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The path of Mysticism & Magick contradict with some core teachings of Actualized

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I have been following for about 2 years now and I have enjoyed the solid advice I have got in terms of understanding my own deceptions, biases and things of that nature. But also I have been wise enough to follow my heart even if at times I was guided to go completely against The result was a spiritual path split into 2 paths, equally as valid (applying principles of not knowing). In the beginning the 2 lines were 99% congruent, but from the point where the notion of Solipsism, absolute not knowing and things of that kind were introduced into Actualized. Org the 2 paths got further split apart. Nevertheless, I kept giving equal credit to both. 

By the way, introduction of solipsism into to me wasn’t the solipsism episode, but the episode called: “What’s the devil” and presentation of ego as devil.

But I was curious to know what is it ecactly that makes these so fundamentally at odds with eachother. And then I realized, even though you can learn a lot from Leo, and and that there are very very few people as knowlegeable and experienced as Leo, there are some elements in the foundation of Leo’s worldview that are wrong. These are so deeply wrong that it will invalidate a great portion of videos and teachings and therefore a huge threat to Leo’s entire worldview and survival. But I thought it’s better to share it rather than keeping it in my heart. He is the list:

  • The version of OTHER, that Leo submits to which is a derivation of Solipsistic view, can be completely Proven Wrong by attempting to contact a non-physical being. Here is a challenge for you @Leo Gura. Let’s put your open-mindedness into practice: Try and find a proper ritual to contact one of the known Angels. Make sure you don’t give up, because it’s not easy to get it right in first few attempts. Then communicate with that Angel, and then reflect on your experience and ask yourself: Do I still think the same about the notion of Other? Do it Sober… 
  • The idea of Not Knowing as an antidote to the problem of Infinite Reality. Here is why it is wrong: First of all, this entire infinity is not merely accidental. There is a whole Design and Architecture behind all this, however invisible and incomprehensible to the uninitiated mind. A very accurate map of that seemingly infinite reality is Qabalah, Kabbalah. Why don’t you open-mindedly dedicate yourself to going deep into Western Esotericism and exploring what’s there? Maybe that would threaten so many of your assumptions about the reality and God? Hmm. Worth trying …
  • Thirdly, your grasp of Free Will can be proven wrong. This proof stems from appeal to the Laws of the universe and Double-blind or whatever method of experimentations with it. Also, the idea of absurdity of Free Will will collapse once you become conscious of the idea of Infinite Unique Individual Soul.

There are some other points, but I thought these are enough to get you started with challenging yourself. 
As you yourself suggest: Clean the slate and rewrite your mind with the notions of Mysticism and Magick. See how you go? You will realize you have had some rash judgements towards this and if you were truly in pursuit of wisdom, you would have at least started with exploring these topics before going into self-help and science. 

I’ve also thought what could possibly help you in seeking correction if you choose so, and these words stood out in my mind: 

- Modesty

- Prudence

- Temperance


You have a great community of people here all loving you and appreciating you for the value you have added to their lives, now let them give back to you and show you new doors. but again, it will take huge deals of Humility. It’s always your call. ❤️

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@Mahyar Have you spoken to Angels? Don't you speak other people everyday? How would that prove or disprove solipsism speaking to an angel?

Do you know that Kabbalah completely understands reality?  or is that just an assumption you have? Why don't you deeply question the potential limitations of Kabbalah?

And your third point didn't really make any sense to me? How would these experiments or beliefs prove or disprove free will? How does the unique individual soul prove or disprove free will. Can you explain?

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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It doesn't matter whether you contact an angel, an alien, a demon, a human, an infinitely large god-like entity, something unimaginable, all of them are still within your mind. They can tell or show you anything but it doesn't mean that they are a real "other". Your imagination is larger than you assume.

You believing a non-physical being is no different from you believing any other human being. Your understanding of Other is very limited.

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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  On 11/10/2022 at 4:00 PM, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@amanen one question: what is your definition of "non-physical". Something that exists beyond stuff we call energy, i.e.?

