
Am I Enlightened?

34 posts in this topic

I don't want to seem narcisistic to you good people, but I have nowhere where I can share my experience and ask this question.

A few weeks ago after doing Kriya I started to look at my hands and noticed that they look sort of alien. Really foreign and strange, as I was looking at them for the first time. And one day I just observed them and understood that these hands cannot be "Me". Yes the hand is Mine, I can control it, but what I'am cannot be the hand.  And then I looked more into it and observed that if "I" am not my hand, "I" also am not the body. And my mind freaked out so much that I had to stay in place and observe what is going on. And I realized that the ego was never even there. I have grew so much consciousness that it broke through the illusion which the mind had created. The thing that shocked me the most was that I was not on any substance, I was sober. It was a super scary experience.

So a couple of weeks have passed and I still cannot say that I'am the body. I'am way more! And in those couple of weeks my life changed. I'am so happy now with what I have and do not need anything to make me happier. The way I live my life is no longer around my body (ego). Priorities have changed, thinking has changed, purpose has changed, the way I talk with people has changed, I no longer want to speak about my life with them because I have no need to tell them what am I up to and it's way more interesting to hear about what they are up to, how was their weekend etc. I feel that I'am in such peace with reality, being in the moment for what it is just noticing other people which are still stuck in the ego minds trap. I no longer care about my body appearance, but I still manage my body well. I'am no longer attached to what other people think of me because I know what I'am. Living has become a blessing. Every day is just so interesting and I'm always waiting what reality will bring me, be it a hard challenge or a lovely surprise I'll take everything GOD can throw at me. And I often just cry in joy, even this morning when I had my breakfast I took my tea it was warm in my hand and that made me cry because of how lucky I'am to even get the opportunity to have a warm cup of tea.

So do I fit the Enlightenment description?

And please can someone articulate to me what actually is the Spiritual Enlightenment ?

And whats next? What do I "do" now?


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I would say that you have a high level of consciousness in which the separation you/other begins to dissolve, and with it the concern about you, the neurotic need for control, leaving space to begin to enjoy life in a real way, as when you were a kid. and I suppose you will continue to deepen and elevate your consciousness. but I think that enlightenment is more than that, although it is a supposition based on my own momentary perceptions, I am not saying that I am there, nor close (although maybe you are): you have to open a door to infinity,  to understand in real time that you are , the total reality, absolutely disinterested, alive. to be completely indifferent to life and death as you perceive them to be the same. not need anything since one thing is equal to another thing, since there are no barriers within you, love and glory flow free, eternal in the present moment, out of the time. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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Enlightenment doesn't have a single meaning, different gurus use it differently and so does every seeker's version of what it means to be enlightened is different in a really broad way. Meaning you should not worry about whether you fit the label Enlightened or not as in someone's definition you definitely do. Some believe it has some sort of objective meaning but you quickly learn that it's just a relative word as it stands now. And as you realize more and more how much you have yet to awaken, you keep pushing what it means to be Enlightened further up the conscious scale. In my definition of Enlightened 2 years ago, yes you are Enlightened. Now? I don't even know what that word means anymore tbh. For most people the definition goes like this: As long as I see you on par with the most conscious person I have heard about, I'll call you Enlightened.

Some go to say that Enlightened is a specific awakening or realization after which there is still a long way to go. But one needs to keep in mind that's also just a definition. I still think it's important though to see in which definitions you are considered as Enlightened if you seek to interact spiritually with others for eg, Teaching. 

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4 hours ago, inFlow said:

And whats next? What do I "do" now?

Seems like you've embodied something pretty significant. Do your best to maintain it. I've had certain experiences which made me much more conscious and grateful for a period of time but it didn't last.

Other than that, just do what you've always been doing and see where it takes you. Learn. Create. Love. etc.

Describe a thought.

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@Osaid thank you.

@thisintegrated yeah that's what I thought. Reading about what is Enlightenment on google made me confused, there is no one description. And going to sleep thinking about what's next I realized that this state that I am in right now is not significant, there's way more and consciousness expanded, it's like a new level of depth opened up.

I think I'm more of "Awake" than actually Enlightened.


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1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

This sounds beautiful.

Yes it is. As tangible as the ego might have seemed it was a total mind construct. It felt so real but once you see that you no longer identify with the body it immediately breaks down, POOF just like that. Totally imaginary separate ego self. I even get shivers right now thinking what kind of other illusions my mind is in right now.

And thank you for your words! ❤️


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1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

is it more about the thoughts identifying with the body, or the "ego" identifying with thoughts (thought attachment)?

Probably the second one. (Im not a native english speaker and I cant understand 100% what are you asking, I must understand it clearly to answer this, I don't want to deceive you)

1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

cause i assume your thoughts are gonna keep referring to the body, as in, they are a reflection of and on the body's state (emotions, pain, feeling too warm or cold, being hungry, thirsty or tired, etc.)

The body has it's own inertia , old habits, thoughts, emotions towards some experiences. So yes I have this body, it has it's own things that it needs (food, warmth, survival things) but I'am still no longer attached to it. When talking with other people nothing has changed, my manors and sentences that I use are the same, and I notice that oh that's like the old "me" the ego, but I notice that these things no longer are attaching to the limited me. Yes people see me as the same old ego, that's normal, but in my experience everything is different inside my consciousness.


