
Thoughts on voter breakdown by race?

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This will be controversial for sure but if you look at voter breakdown by race, it differs massively. White people in general are much more likely to vote republican than democrat and seem to single-handedly carry the republican party. 




The difference is pretty massive and feels like it warrants a discussion.

Also worth noting is that women in red states voted against their own reproductive rights in pretty overwhelming majority. 

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

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I love that you posted this.

I live in liberal land of Washington state but was born & raised in the rural south.

When I try to explain to people out here that most women back home are against abortion they just can’t fathom it. I’ve met a lot of people who wanna blame everything on white men & just can’t understand why another woman would be against abortion.

Its less about race and more about culture and ego development. I know black men & women from back home who think abortion is a sin and should never been done as well. 

It was such a blessing for me to grow up deeply imbedded with stage blue because it gave me an understanding of the conservative mind. Something I see many of my green brothers and sisters out west overlooking. 


The game of survival cannot be won. 

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