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No Self

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Is this a state that people permanently reside in or do they tend to go in and out of it?  Or is it something where over time you experience glimpses of it and it becomes more and more long lasting over time?

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It can be any of the possibilities you listed. The most significant is obviously the kind that becomes a permanent mode of perception. 

What did the stage orange scientist call the stage blue fundamentalist for claiming YHWH intentionally caused Noah’s great flood?


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Just be careful not to confuse the void with the end of the journey, because it is not. Some spiritual paths might say that it is - like Spira, Budhism and others. 

The nothingness stage is just a stop between the regular human consciuosness and God-consciousness. It is peaceful, but nothing that significant.

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11 hours ago, Topspin715 said:

Is this a state that people permanently reside in or do they tend to go in and out of it?  Or is it something where over time you experience glimpses of it and it becomes more and more long lasting over time?

'No self' is not a state that people permanently reside in. It is just what is (already)

That is, there are no people, and there is no you. 

People say there are glimpses, but really once seen it cannot be unseen (and the idea of a glimpse then seems quite silly)


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I’ve had glimpses/moments of nothingness. Even though with no concepts or labels, there was still sense perception, they were fleeting but still felt and sensed, just nothing to call it, as a thing as I was rested in stillness – no mind labelling or attaching, just ‘observation without knowing’.

Maybe I’ve not gone deep enough yet but the realisations I got in terms of ‘no people, no you’ was that because labels and concepts try to define everything we see or sense as something, but as soon as that happens it denies what actually is.

Felt I was getting there again last night after some contemplation. Don’t know how to explain but it feels like nothing at the core and sensations are passing through, but the word ‘sensations’ is just another label to try and describe something that can never really be known, only felt/sensed.

When the mind begins to label, get involved, and make meaning about what these sensations could be is when you deny what actually is, right? But all this still doesn’t mean that there isn’t something to be aware of surely?

Observation without labels, attachment, etc still experiences but again we can’t call it by that or anything which essentially makes it nothing but its still here, right now, always??

Edited by B222

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fucking self...full of sadness, revenge, feelings of injustice. it's kind of a dark globe in the middle. it is there, limiting, wanting...something. wants to look at the phone. he wants to meet some girl, he wants something. he's not happy like that. something is missing, many things should have been different. search search search. a ball in the center of the chest. sometimes it disappears, when meditating. diluted. reality ceases to be a dark ball that searches and suddenly it is love. freedom. beauty. like when my mother was alive and not yet an adult who wishes wishes wishes. Like when I had not yet seen that life is a fight and if you don't fight you sink and die. damn self, you make me unhappy but you give me power, you make me free on earth and a prisoner in the mind. fucking beloved self, let's make a deal. to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. Let's play seriously, to win, but then relax. then you go to sleep.

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