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2024 midterms voting.

Which side do you vote for? The Republic conservatives or the Democrats?   2 members have voted

  1. 1. Which side do you vote for? The Republic conservatives or the Democrats?

    • I vote for the Republic conservatives
    • I vote for the Democrats
    • I vote for an alternative other political party
  2. 2. If you chose to vote for the Republic conservative/ Democrats, why?

    • Reasons why I chose voting the right side is.
    • Reasons why I chose voting the left side is.
  3. 3. If you chose an alternative political party, why?

    • Because I'm tired of mainstream political polarization, I want a fresh new political party!
    • Because my family and friends have lost faith, and they also are looking for alternatives.

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11 posts in this topic

   Please participate in the poll, and optionally, tell me why you made the choice?

Edited by Danioover9000

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@Phil King

6 minutes ago, Phil King said:

This poll is structurally broken

   Sorry, first time polling, so make do with what you're seeing and choose, or if it's not working, post your choice and optionally tell me why.

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Which side do you vote for? The Republic conservatives or the Democrats?


If you chose to vote for the Republic conservative/ Democrats, why?

Dem because they are less deluded, choosing the lesser evil. 



 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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I voted republican because I see the democrats having too much power over the institutions that has made them potentially dangerous when combined with their lock step collectivist mentality where none of them are willing to question their own. I see some of their policy choices as quite questionable, from unchecked immigration to minor gender transitioning to lax on crime policies. That said, I congratulate them for their holding their own this election. I'm not particularly emotionally invested in any of the political parties or candidates. I prefer gridlock so little gets done, and I'm fine with everything being so split neither side can accomplish much of anything at the national level.

Human nature and our genetic makeup means that this sort of political polarization is likely to be around awhile. We are likely to see more wars, countries rise and fall, new generations want to experiment with new ways of doing things,  while the older generations reminisce about the past and resist change, and we will continue to go through growing pains as a species. Same crap, different generation. 20 years flies by, and before you know it a new generation of youngins is taking over society. Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, keep positive, and lead by example. :)

Edited by sholomar

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   What a fucking irresponsible video! Does America actually allow no voting??? Encouraging no voting is, to me, worse than voting for the wrong political party, you are just free loafing off of the country you're in. Videos like this should be taken down:


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@Tyler Robinson

14 hours ago, Tyler Robinson said:


Which side do you vote for? The Republic conservatives or the Democrats?


If you chose to vote for the Republic conservative/ Democrats, why?

Dem because they are less deluded, choosing the lesser evil. 


   If there was a third vote, I'd vote for BOTH Dems and Reps to be on power, and to work together.

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...well considering that the choices right now are basically:

[ ] A flawed political party that at least is trying to make the country a better place, and is willing to abide by democratic norms (D)

[ ] A fascistic political party that's an existential threat to democracy, which is openly advocating for political violence (R)

Someone like John McCain was a principled person whom I happened to disagree with on policy. The modern GOP is dangerously unhinged from Reality, with no higher principles beyond exploiting existing cultural divisions as a means for personal gain.

Edited by DocWatts

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8 hours ago, sholomar said:

I voted republican because I see the democrats having too much power over the institutions that has made them potentially dangerous when combined with their lock step collectivist mentality where none of them are willing to question their own. 

Curious to know what specific institutions they have control over

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   NEVER MIND! The polling system is broken, and I can't fix it, so, just pot no0rmally and forget the poll was there.

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