1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

It's easy to perceive the body as an object "in your awareness", but for thoughts and emotions it's a lot trickier.

Of course, that's what I'm working on, but I'm reacting way different to the same situations that I'm going through vs when I was identified with the body.


1 hour ago, Judy2 said:

i'm asking as someone who hasn't got much of a clue herself. it sounds like you may have some valuable insights on this.

I hope I can communicate it clearly.


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53 minutes ago, Judy2 said:

So your body and mind still form a unity that is in congruence with itself (e.g. the body is tired and the thoughts go "i wanna go to bed", so they match) without the energetic "stuckness" of the ego?

Something like that, you feel that the body is tired and needs it's rest. It's no longer that I'am tired, but My body (that I'am living through) is tired.


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I would say this is the first stage of enlightenment, it's called stream entry in Buddhism.

So keep it up it keeps getting better. And congratulations for the good work so far :)


Edited by acidgoofy

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21 hours ago, inFlow said:

And whats next? What do I "do" now?

Co-creation ! Look into lucid dreaming / astral projection / shifting 

No space, no time, nothing but you/this/here/now

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Crying over a cup of tea? ? Careful not to freak out the barista at your nearest Starbucks. Maybe best ask for coffee instead.

Joking aside, no you’re not enlightened, but it doesn’t matter either way. 

Enlightenment is the end of living a life. It is final. 


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The irony of enlightenment is that you realize there is no absolute you to be enlightened. It is the self dissolving into the Self, like a grain of salt in the infinite ocean. It was the Self all along, appearing to be separate from what it actually is.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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@Moksha so beautiful.

These days I wonder if I ever could go back to the old way of operating, like could the ego take back "control" and it's such a paradox, thoughts making meaning that doesn't exist, imagining that there is an ego and that it "could" go back. Haha.


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@inFlow So true xD It's only when I'm awake that I realize I never truly fell asleep, and only pretended to be an individual I. We are the same Consciousness, talking to itself in a forum of dreams.

Just because God loves you doesn't mean it is going to shape the cosmos to suit you. God loves you so much that it will shape you to suit the cosmos.

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8 minutes ago, Moksha said:

We are the same Consciousness, talking to itself in a forum of dreams.

Omg THIS ♥♥♥ THANK YOU ! ! !


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1 hour ago, inFlow said:

Omg THIS ♥♥♥ THANK YOU ! ! !

It’s not true though ;-)

There is no consciousness. There is no we. There is no you. 


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On 11/17/2022 at 2:15 PM, inFlow said:

I don't want to seem narcisistic to you good people, but I have nowhere where I can share my experience and ask this question.

A few weeks ago after doing Kriya I started to look at my hands and noticed that they look sort of alien. Really foreign and strange, as I was looking at them for the first time. And one day I just observed them and understood that these hands cannot be "Me". Yes the hand is Mine, I can control it, but what I'am cannot be the hand.  And then I looked more into it and observed that if "I" am not my hand, "I" also am not the body. And my mind freaked out so much that I had to stay in place and observe what is going on. And I realized that the ego was never even there. I have grew so much consciousness that it broke through the illusion which the mind had created. The thing that shocked me the most was that I was not on any substance, I was sober. It was a super scary experience.

So a couple of weeks have passed and I still cannot say that I'am the body. I'am way more! And in those couple of weeks my life changed. I'am so happy now with what I have and do not need anything to make me happier. The way I live my life is no longer around my body (ego). Priorities have changed, thinking has changed, purpose has changed, the way I talk with people has changed, I no longer want to speak about my life with them because I have no need to tell them what am I up to and it's way more interesting to hear about what they are up to, how was their weekend etc. I feel that I'am in such peace with reality, being in the moment for what it is just noticing other people which are still stuck in the ego minds trap. I no longer care about my body appearance, but I still manage my body well. I'am no longer attached to what other people think of me because I know what I'am. Living has become a blessing. Every day is just so interesting and I'm always waiting what reality will bring me, be it a hard challenge or a lovely surprise I'll take everything GOD can throw at me. And I often just cry in joy, even this morning when I had my breakfast I took my tea it was warm in my hand and that made me cry because of how lucky I'am to even get the opportunity to have a warm cup of tea.

So do I fit the Enlightenment description?

And please can someone articulate to me what actually is the Spiritual Enlightenment ?

And whats next? What do I "do" now?

It is awakening but not Enlightenment.

Important thing to remember if any teacher/guru/master tries to explain this phenomenon using language, they are not even near! 

It is an experience. I have been dealing with masters these past ten years, and finally I found one who told me just do the practice and the Truth will expose itself to you. 

I am doing concentration right now, 2h total per day.

People in my group who truly got it, said there is no way to relay it. Also, they said that as me, they did masturbate their minds for years, but nobody got there intellectually. Only practice will get you there, not a contemplation. What we have achieved is some level of awareness so far....but it is a great thing.

I do experience the same thing as you do, however it is not Enlightenment. 

But congratulations, a lot of people won't even get where you are. 


"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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