
Strong Third Eye Sensation

7 posts in this topic

Over the past couple weeks ive been having some tingling or more accurately a restless leg type of sensation between the eyebrows. Not necessarily a good feeling id say. Its a slight discomfort actually.

This has been happening more frequently after having done yoga more consistently and possibly due to some energetic transmission from Sadhguru in person. (See my last post for info.)

I've never experienced it before. Today its been overwhelming at times and consistent . Anyone experienced this before? How long did it last or is it always there?

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I've experienced this type of sensation ever since I was little.

I actually find it quite pleasurable if I put all my focus on the sensation and breath.
Doing this seems to balance both the right and left hemisphere of the mind.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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I started getting this probably 1 1/2 to 2 years ago. If you want to go there voluntarily and make it more persistent Shambhavi Mudra practice is one way to quickly become aware of that sensation.

In the beginning it was an annoyance to me too, and the more annoyed I was by it the more it seemed to stick around. Every appearance in consciousness is temporary so keep that in mind. Your breath comes and goes and so does every other sensation so you will not be forced to be with that sensation for all eternity. It's temporary so that might bring you some relief.

When the sensation appears, just be aware of it and how you feel/your reaction to it, also bringing your breath into awareness can be good too like tuku747 said.

When you learn to come to terms with and accept the sensation it will stop becoming a problem and it will not be there as often. För me now it happens maybe once a month or something if I don't make it happen voluntarily but it's not a problem at all anymore. It became progressively less of a problem over time and now I've come to enjoy it, just like the breath or some pleasurable sensation it can become a place in your body where you're comfortable to be if you need to, you'll learn to welcome it once it happens. Now I feel I get a bit more clarity in my mind once the sensation happens, it's a focusing of the mind and can help you let go of thoughts and increase body awareness.

Other sensations like being acutely aware of one's heart beating or of the itchiness of the skin or lump feeling in throat are some of many other examples of weird sensory stuff that can arise from yoga/meditation/psychedelics. Once one annoyance has stopped becoming annoying, another one will arise sooner or later. It's all a part of the purification of the body and the journey of learning to accept(love) what is. The annoying sensation is your teacher!

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It is a common phenomena when you are interested in spiritual stuff that this energetic center will start to change in activity. More areas that are affected are the top of the head (the "Crown" chakra), the throat, the center of the chest, the solar plexus, the lower abdomen and the base of the spine. All those places are correspondent with where the main 7 chakras are located, which also correlate to central nerve plexus and endocrine glands.

When spiritual practices / insight / awakening / psychedelics affect the mind, it also has affect on the energetic centers. When you are altering your mind by any way, you may start feel different sensations in those centers. The sensations in the center of the forehead are very common when one begins to come in contact with spiritual experiences/knowledge/etc. This center is related to thought, intuition, perception, which are greatly affected by the mind. When you are deidentifying from thoughts, or deconstruct your identity structure, it is possible to sense even stronger sensations in this center because of the way that thought dominate perception and use of the brain.  

It is really a fascinating phenomena, but you should not give to much consideration to it. Some seekers tend to stuck on all this chakra stuff and divert from the direct practices to awakening/realization. They start reading tons of books on energy body and chakra maps and manipulations. They begin to practice focusing on the sensations, or look for chakra healing/alignment and do energetic practices like reiki or kundalini activation. This stuff do work because they affect in some way the subtle body, but I see it as a indirect new-agey way of effecting the mind. Why beat around the bush? The chakras/nerve plexus/endocrine glands are affected by the architecture of the mind, so it is best to directly deal with the mind. 

So my suggestion is to remain curious but not to get to attached to experiencing this stuff. But at the same time I am saying to not pull on it, I suggest also to not push it away. It is totally ok to feel what is going on in those energetic centers. Sometimes even raw emotion can be related to and come from there. Letting it pass through is important in emotion work. But this is usually related to the energetic centers that exist under the head, which are more about survival, emotional relating, manifestation, connection, self expression. The centers in the head are more "spiritual" in the sense that they more revolve truth, thought, identity, perception, wisdom. So sensing where energy is stuck in this centers can hint you on what you should work on in your life, if you want to. When your practice gets very potent, one-pointed or very concentrated on identity structures/scaffoldings/mechanisms/views, it will probably effect all the energetic centers.


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@Asayake @Batman @tuku747 Thanks for the very detailed responses, I will give the sensation less importance and continue practices as usual (Not that i stopped). However it can be difficult when it is overwhelming but I found the sensation came down significantly by showering.


My main practice has been Shambhavi Mahamudra. As well as a couple mantras. Going to learn Surya Kriya this weekend. Well see what effect this has.

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On 11/8/2022 at 2:53 AM, DualityHurts said:

Anyone experienced this before? How long did it last or is it always there?

Yes, always. Sometimes it just comes up out of nowhere in the strangest of situations.

Your chakras now are probably out of balance and you need to work on your whole system, then the sensation wont  feel so strong.

Also watch out at this time your consciousness will change, priorities will change, thoughts will change, so don't hurry anywhere and just observe the changes.


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23 hours ago, DualityHurts said:

@Asayake @Batman @tuku747 Thanks for the very detailed responses, I will give the sensation less importance and continue practices as usual (Not that i stopped). However it can be difficult when it is overwhelming but I found the sensation came down significantly by showering.


My main practice has been Shambhavi Mahamudra. As well as a couple mantras. Going to learn Surya Kriya this weekend. Well see what effect this has.

Not that you should ignore the sensation. Sensation is a Gift.

Feeling into the response rather than rejecting it or ignoring it is going to yield the best results because you're not creating further resistance. Sensations in the third eye will open you to states of inner peace and knowing if you integrate the call and breathe.

Edited by tuku747

The event horizon of my mind contains the cosmic horizon of my observable Universe. 👁✨️

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