
Sadhguru's point about sex does not make any sense to me, please help.

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This is what Sadhguru writes about sex in his book "Karma" (page 66)

  • 'Now, body memory works on all the levels we have discussed earlier in this chapter. But a very important and large aspect of this memory is physical (as distinct from psychological and energetic). In Sanskrit, this physical memory of the body is called runanubandha. Runanubandha is the physical memory you carry within you. It is a result of blood relationships, as we have seen earlier, but also, more important, a result of sexual relationships. Wherever there is physical intimacy—particularly of a sexual nature— the body registers the memory deeply. And so the arrangement of committed relationships in any society is based on a bedrock of profound intelligence. Logic is simple: since a significant exchange of memory occurs in any physical encounter, if you confuse the body’s memory with too many physical impressions, your system grows confused. Once your memory system becomes complicated, it could take a lot more work to settle your life. It is important to emphasize that there is nothing wrong with runanubandha. It is an essential part of life. Without runanubandha between a couple, for instance, a future generation could not be perpetuated. And without runanubandha between a mother and child, a child could not survive. Only question, however, is how to make it supportive rather than entangling; how to ensure, in short, that a bond does not turn into bondage. For anyone on a spiritual path, simplifying runanubandha becomes particularly important, because the ultimate aim for the seeker is to transcend physicality. If one nurses such an intention, it is wise to keep the body as a simple process, uncluttered by the encumbrance of too much'

    My question is:

  • Basically to get enlightened one should not have sex? 
  • What does it mean that after sexual experience, since body registers memory deeply, and if you got lot of body memory, you can't get enlightened, this means sex is against enlightenment?
  • What if you a man only had sex once but that one time he had sex with women who slept with 20 other men (i.e she has 20 units of stored memory within her body), that means this man who had sex once, now has that memory stored up of 21 other humans?
  • This whole memory shit does not make sense to me. 
  • This goes against Osho when he said it is cool to have sex and he actually advises to do it. 
  • This goes against Leo's viewpoint of sex.
  • What is runanubandha? 
  • All of this boil down to according to Sadhguru, if man has sex with lots of women, he can't get enlightened? WTF? vice versa for women...


If you want more, read Sadhguru's book Karma from page 66 to 69, just 3 pages about this sex memory stuff. 

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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IMO You should take most things he says with a grain of salt.

I respect the man, he's doing great things for the collective consciousness of humanity and nature with the Isha foundation.

But he says some seriously wacky stuff on a regular basis.

Don't put yourself into chastity for fear of not attaining Enlightenment because Indian Santa Claus said so. That's just silly.

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Didn't read , but the higher in base consciousness you get the more interest in sex you lose as it is animalistic and everything is working purely on base reproductive biology. Might explain why most enlightened avatars were virgins

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7 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

Didn't read , but the higher in base consciousness you get the more interest in sex you lose as it is animalistic and everything is working purely on base reproductive biology. Might explain why most enlightened avatars were virgins

Wrong. That's just the bias of these supposedly enlightened avatars. All of these supposed masters are full of all kinds of biases that are based on their own worldviews that have nothing to do with reality in actuality. In an actually high state of consciousness you realize what a miracle everything is and you realize that there is no biology going on at all. There's nothing animalistic about sex at all. It is just another form of expression of love, and one of the more direct ways at that.

Edited by amanen

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45 minutes ago, amanen said:

Wrong. That's just the bias of these supposedly enlightened avatars. All of these supposed masters are full of all kinds of biases that are based on their own worldviews that have nothing to do with reality in actuality. In an actually high state of consciousness you realize what a miracle everything is and you realize that there is no biology going on at all. There's nothing animalistic about sex at all. It is just another form of expression of love, and one of the more direct ways at that.

I'm not wrong, i have studied female/biology for many years and i have discovered things that none knows.  ( read my awakening story, my first post what i did to clinical psychologist).


The female sex biology is of a low quality consciousness, they're like animals just as man. You do certain things in your own behaviour and they will get attracted to you and want to have sex. The sex biology in this world is so basic that it feels wrong for me to do the things that i can do, because it feels manipulative as fuck. It feels to me like it's very wrong manipulating these low consciousness being. Yes it's an expression of love but an expression of low quality consciousness love. To me it feels animalistic because it's so basic and mechanical. I have a direct experience in this, so i talk from my direct experience. I was also a sperm donor because i manipulated clinicals psychologists low consciousness biology that she didnt even know i was doing.

