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Podcast on Social Circle Game

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This is a podcast on Social Circle game with two of the greatest content creators on the topic David bond and Patrick Red. They focus on building circles and meeting women in different countries and documenting the process. A lot of talks have been had on this forum recently on the topic and I specifically recommend these guys as well as Michael Sartain, RSD Luke, and Corey Chaloff on that plus the social media component. 

Learning the stuff they talk about led me to move from my smallish city(Calgary) to Canada's biggest city(Toronto) and having a wilder life than 99% of the people I've met and meeting and making friends with influencers, YouTubers, millionaires, many hot girls and more. 

I'm working on my own content and this is a compilation of events from my last couple of years for those that are curious : 


For context, I used to be literally the guy living in my parent's basement and playing League of Legends 12 hours a day not too long ago. Those times were great as well. 

Edited by LordFall

Owner of creatives community all around Canada as well as a business mastermind 

Follow me on Instagram @Kylegfall <3


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