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Pursuing life purpose and escaping wage slavery

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Hello everyone, 

The intention for this journey is to document my journey in pursing my life's purpose and escaping wage slavery whilst staying true to my values and staying in integrity. I have been luckily enough to figure out exactly what my life's purpose during a very long meditation treat. Around one month in I went for a short walk in a forrest and I suddenly got downloaded everything I needed to know about what my mission is here on Earth. Of course I am aware and open this can evolve and change to but for now I have a clear vision. The next step is actualizing it and this is where the challenge has really begun. 

For now my life's purpose is to create films based on spirituality and to convey wisdom through film and video. I went to film school ten years ago but got sidelined through heavily uprising enlistment and other interests. I developed a blog in my life's purpose due to fear of not being any good or failure. around three months ago I finally went full-time on filming and editing freelance however a lot of the work I have been doing for now dose not align with my highest values but I am trying to build a name for myself and then I can start to filter out what is important and what is not. Already my integrity has been tested on a few projects.

I have quite bad learning difficulties and suffer from low self esteem because of this as my ability to function in the world is not as good as others so want to hopefully motivate others to escape wage slavery and spread more love in the world. 

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Journal one

Expedition and meditation retreat to the swish alps

I recently visited Switzerland to help a friend film for one of his YouTube channel and while I was there we did a small meditation retreat and I documented some of it found here 



I found this fun to make as I had full creative control and was just having fun with it. I find I work best when I can connect with something higher then myself, with the video I didn't have an intention and just wanted for some signs from the universe on who to go about editing the project, such as taking inspiration from good moments when I was sat around a campfire listening to a song in a good mood I let that dictate how I would think about editing the video. 

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Journal two: First month of struggle 


After a successful two months of actually living the dream of having your passion your full time job I hit my first block/hard month. All the potential work I had built up for this month has been pushed back to January leaving me with only one job this month. Luckily the Government support local new businesses and I can always move out of the flat I am living in for a month or two but what I have noticed is a few things in terms of mindset. When things were going well and I was getting lots of work in I really had the belief that there is an abundance of opportunity and you can loose even if you loose everything you can just work and get it all again. However now I am faced with that actually a real possibility now and I realise more than ever how important it is to keep the abundance mindset and keep going. I picked up the book Extreme ownership by Joko Willink and rewatch some of Leo's old motivational videos on the importance of doubling down when in you go through struggle. Let's see if I can escape this hard patch without giving in and going back to full-time work as a cop out. 

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