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Out of the past.

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I have awaken to the realization that I have never been my true self with anyone . I would always be the person  someone wanted or needed me to be . Always. I meet someone by chance and would enjoy all that they were but I never allowed me to be seen. When did I decide to be other than myself? When did I first believe in everyone but me? How am I ever going to be more than my upbringing? The last question is the only one I need to answer . The others are for the girl who hides away from herself  and I want to tell her, come out of the shadows and believe you are and know it beyond every belief you now have and stand in the light of love and understand you are more than your thoughts and I know that because I am you there and I am me here and I will never go back so live as you want there is nothing holding you to your past  love is here not there .love is what you seek how can you obtain it if you always stay hidden? 

Edited by GalSource
Wasn't finished. My screen froze .

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@GalSource coming out of hiding and showing your true colours to others is always a process of self discovery and takes courage. By not hiding you give the world the light of your love, that's the most important bit. 

57% paranoid

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