
How to stop being so judgemental/moralizing in conversations

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I'm trying to break this habit in my interactions or at least do it in a more positive way, I get slightly combative often (subtlety) and I want to control or impose my ideals onto them. Any tips to stop this behavior on an inner level? So far I'm practicing trying not to be judgemental to myself as much so it won't reflect on others.

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What do you judge them for? Any specific examples? 


 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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It's a good start that you practice not being so judgemental to yourself.

I realized that when I'm hard on myself I'm hard on others.

Self awarness is importent and also reminding to yourself that people have the right to own their opinions, ideas, beliefs as much as you have the right to own yours.

People are different with different life experience, you see the world like nobody else sees it, your perspective is unique to you. Each one has a unique and subjective way to see the world, respect it. The idea that appears to you so obvious, useful and true might appear to the other person as the complete opposite, ridiculous, unpractical, false, even dangerous relative to his stage in life, level of maturity, age, personality etc.

When you interact with people do it with the mindset of learning from them as much as possible because you can learn from anyone, be aware of your unnecessary judgemental thoughts and constantly question them. Use those interactions with the goal to improve yourself as a person and raise your level of consciousness, open-mindedness, compassion, intelligence rather than defending your ideas, imposing them on others and being stuck in comfort ideological bubble which won't bring you very far.

Learn to express your ideas opinions and beliefs freely without being attached to the need of someone agreeing with you.

Embrace the uncomfortably of people disagreeing with you and challenging your ideas, see this as an opportunity to grow and improve yourself rather than something that has to be manged and controlled. 





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