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Question for Leo - Provoked Urine Test - Heavy Metal Detox Question.

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I've been studying Heavy Metal Detox deeply and I have been running up against this unresolved issue.


First Question:

@Leo Gura, when you did your first provoked urine test, was that the first time you had the chelator DMSA enter your body?

Or did you first test to see just how your body would react on a smaller dose?

For me, taking 2100mg of DMSA right out the gate seems outlandish if I don't even know how my body will react to even one pill.

Wouldn't it make sense to try doing a chelating round and see how my body handles it? And perhaps if it's going smoothly in day one, I could do a provoked urine test on day 2? 



Second, less important question is:

When you test yourself,  lets say after 20 rounds of chelation, do you do a Provoked Urine Test or just a Normal Urine Test?






I forgive my past, I release the future, and I honor how I feel in the present. 

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