It is the same for great avatars, they view it as animalistic just like all animals are doing it cats/dogs/humans and so on. It's a mechanical expression of love


And not to sound narcisstic but i'm the only one on this forum that knows all about this subject, i did thousands of experiments/tests in this regard and discovored things that arent written anywhere


And when i say it's so basic, i mean consciousness wise. Most man have problem getting laid is because they don't understand, but at my level of understanding i get 1 night stands easily without even knowing the person. And i'm not bragging just telling you from my direct experience, i'm not even interested in sex anymore.

Edited by Jowblob

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38 minutes ago, Jowblob said:

I'm not wrong, i have studied female/biology for many years and i have discovered things that none knows.  ( read my awakening story, my first post what i did to clinical psychologist).


The female sex biology is of a low quality consciousness, they're like animals just as man. You do certain things in your own behaviour and they will get attracted to you and want to have sex. The sex biology in this world is so basic that it feels wrong for me to do the things that i can do, because it feels manipulative as fuck. It feels to me like it's very wrong manipulating these low consciousness being. Yes it's an expression of love but an expression of low quality consciousness love. To me it feels animalistic because it's so basic and mechanical. I have a direct experience in this, so i talk from my direct experience. I was also a sperm donor because i manipulated clinicals psychologists low consciousness biology that she didnt even know i was doing.

It is the same for great avatars, they view it as animalistic just like all animals are doing it cats/dogs/humans and so on. It's a mechanical expression of love


And not to sound narcisstic but i'm the only one on this forum that knows all about this subject, i did thousands of experiments/tests in this regard and discovored things that arent written anywhere


And when i say it's so basic, i mean consciousness wise. Most man have problem getting laid is because they don't understand, but at my level of understanding i get 1 night stands easily without even knowing the person. And i'm not bragging just telling you from my direct experience, i'm not even interested in sex anymore.

Everything you do is mechanical in that sense. Your breathing, walking, eating, writing, and thinking, is mechanical and repetitive. Why do you not complain about breathing? You will not get around this "mechanical" nature of reality. 

Studying biology will not get you anywhere because it's just delving deeper into the illusion of the dream. You have to wake up from your own self-deception. Your problem is assuming that you are an animal in a real world and that truth can be approached from studying the world from a scientific perspective.

These "avatars" lives are even more mechanical as they involve nothing but sitting and spreading abstract notions of reality. These people don't have a clue about what consciousness is.

I know most sex is just casual and is not very deep. Even most psychedelic users don't get very deep into consciousness, this depth applies to any topic or subject in reality, not just sex. But it doesn't have to be that way. I would never have sex in some normal kind of relationship where there was no deeper connection. Sex can be about intimacy, vulnerability, and connection, and even transcendence of boundaries and dualities. You can even look into tantra and see how it can be used for spirituality and even enlightenment, though I am not interested in tantra personally as I am able to have a very deep and meaningful sexual experience without relying on methods of others.

Sexual pleasure can be a small glimpse into the absolute bliss of complete nondual union, if you find the correct person. Sex can also be very beautiful. To say that sex is low consciousness is merely because the people you are having sex with are low consciousness, not that the activity itself is. It's all about the right person who has the right connection and right level of consciousness. Your idea that you are an animal doing a reproductive function is merely a story that has no basis in direct experience, but you don't have the eyes to see what is actually going on because you have not found a correct partner or your state of consciousness is lacking.

Edited by amanen

I am Physically Immortal

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1 hour ago, amanen said:

Everything you do is mechanical in that sense. Your breathing, walking, eating, writing, and thinking, is mechanical and repetitive. Why do you not complain about breathing? You will not get around this "mechanical" nature of reality. 

All the things you've described are mechanical functions of 1 mind or a dream, the things that i have discovored in human attraction/reproductive field aren't written anywhere. It's basically like gods knowledge how to to get another person attracted to you or fall for you or want to have sex with you. This isn't mechanical at all, since i have discovered it myself by direct experience and not by reading or assuming things. It's all about the direct experience!!! When i have done these things on a high level this is where miracles started happening.

Studying biology will not get you anywhere because it's just delving deeper into the illusion of the dream. You have to wake up from your own self-deception. Your problem is assuming that you are an animal in a real world and that truth can be approached from studying the world from a scientific perspective.

