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@Breakingthewall it does set you free. It's literally the key that allows you to break out of the cycle of karma, because it heals your mind by showing you that you are innocent, as sin is impossible in oneness. 

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9 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Godishere why would you listen about liberation from a teacher who does not know who he is and what life is? Fred Davis is a loong way from enlightenment and liberation. His non-duality is not pure. 

Be careful what teachers you recommend. Bad sources polute the mind instead of enlightening it.

People need teachers we're they're at on a relative level. It's like a noob listening to Leo talk about alien consciousness who hasn't even had a mystical experience, It's only going to add conceptual baggage that elongates the awakening process. Angelo dilluro is another great teacher for this. There is absolutely nothing I have heard from Fred Davis that will pollute the mind more than Leo talking about his awakening experiences. You realize most people here don't even use psychedelics right?


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@Godishere that's completly wrong. People need a god-realized teacher to guide them from the very beginning. Why learn something false at all? When you do learn something false - you can remain stuck there for the rest of your life - like most teachers you probably follow.

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4 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall it does set you free. It's literally the key that allows you to break out of the cycle of karma, because it heals your mind by showing you that you are innocent, as sin is impossible in oneness. 

The problem is that you can be completely aware that it's reality one moment and then lose it, so it becomes an idea, like: I'm god having a hallucination. which has no value. realizing that really in real time yes, that is the true liberation, when the duality I/other completely disappears, but is it possible to be in it for more than a few seconds? very difficult for me, the mind begins to elaborate immediately, over all about the others. How's possible that there are not others? But in a way they exist, etc.

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11 minutes ago, Godishere said:

People need teachers we're they're at on a relative level. It's like a noob listening to Leo talk about alien consciousness who hasn't even had a mystical experience, It's only going to add conceptual baggage that elongates the awakening process. Angelo dilluro is another great teacher for this. There is absolutely nothing I have heard from Fred Davis that will pollute the mind more than Leo talking about his awakening experiences. You realize most people here don't even use psychedelics right?


totally agree. Too advanced ideas are going to pollute the mind. Leo's teachings are not teachings, they are stories from an explorer. It is as if I am on the moon and I tell you what it is like to be there. that's not going to help you get there

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@Breakingthewall at the end of the journey you dont think - it's a dream, it's a dream, it simply becomes your attitude, your base-level context from which all of your thaughts and actions spring. That is quite liberating, actually.

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26 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall at the end of the journey you dont think - it's a dream, it's a dream, it simply becomes your attitude, your base-level context from which all of your thaughts and actions spring. That is quite liberating, actually.

I'm not sure if knowing that can help you at all. know that or anything else. knowing is a thing of the ego. understand too. the ego must understand itself for liberation to occur, but the ego cannot understand reality. I don't know to what extent Leo is wrong. We take it for granted that Leo knows what he's doing, but there's a possibility he's heading down the wrong path. 

Are you realizing right now that reality is like a "dream" of god and that "you" are god, or it's a realization that you had on psychedelic and now you, the ego, is remembering? Because if it's so....are you sure that it happened? It's just more ego



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@Breakingthewall you're deeply confused. I can not even begin to disentangle your false ideas, because you are not open enough to the idea that it's not Leo that is going down the wrong path - it's you. 

Begin by learning to seperate what is true from what is false. After you spend 1000's of hours learning this, then you can begin to evaluate who is going where. Now, you can not.

For the second part of your message - yes, I am living in the realization that it is a dream. My thaughts, my actions, my peace all arise from that context. 

It's not a memory, the truth is literally right in front of my eyes and in my mind right now.

Edited by Edvardas

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2 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall you're deeply confused. I can not even begin to disentangle your false ideas, because you are not open enough to the idea that it's not Leo that is going down the wrong path - it's you. 

Begin by learning to seperate what is true from what is false. After you spend 1000's of hours learning this, then you can begin to evaluate who is going where. Now, you can not.

I just said maybe. I doubt about anything. Leo at the end is just a.voice in my mind...I'm sorry if it bothered you that I doubt someone you believe so fervently in.

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@Breakingthewall i don't believe in a single thing in existence and you don't need to be sorry - I like discussing and I am completly at peace. 

