Revolutionary Think

Will Iran's New Revolution be Successful?

65 posts in this topic

Iran now appears to be disbanding its morality police. That’s a significant move and could be considered an accomplishment of the protests.

It’s clear to me that these protests are partially due to the propagation of Western cultural memes. This is either a good thing or a bad thing. It’s good if it ends up elevating the consciousness level of Iran. It’s bad if it’s too far above the consciousness level of Iran.

Successful social change requires hitting that sweet spot of ideas being better than the status quo, but not too far out of reach.

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16 hours ago, Revolutionary Think said:

No one is talking about NATO liberating the Persians and there are more than just Persians in Iran. The Iranians are going to liberate themselves. They made a mistake in 1979 (not the ones who were kids or born after 1979 they made no mistake) The mistake is being fixed though by them. 

This is exactly how Syrian civil war started. The civilians started protesting , the police started craking them down , some died and wahabi boot lickers called for jihad , gathered a lot of men ,israel and nato created ISIS  they started invading syria ,then hezbollah fought them , Iran got russia in and russia and hizbollah defeated NATO ant their proxy ISIS .but Russia did not finish of all of US proxy. USA still control some part of syria and shamelessly loot the oil of that place .Russia did not finish them off on purpose because russia want syria to be dependent on them . 


And in the end 300,000 syrians died and 10 million became refugess

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5 hours ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim Most of those atrocities happened when Europe was at Blue/Orange. Europe is now at stage Green.

Spiral dynamics is not the solution for mankind. It is marketed as such. But it is not


 Why did Green europeans killed gaddafi and turned libiya into a failed state

Why did green europeans supply weapons to saudi arabia and support them in their genocidal journey in yemen

Why do green eurpeans started civil war in syria


Green eurpeans commited many war crimes in yuguslavia

Greem europans defeat stage red people in amount of people killed since 2000 . Eurpoe and USA killed more people than all those red and blue people in different parts of country

Spiral dynamic is not the solution for mankind

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2 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Why did Green europeans killed gaddafi and turned libiya into a failed state


Gaddafi was killed by Libyans. Libyans turned Libya into a failed state.


2 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Why did green europeans supply weapons to saudi arabia and support them in their genocidal journey in yemen

Europe did not support Saudi in fighting the houthis. The weapons were given in exchange for oil. It’s called business. 


2 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Why do green eurpeans started civil war in syria

They didn’t.

2 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Green eurpeans commited many war crimes in yuguslavia

There is no war without casualties. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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10 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

The problem with revolutions is that they often lead to worse dictators than the ones they overthrew.

It's relatively easy to do a revolution. The hard part is governing afterwards.

What's your thoughts on Iraq after Saddam? I read the biography and have looked into a bit of the peoples sentiment. It seems like for every day people it has become worse after he was removed. More because of the fact that there is a lot more to fear than him. Assuming that the average person stayed out of politics they were pretty safe. 

I think Saddam was too deep into causing conflicts that ultimately ruined the country. It seemed like once he learned he lesson and really had pressure to get rid of WMD programs it was too late for him. However, maybe if he was still around it would have kept the country more stable and helped build it up. 

Edited by Average Investor

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1 hour ago, Average Investor said:

What's your thoughts on Iraq after Saddam? I read the biography and have looked into a bit of the peoples sentiment. It seems like for every day people it has become worse after he was removed.

I don't have enough experience of the situation in Iraq to know.

In the long-run it's probably a net positive that Saddam was removed.

Edited by Leo Gura

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5 hours ago, asifarahim said:

@How to be wise


I think an extremist islamic organization would attack israel before their own

Why did ISIS not attack israel

They were too busy fighting the Shia in Iraq. For ISIS, Jews and Shiites are on the same infidel category. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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6 hours ago, How to be wise said:

They were too busy fighting the Shia in Iraq. For ISIS, Jews and Shiites are on the same infidel category. 