Funny you say this, because at the highest levels of consciousness i have ever operated in my life is when i was using the knowledge that i have discovered myself by direct experience. Why are you putting words in my mouth and assuming that i think i'm an animal? Why are you assuming i am studying the world from a scientific perspective loool. You just have to look how basic/simplistic the conversations are of teenagers to understand in what reality you live in, the only conscious being is you!!!




These "avatars" lives are even more mechanical as they involve nothing but sitting and spreading abstract notions of reality. These people don't have a clue about what consciousness is.

I think you should read more books to be honest. You can't teach someone, but just leave knowledge behind for the collective consciousness.

I know most sex is just casual and is not very deep. Even most psychedelic users don't get very deep into consciousness, this depth applies to any topic or subject in reality, not just sex. But it doesn't have to be that way. I would never have sex in some normal kind of relationship where there was no deeper connection. Sex can be about intimacy, vulnerability, and connection, and even transcendence of boundaries and dualities. You can even look into tantra and see how it can be used for spirituality and even enlightenment, though I am not interested in tantra personally as I am able to have a very deep and meaningful sexual experience without relying on methods of others.

High form of sex is just oneness, nothing more.

Sexual pleasure can be a small glimpse into the absolute bliss of complete nondual union, if you find the correct person. Sex can also be very beautiful. To say that sex is low consciousness is merely because the people you are having sex with are low consciousness, not that the activity itself is. It's all about the right person who has the right connection and right level of consciousness. Your idea that you are an animal doing a reproductive function is merely a story that has no basis in direct experience, but you don't have the eyes to see what is actually going on because you have not found a correct partner or your state of consciousness is lacking.

All sex is based on , oneness/materialism/mechanical behaviour that responds to good genetics. Most of it is good genetics based = low form of consciousness seeking a better form of consciousness to reproduce. Only high conscious form of sex is oneness, but the cause of it most likely will be biology. Again i have done 1000 tests in human behaviour, have had 1 night stands effortlessly thanks to the knowledge i have. From my perspective i can tell that you're really far from understanding how everything works. The knowledge that i have i can write a 200 page book about it, and you will probably still not understand how it works since it's all about direct experience.


Edited by Jowblob

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Why listen to Sadhguru on this point? On any point?

If something doesn't resonate, you can let it go.

Edited by halfknots

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@Rasheed So Sadhguru is stating facts here. It's true that the human mind has a sort of physical memory system and those sexual experiences, that is those the entity has with another not on their own leaves a significant impression on that body level of memory. You can verify this yourself, it's not difficult to do. However, this doesn't necessarily preclude the human having engaged in coitus from becoming enlightened or doing spiritual work, or otherwise altering their state of consciousness etc.


What Sadhguru is saying in essence, is that for humans regularly engaging in sexual activity, especially with multiple partners can alter how the system works, and that can potentially make it difficult to do certain things that otherwise would have been easier had the same human remained abstinent. Meaning, that not engaging in sexual conduct with a third party (or parties), but at most only engaging in masturbation.


Sadhguru is not trying to say that sexual conduct per se is somehow sinful or inherently deleterious for spiritual seekers. Only that this kind of activity CAN cause complications in other areas of life, including but not limited to doing spiritual practices that are aimed at achieving Moksha. That isn't to say that even a very promiscuous entity couldn't achieve liberation, but that it may make the endeavor more difficult.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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Sex loses its innocence when you have it with multiple people. Can agree with Tate on that. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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sex is an obstacle when it is something narcissistic, empty, lacking in love, lacking in connection...as it usually is. If it's something real, with a deep connection, it's wonderful and helps to align you with what you are

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Rasheed its all about compulsive actions. When you want to become enlightened you need to keep your mind free of compulsion. Freeing yourself of compulsion is to heal yourself and destroy the ego with mind power. When we have relationships it imprints our identity we are usually not enlightened when we get into relationships so it becomes karma to work through. The relationship damage remains imprinted but is covered by more and more ego like rabbit tracks in the snow and then it snowing on the tracks. 

Edited by Hojo

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Thanks guys but truth be told, you confused me even more... 

Edited by Rasheed

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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Bear in mind Eastern views on sexuality will be very different, due to cultural & religious views.

Buddhist monks were celibate for example, but often this leads to repression. 

Personally I think its unique for each person, and there's no hard rules, some people have higher sex drives than others. 