I don't know what he means by a non-physical being here honestly either. I mean I can envision some energetic beings or something like that, or perhaps something abstract, but I'm not sure what people mean by these terms. I guess entities in nightly dreams are not physical, in a way, but again, I don't know what he means by this term. Maybe they are somehow invisible, don't know.

But my main point by saying this was that in the end no matter what kind of a manifestation it is still a part of consciousness, and that believing something like the non-physical being in this case is different from everything else is not true. 

I am Physically Immortal

I am also more than God :)

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I knew this confusion would arise. And I appreciate you for writing them out. 

First of all, I am not in denial of the idea of oneness. One thing I would highly suggest is that whenever you are speaking to someone who’s questioning your worldview, remain open to the idea that something might get proven wrong in your and you will then need to bear the pain of correcting it for your greater good. Plus, remain humble, because you don’t know the person behind the phone typing these for you, and what sort of experiences he’s had and his background. 

See, this is the main problem in those of you who are Solipsism believers. Are you open to the idea that even if everyone who’s really no other than “you”,  could have sovereignty and Free Will as we know it? 

See, first of all, enlightenment is an eternal journry, it will continue even after you have reached omniscience in this lifetime. Human life is not the only finite frame to experience reality or better to say The Self. There are higher and different forms, not just physical ETs but some non-physical forms as well, which are experienced in some othersrealms and planes of reality. These realms all correspond to each other. They are not separate. There, you would be more in touch with the concept of Free Will. There you would know it in your heart without forcing yourself to articulate it in the very limited medium of communication known as Human Language. Once you are mature enough to accept that a psychedelic experience, however deep and close to absolute, is not the end of the story, then you will start to appreciate the true beauty of other paths and other life forms in an objective manner. 

When you people stick to these 2-3 limited concepts like, You are God, It’s all you, others don’t exist it’s all in your mind, and these sort of absolute perspectives on reality, is as if you were 10 and your whole life you you have gone from 1-10, and then you took something and saw that potential ∞ and now you can’t let go of that and are insisting that I am ∞ therefore others don’t exist and assuming that you’ve reached the end of it. 

I don’t say your realization is not valuable, but please know that there is an ∞ journey to get to that  ∞. ENDLESS! This means when you were 10, take a psychedelic and see ∞, but don’t cling to it, come back, get motivated and move to 20, and then again motivate yourself by ∞ and work your way up to 1000 and more and more and more. But what’s so important is that it will take time, diligence and a good character to be able to make constant expansion of consciousness. 


  On 11/10/2022 at 10:29 AM, Thought Art said:

@Mahyar Have you spoken to Angels? Don't you speak other people everyday? How would that prove or disprove solipsism speaking to an angel?

Do you know that Kabbalah completely understands reality?  or is that just an assumption you have? Why don't you deeply question the potential limitations of Kabbalah?

And your third point didn't really make any sense to me? How would these experiments or beliefs prove or disprove free will? How does the unique individual soul prove or disprove free will. Can you explain?

To your question I answer, Yes I have spoken to angels. I have been to their realms. It’s so radically different that all of your notions of psychedelic infinity will seem childish. Have I taken psychedelics before: Yes I have. At least 10 in the set and settings as intructed by Leo.
Do I know a lot about Kabbalah? Yes sort of I do, and I’m aware of it’s potential, but I still need to learn a lot more cuz it’s not just a few dots and circles and lines, there’s so much more to it… Behind the surface. 

Finally, encounters with angels won’t disprove your oneness with them, in fact, it will strengthen that, but it will however, show you what it means to be a sovereign individual soul with Free Will. Just like so many other things that are not communicable, the mechanisms of how it works is also not communicable. You just need to experience it for yourself and become directly conscious of it. Are you open to that?! I don’t know…


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I find this thread so epistemology foggy it’s almost going to be impossible to really communicate anything meaningful. 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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The problem here is that you're observing a reality which is under quantum superposition with a monofocal view. It can be that two or more things can be true at the same time. It can be that there's only one entity in existence and simultaneously many, having arisen within that one entity.