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2 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall i don't believe in a single thing in existence and you don't need to be sorry - I like discussing and I am completly at peace. 

Well, you said I'm deeply confused, but you didn't explain in what. 

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@Breakingthewall in the message in which you started talking about ego you actually showed that you have no idea what the ego is. You probably just read about it, heard about it, but you did not discover it yourself and that shows. 

There is no ego, just Singularity asleep within a dream of seperation.  

 Ego is an overused word in the spiritual community, every other fool uses it to appear smart, but those who know only laugh at them. Stop using it at all for now, it's not necessary for your growth, it actually hurts you. 

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7 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall in the message in which you started talking about ego you actually showed that you have no idea what the ego is. You probably just read about it, heard about it, but you did not discover it yourself and that shows. 

There is no ego, just Singularity asleep within a dream of seperation.  

 Ego is an overused word in the spiritual community, every other fool uses it to appear smart, but those who know only laugh at them. Stop using it at all for now, it's not necessary for your growth, it actually hurts you. 

Funny, we think the same about each other. For me you are stuck in the concept and the learned idea and you don't even realize it. and you interpret the one who questions as ignorant while you project total security, like a teacher.

verdict: fake

Edited by Breakingthewall

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@Edvardas but another opportunity. Show me exactly where I talked about the ego in a wrong way. Explain. Show that you aren't just a fake that just want to feel superior 

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2 minutes ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall my security projects from my knowing of truth.

My only doubt is if you are deceived or if you are a phony who intentionally acts as such in order to show superiority and make fun of others. hard to know. I guess a mix of both. It seems very obvious that you cannot go beyond the conceptual. But at first i ve doubts, you are smart. Well, thanks for the conversation 

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14 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

@Edvardas but another opportunity. Show me exactly where I talked about the ego in a wrong way. Explain. Show that you aren't just a fake that just want to feel superior 

@Breakingthewallof course, I will show you that you are wrong in an instant. You said understanding is the thing of an ego. False. Understanding is literraly the Divine Contemplation. Knowing of Truth is not just thoughts, it is the glorious recognition of God as himself. Do you call God thinking about the nature of himself and slowly grasping it ego? There is no ego, just a confused God in the process of awakening from a solipsistic VR game. 


Understanding grants you yourself. That is ego? You must be insane. 

Edited by Edvardas

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1 minute ago, Edvardas said:

@Breakingthewall of course, I will show you that you are wrong in an instant. You said understanding is the thing of an ego. False. Understanding is literraly the Divine Contemplation. Knowing of Truth is not just thoughts, it is the glorious recognition of God as himself. Do you call God thinking about the nature of himself and slowly grasping it ego? There is no ego, just a confused God in the process of awakening from a solipsistic VR game. 


Understanding grants you yourself. That is ego? You must be insane. 

well, I have to say that when I wrote that I doubted right away, because there is a kind of understanding that goes beyond the ego, so what you say is true and has foundation. maybe I was wrong in my judgment or at least in part. but I was referring to what you said about: reality is a dream of the mind of god. This is pure conceptual understanding, things are not like that, they are not defined and concrete. This is the understanding of the ego to which I refer and the one that emerged from your speech. I have to say that at the beginning and in other posts you seemed advanced and accurate to me, so I admit that perhaps I was wrong in calling you fake. If so, I'm glad. I am delighted to meet people deeper and more intelligent than me, if this were the case


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1 hour ago, Edvardas said:


@Mohammad discussions like these open up the mind of the student to the possibility that he is deeply confused. Then, if he allows for a correction, there is also the possibility of leading him towards more clarity. Many here uphold defensive positions when corrected, which is unfortunate, as it stops their progress.

I agree, this is unfortunate, keeping an open mind is not that easy, arguing and defending is much easier. 

Still, these conversations can make us think as wel.

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 @Edvardas anyway, reading you again, there is a smell of the leos ideas, too much security, funny arrogance, lack of life...i don't know, enigma, but still...

The needle wants to point to: fake. It would be a shame, but it is what is most abundant here and those who speak with more confidence. I hope you are not one of them

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