Its more about exploring consciously I'd say, this video by Rupert Spira really helped me out when I was confused. 


Essentially, using sexuality in service of the understanding, not to fill a void etc 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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On 11/16/2022 at 4:20 PM, Rasheed said:

Wherever there is physical intimacy—particularly of a sexual nature— the body registers the memory deeply.

Hes saying that the body stores memory when ever the body does something. For thousands of years your ancestors had sex one way and that way of having sex is stored in your body as this "memory" or as I would say it's in your genes.

On 11/16/2022 at 4:20 PM, Rasheed said:

since a significant exchange of memory occurs in any physical encounter, if you confuse the body’s memory with too many physical impressions, your system grows confused.

This means that you have a inner conflict in your own bodies "memory" that you have sex not the way your genes remember it so the SYSTEM GROWS CONFUSED. Todays notion of sex is just absolutely car crash. We have forgot what sex all about. Also accessibility to p0rn did not help us either.


On 11/16/2022 at 4:20 PM, Rasheed said:

For anyone on a spiritual path, simplifying runanubandha becomes particularly important, because the ultimate aim for the seeker is to transcend physicality. If one nurses such an intention, it is wise to keep the body as a simple process, uncluttered by the encumbrance of too much'

He is saying that the EGO wants sex. If you still WANT (want sex and choose to have sex is a different thing) sex for a pleasure you are still lost in EGO and cannot go deeper. It is a huge sign if you actually can be without sex, that sex doesn't control your body. It doesn't mean that you repress sex, it's just that you can choose to have sex, but you are not a slave to it. (I can speak from my direct experience that I was compulsive towards sex, and when I understood who I was actually, the EGO died and so did my need for compulsive sex.)

Hope I helped a bit.

Edited by inFlow


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10 hours ago, inFlow said:

Hes saying that the body stores memory when ever the body does something. For thousands of years your ancestors had sex one way and that way of having sex is stored in your body as this "memory" or as I would say it's in your genes.

This means that you have a inner conflict in your own bodies "memory" that you have sex not the way your genes remember it so the SYSTEM GROWS CONFUSED. Todays notion of sex is just absolutely car crash. We have forgot what sex all about. Also accessibility to p0rn did not help us either.


He is saying that the EGO wants sex. If you still WANT (want sex and choose to have sex is a different thing) sex for a pleasure you are still lost in EGO and cannot go deeper. It is a huge sign if you actually can be without sex, that sex doesn't control your body. It doesn't mean that you repress sex, it's just that you can choose to have sex, but you are not a slave to it. (I can speak from my direct experience that I was compulsive towards sex, and when I understood who I was actually, the EGO died and so did my need for compulsive sex.)

Hope I helped a bit.


Entire point which got me confused was: I want to date, do pickup and develop myself into attractive man and at the same time be conscious , hardcore into consciousness work and Sadhguru’s point did not make sense to me because of that

Digital Minimalism: A philosophy of technology use in which you focus your online time on a small number of carefully selected and optimized activities that strongly support things you value, and then happily miss out on everything else.” - Cal Newport

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You guys said everything.

My opinion in short: Sadhguru is not right about everything, all the time, he has his own biases.

Yes, sex do indeed affect the body (every action does, but sex more strongly, because of the underlying physiological aspects of sex, both in the brain and other organs), and these effects might interfere with the ability to reach some mental and spiritual stages. This is not very hard to believe. and I do believe this is true. 

On 11/16/2022 at 11:06 PM, amanen said:

Everything you do is mechanical in that sense. Your breathing, walking, eating, writing, and thinking, is mechanical and repetitive. Why do you not complain about breathing? You will not get around this "mechanical" nature of reality. 

Each action has different effects on your body's physiology. It's just plainly wrong if you compare effects of sex with walking or writing.


My friends: do not assume that everything past cultures taught us are all meaningless biases, there are lots of wisdom in their teachings.

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@Rasheed don't let some book discourage you from what you want in Life. Nothing wrong to pursue sex, relationship, Love. But pursue it as Consciously as you can, that is the main KEY. 


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Sex is okay. Just don't sleep with hundreds of people. At that point you have an addiction and this stuff will really affect you.


If your'e a normal person though you can still have sex just fine.

He's talking about people who only care about getting high levels of awakening as fast as humanly possible. Not for the average joe on the street.

Edited by Byun Sean

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