Individuated entities such as humans are like individual drops of water, higher entities are as Rivers, and the Godhead is as the entire Ocean, and includes everything beyond the Ocean also.

Potestas Infinitas, Libertas Infinitas, Auctoritas Infinitas.

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@Mahyar Yes I'm very open to what you are saying. I am also grateful to you for the style of your message. Affirmative, not exclusive.

Sat Nam?

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@Thought Art On the contrary. The message is as clear as the sun. Just admit the possibility that the One Infinite Ocean of Consciousness dreams whatever it wants. And everything It dreams is relatively real, has a certain autonomy of action that evolves, expands with the evolution of the individual. Unless it does not suit your vision and assumptions about what this Ocean is, and how and what It should dream.

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  On 11/10/2022 at 5:58 PM, Thought Art said:

I find this thread so epistemology foggy it’s almost going to be impossible to really communicate anything meaningful. 

If something doesn't fit within the accepted bounds of one's frame of experience, it does certainly come across as foggy. 

  On 11/10/2022 at 6:39 PM, JuliusCaesar said:

The problem here is that you're observing a reality which is under quantum superposition with a monofocal view. It can be that two or more things can be true at the same time. It can be that there's only one entity in existence and simultaneously many, having arisen within that one entity.


Individuated entities such as humans are like individual drops of water, higher entities are as Rivers, and the Godhead is as the entire Ocean, and includes everything beyond the Ocean also.

What you are saying is true. However, the point I am trying to get across is the importance of your point of awareness. While it isn't false to say I am the River and the Ocean, it is unwise to live your Human life as River or Ocean! My point is that there is A REASON why you are not in an animal form and in Human form. And my own contemplations have led me to believe that the reason is nothing but to experience the Human form. But when someone insists that apparently God's fooled himself into being a human, so then there was a mistake, now I am going to fix that and say: I am God, it doesn't serve any purpose. So, Instead of trying to figure out what God is in it's infinitude, wouldn't it be wiser to reframe your pursuit and to ask the question of : "What is a Human REALLY? And how does it relate to God? the God within..."

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@Thought Art No amount of yoga, meditation, Zen practice, scripture study, physics, maths, or psychedelic trips will prevent the ego from drawing wrong conclusions. I take solipsism very seriously concerning the Infinite Mind of the Infinite Ocean of Consciousness - the Absolute (but here, you must bear in mind that this is a human concept). I do not know anything that any of the participants of this forum accomplished the complete transcendence of the ego - therefore, speaking about The Absolute compressed to any individual here is, in my opinion, at least an intellectual abuse. The problem is that Absolute Nonduality does not exclude duality on the lower levels - in God's Dream. Many people here cannot open up to this possibility - which I believe is a symptom of intellectual immaturity, not enlightenment.

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  On 11/10/2022 at 7:23 PM, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Mahyar Yes I'm very open to what you are saying. I am also grateful to you for the style of your message. Affirmative, not exclusive.

Sat Nam?

People reading my messages may think as if I am trying to put a stick in the wheels of but it is far from the truth of what I bear in my heart. I genuinely appreciate such places and such movements. This is precisely what is needed to wake up the society and I will try as best as I can, to add value to this invaluable source of Light and connection. But I am also conscious of the consequences of such radical views on others. I can see how twisted the mind of a person who sees the Other as himself can be.

I'm also aware of the consequences of seeing Ego as the only source of Evil in the world. The universe is too big to be corrupted only by Ego. The influences on the formation of current human civilization and society far outnumber the ones Leo has ever considered. 


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@Mahyar Agree. I'm open to every possibility. Even to those with that, I'm afraid I have to disagree, although it is hard for my ego, sometimes too hard (working on that);).

I have had a direct experience with; I would say, very powerful fields of negative polarization. I know that what I have experienced was much more advanced, and knew everything about myself - but not the present person I play now. The actor has played many different characters. Since I took Kundalini practice seriously, I have sometimes been experiencing some inexplicable energies that literally lift me up as I am about to fall.

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