beyond thoughts to wisdom in the Self.

Isn't it an assumption that we're experiencing life through "the lense of a human being"? Just because you feel and see a body doesn't necesarrily mean you see life through the lense of a human being, right?

There are many Yogis who claim they can be without thoughts. Sadhguru says sometimes he is not thinking a single thought for few days in a row. And even I experienced it before. 

2 hours ago, YogiCosmos said:

Speaking from experience.

My thoughts have reduced, but they still continue to churn thoughts. This is what the mind does - it is a thought generating machine. What’s different now is that the center of identification is no longer on the ego-mind.

The sense of “I” has dissipated. But the “I” is still there so that the body can continue to take care of itself in creation. The body still needs to eat and sleep. 

As an analogy, my right foot is there to serve its function in walking, but I am not my right foot.


I'm aware I am not the thought, especially sitting in Meditation and it does not happen often anymore that I get identiefied with thoughts that lead to suffering. 

Yet, If i were to analyze, at least over 60-80% percent of my thoughts are nonsensical self talk. They are simply unnecessary. 

Maybe the mind is more than a "thought generating machine" and we just haven't figured out to use it at its highest potential?


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I think it would be possible not to think, but very difficult. Thought is the programming we are equipped with from birth through verbal communication. almost everything that is in your mind is given by verbal communication. there are tons of files, and they run automatically all the time. All that we have accumulated over so many years exists and we cannot eliminate it, unless we have a lobotomy. It is also necessary to function in society. and without society you are dead in two days. So, do we have to stop thinking? It would be nice to experience the clean mind of a bird, but I would say not in this life. what we can do is completely detach ourselves from thoughts, then they lower their frequency. They are there, but they don't mean much, they are background noise and you can experience the silence that is behind them.


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2 minutes ago, Christoph Werner said:

Isn't it an assumption that we're experiencing life through "the lense of a human being"? Just because you feel and see a body doesn't necesarrily mean you see life through the lense of a human being, right?

There are many Yogis who claim they can be without thoughts. Sadhguru says sometimes he is not thinking a single thought for few days in a row. And even I experienced it before. 

Yes, it is an assumption until your identity is directly realized. If you are not your thoughts, who are you?

I like Sadhguru, but trust Tolle and my own experience more. I haven't had a single meditation session where there wasn't at least some brain activity, but I don't consider myself an advanced meditator. I feel the purpose of meditation is not to suppress thoughts, but to allow them to come and go without being distracted by them. It is the stillness of pure awareness.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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and the other part of the post: why do we talk so much about god, about non-duality... for what? I would say that we are reconfiguring our mental structure in order to make it more flexible, to allow easier opening and dissolution. You are not going to live in a state of permanent dissolution of the structures that make up reality, but you can make them much softer. dilute the border between you and not you to have a freer daily experience, and make moments of total liberation easier and less traumatic

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31 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

and the other part of the post: why do we talk so much about god, about non-duality... for what? I would say that we are reconfiguring our mental structure in order to make it more flexible, to allow easier opening and dissolution. You are not going to live in a state of permanent dissolution of the structures that make up reality, but you can make them much softer. dilute the border between you and not you to have a freer daily experience, and make moments of total liberation easier and less traumatic

I agree. I used to wonder why gurus offer spiritual teachings, or why practices like meditation and contemplation are of any value if people have no free will. We at the relative level can't choose to awaken. Then I realized that these are in the toolbox of Consciousness, allowing it to mold the human mind until Consciousness sees itself within the dream.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

I think it would be possible not to think, but very difficult

I think it's possible also. Would be a very valueable skill to have. 

2 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

and the other part of the post: why do we talk so much about god, about non-duality... for what? I would say that we are reconfiguring our mental structure in order to make it more flexible, to allow easier opening and dissolution. You are not going to live in a state of permanent dissolution of the structures that make up reality, but you can make them much softer. dilute the border between you and not you to have a freer daily experience, and make moments of total liberation easier and less traumatic

Well explained! I totally understand and agree, there is a lot of value in doing that. 

However I also feel some are taking it really overboard, I also feel it getting toxic at times and for some users always this need to be right or one up the other. 

For me also, even at my stage, there is this urge to share the insights, beauty, freedom, lightness and love that I get from my spiritual way of life with other people. I just started spirituality 5 years ago. Already I found a way to share my Insights with people and even at my stage of still talking to myself a lot, sometimes getting a bit into drama or victim mind. Even so the effect I can have on people Just offering an atmosphere suitable for meditation and openness. Sharing insights from me or from teachers I listen to and guiding the group into a deep meditative state. Basically  I do some practices with them and at the end through improvising a guided meditation, that is reminding me of a lot of insights I had, I go into a deep meditative psychedelic like state, offering this vibration all the people connect in whatever way is possible for them at the time. After the session people are floored like after a trip, they share their visions they had and they mostly just feel amazing and inspired.... Litterally works every time.

The point is the way people are talking on this forum I feel they are much more advanced than me, yet still have somehow hours of time every day to spend on this forum. Or is it just me that feels the urge to share this? 

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