@How to be wise


I am sunni and i have been friends with sunni syrians and shias. I had syrian friends 

And let me tell u sunnis hate israel more than shia. I have more in common with shias than u all. I can get along with shia . my values and shia values are more similar than my values with the people here. Sunnis hate israel more than shia.  . sunii get along well with a shia more than they get along with a liberal

Edited by asifarahim

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@asifarahim Lol. If you go to YouTube, you can quickly see the hate that most Sunnis have for Shiites. The number of atrocities that isis committed against the Shia is simply uncountable. Look at Yemen. Isn’t the reason why the Saudis are fighting the houthis is because the houthis are Shia? Otherwise there’s no other reason for Arabs to be fighting each other. Most Sunnis do not share your sentiment for the Shia. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim Lol. If you go to YouTube, you can quickly see the hate that most Sunnis have for Shiites. 

U mean the youtube that delete every argument that post a big threat to US imperialism 


1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim . The number of atrocities that isis committed against the Shia is simply uncountable. 

Its because Iran pose a threat to the colonial project of west ie Israel

Colonialism has not stopped

White man killed 95% of native americans and took america for themself. They wanna do the same to Arabia. Iran pose a threat to their colonial project ie israel. Iran backed militia Hizbollah defeated israel in a war in 2006. Israel was beaten badly. As long as iran is there ,it is aways a threat to the colonial project of israel . so nato created isis to capture syria and finish off lebnon. Its simple basic colonialism. 


1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim  Look at Yemen. Isn’t the reason why the Saudis are fighting the houthis is because the houthis are Shia? 

Muhammad bin salaman is a boot licker . he kiss  nato cock. Entire non salafi sunnis hate him

If u look at the map , a large chunk of oil pass through yemeni coast .  Usa wanna control the yemeni coast for profit. So he use war criminal MBS to demilitarize yemen.


1 hour ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim ? Otherwise there’s no other reason for Arabs to be fighting each other. Most Sunnis do not share your sentiment for the Shia. 

If u open some history books writtern by islamic scholars u will realize that sunni shia conflict started after the fall of ottoman empire. Sure a sunni cannot perfectly go with shia. They cannot perfectly hangout with shia. But. They can live in peace. After the fall of ottoman empire  foreign powers started making eveyone fight amoung each otherother

a sunni  have more in common with a shia than u all. 

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@asifarahim Iran poses an ideological threat to the other Muslim countries, because they want to convert everyone to Shiism. Salafism was the counter movement to the Islamic Revolution of 1979, when Iran began exporting Shiism to the rest of the Muslim world. They converted tens of millions of Sunnis to Shia Islam. 

"Not believing your own thoughts, you’re free from the primal desire: the thought that reality should be different than it is. You realise the wordless, the unthinkable. You understand that any mystery is only what you yourself have created. In fact, there’s no mystery. Everything is as clear as day. It’s simple, because there really isn’t anything. There’s only the story appearing now. And not even that.” — Byron Katie


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On 12/6/2022 at 10:07 AM, Leo Gura said:

I don't have enough experience of the situation in Iraq to know.

In the long-run it's probably a net positive that Saddam was removed.

That's a fair take. Given how ruthless and ready for war he was. His actions lead to a lot of poverty and issues in Iraq. Had he not been removed there is a lot of possible terrorism and other chemical weapon development. 


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13 hours ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim Iran poses an ideological threat to the other Muslim countries, because they want to convert everyone to Shiism. Salafism was the counter movement to the Islamic Revolution of 1979, when Iran began exporting Shiism to the rest of the Muslim world. They converted tens of millions of Sunnis to Shia Islam. 



Shia is not a threat to sunni. Sunnis had shia locked intellectually for 1400 years. We had them.

