
How did nothing become something?

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Why do you assume that there’s something?:) It’s always nothing that takes over any form that it desires Nothing just appears to be something. 

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1 hour ago, B222 said:

How did nothing become something?

because zero and infinity touch. total zero, absolute nothingness, is absence of limitations. this absence of limits makes nothingness be. be you, since there is only one nothing and one being. you, being, and having no limits, explode in a creative explosion in which everything that can be, is. empty infinity is full infinity. nothing is everything. absolute potential that contains all of existence. Total singularity, without opposite. nothing=everything=you 

this process was not once, an origin, long ago. is being now, always. the eternal source that flows from the void now. you can realize it at any time, it's what we are. 


Edited by Breakingthewall

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28 minutes ago, Breakingthewall said:

because zero and infinity touch.

You can see this pretty well in your visual field, where nothing and something meets, that's where "you" are.

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So its because ‘nothing’ has no boundaries, which is what makes it infinite potential and all things that are? I think of nothing as empty where nothing could grow, but it’s the emptiness that gives it more room than anything/something, no limits? Deeeep

I suppose this just reinforces why ‘stillness’ is the greatest power too right?

Edited by B222

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So our limited minds arrogantly assume that nothing is worthless just because we appear to be something and everything around us appears to have properties, some thing, but actually nothing is almighty god?!? Worshiping nothing is really just worshiping the divine creator that runs through everything??

So many questions flying through now. 

So death is just a return to god, to nothing, which is everything, which is why we live in love for eternity in some form or no form. Forever and ever ♾ ?? ?

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7 hours ago, Breakingthewall said:

everything that can be, is.

How does God or Nothingness decide what can be and what can't be though? How can there even be such a thing as "something that cannot be" unless Reality was that thing first in order to reject it? 

It's the same thing when you consider there's nothing outside of God, so what space do the things that can't be occupy?

It's very strange because the same people here who say Consciousness has no limits say stuff such as "what can be". I think Consciousness does have limits, we just don't understand them.

Another very interesting thing I've read on full-blown trip reports is that people say they have experienced "All That Is and Ever Will Be" as well as Omniscience. Isn't God supposed to be infinite? Such a thing as an "Ever Will Be" sounds like a limit itself, and means we'll experience the same things over and over again for eternity, an infinite loop. As per the Omniscience side, the more advanced users here have said that all the knowledge gotten from Infinity can be recontextualized indefinitely because it's unlimited. Ever new insights that have no end. How can you be aware of an infinite amount of knowledge at once?


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52 minutes ago, michaelcycle00 said:

How does God or Nothingness decide what can be and what can't be though? How can there even be such a thing as "something that cannot be" unless Reality was that thing first in order to reject it? 

I speak from a psychedelic experience of the absence of limits, infinity. I don't know exactly, it's just a guess. everything that can be seems to have some logic, that is, it does not seem that there can be a universe of dog-headed pencils that recite a poem, but maybe yes. infinity is incomprehensible. From the current finite point of view I try to conceptualize it, but that is very far from what it is. on the other hand, the absence of limits, the infinity that manifests itself, is perhaps potentiality, not a fact, although the difference between the two may be imaginary.


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10 hours ago, B222 said:

How did nothing become something?

Nothing is aware, that's all it takes. Awareness is difference. Once nothing differentiates, the universe pops out.

57% paranoid

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11 hours ago, B222 said:

How did nothing become something?

It didn’t. 

Reality is a dream, hence there is only nothing. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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22 hours ago, B222 said:

So our limited minds arrogantly assume that nothing is worthless just because we appear to be something and everything around us appears to have properties, some thing, but actually nothing is almighty god?!? Worshiping nothing is really just worshiping the divine creator that runs through everything??

So many questions flying through now. 

So death is just a return to god, to nothing, which is everything, which is why we live in love for eternity in some form or no form. Forever and ever ♾ ?? ?

There is nothing to return to, that is the point. Nothing renders this phenomenal field of perceptions. 

Good analogy is your dream at night, it does not have any substance, same happens with the so-called "physical" reality.

It is a very scary realization I am contemplating right now as well.

"All that we know is limited, something we don't - is infinite"

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@Galyna @How to be wise It’s still something tho right? A dream is still an object of awareness? Like Leo says about solipsism, “nothing is real, unless you imagine it.” 

So how did imagination spring from absolute nothingness? I guess the zero is infinity explanation is why???‍♂️

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47 minutes ago, B222 said:

It’s still something tho right? 

Wrong. Just because you imagine something to be real, doesn’t mean it is. 

A dream is nothing, just like what you can see and hear now is also nothing. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@How to be wise how do you define nothing? To me nothing is nothing with absolutely no properties. Nothing going at all, no life, no dream, no imagination. Just because the dream state feels intangible doesn’t mean it’s not perceived?? Nothing would have no perception and nothing perceived surely? 

Isn’t this what Leo was talking about in his ‘what is love?’ Videos? Where he went on an intensive enlightenment retreat and began to awaken to the nature of love but some Buddhists were denying it and still claiming nothingness when love/consciousness is here all around us in actuality

Edited by B222

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25 minutes ago, B222 said:

Nothing would have no perception and nothing perceived surely? 

Wrong. Everything that you are conscious of now is ‘nothing’. Only ‘nothing’ exists.

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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@How to be wise prove it 

What are all these things in my awareness then? A dream but that’s something to be aware of. How can it not be when I’m here experiencing it? 

i see that the label ‘something’ denies what is so essentially being is nothing but what is. And you can’t deny what is because it’s here right now??

Edited by B222

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The more you ponder about infinity and its implications. the closer you get to the answer to your question. Reality whether you think it is something or nothing has always been this way and will always remain this way, it is an endless loop. The way I personally think about it is that creation is happening in every single moment. The only constant is creation. and it will last forever. 

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