Shias are not a threat

Sure shias can convert ignorant sunnis without knowledge. But that is not the reason sunni and shia are fighting. Saudi arabia and UAE are US puppet. They follow orders from US and do what US want. It has nothing to do ideological threat from shiaism. Shias cannot beat sunnis ideologically









21 hours ago, How to be wise said:



21 hours ago, How to be wise said:



21 hours ago, How to be wise said:



21 hours ago, How to be wise said:

@asifarahim ? . 


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To be honest guys, it's fascinating to me that most of you guys have very distorted perception of Iran and middle east in general. 

Young Iranians and middle eastern people are much more developed to care about sunnis and shias or Islam or Christianity or... 

Yes, religious war is still going on in the middle east, but mostly by ignorant people which are mostly older generation( that unfortunately still hold the power) or not advanced young people.

The Iranians that are calling for a revolution are far beyond religion. They are intelligent, open minded people who respect peoples beliefs, and at the same time are aware of the trajectory of mankind evolution in 21st century. Many of the middle eastern countries are much more underdeveloped than the Iranian population. I am not taking side guys, I am just trying to explain what is true.

And Leo is right. What happens after the revolutions matter most. I hope it will be a successful revolution. If I consider the ideas of current Iranian population, I can see that most likely it will be successful and it will affect the Iranians and of course all of the middle east in a positive way.

On 12/6/2022 at 0:14 PM, aurum said:

Iran now appears to be disbanding its morality police. That’s a significant move and could be considered an accomplishment of the protests.

This is a lie. Officials told this lie to international community so that it might seem they are correcting themselves. It's not. Those fuckers still get you in trouble if you go outside without a scarf. The thing is that now most women don't wear hijab, and they don't have enough power to control them. It has gotten out of their hand.


On 12/6/2022 at 0:14 PM, aurum said:

t’s clear to me that these protests are partially due to the propagation of Western cultural memes. This is either a good thing or a bad thing. It’s good if it ends up elevating the consciousness level of Iran. It’s bad if it’s too far above the consciousness level of Iran.

You are right. But it's a good thing. Young Iranians like western culture, but at the same time we hold our culture dear too. The level of consciousness in Iranian society has increased in the past 4 decades very very significantly. You just have to meet and communicate with younger Iranian generation to see this.

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4 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Iran poses an ideological threat to the other Muslim countries, because they want to convert everyone to Shiism.

You are right. They are doing this. They cannot be successful, but they are doing this, using Iran's vast riches and resources. They are a threat to Iranian people and outside world.. And we, the Iranian people, are trying to kick those warmongering idiots out of our country. We don't want to fight anyone. 

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4 hours ago, asifarahim said:

Shia is not a threat to sunni. Sunnis had shia locked intellectually for 1400 years. We had them.

Shias are not a threat

Sure shias can convert ignorant sunnis without knowledge. But that is not the reason sunni and shia are fighting. Saudi arabia and UAE are US puppet. They follow orders from US and do what US want. It has nothing to do ideological threat from shiaism. Shias cannot beat sunnis ideologically

Brother, please understand this, this is not about Shia and sunni. Yes, Iran has majority shia, but only in name. Most people are way beyond religion. The religion to us is not like arab countries. Bro, I am sunni! But I don't care about that. I am a human. That's it! and I have Iranian culture, an old beautiful culture. Islam also has good culture. Idiots, both sunnis and shais, use religion to propagate their hate. 

Please don't see Iran as a Shia country. Iran is an Iranian country, ruled by some idiot shia clerics.

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1 hour ago, Mohammad said:

 Yes, Iran has majority shia, but only in name. Most people are way beyond religion. The religion to us is not like arab countries.

yes shiaism is like roman catholicism. it will fall when using logic. but look into ahlu sunnah wal jamah , an old school orginal islam which is defended by barelvi movement.


1 hour ago, Mohammad said:

 Bro, I am sunni! But I don't care about that. I am a human. That's it! and I have Iranian culture, an old beautiful culture. Islam also has good culture. Idiots, both sunnis and shais, use religion to propagate their hate. 


the fate of lebonese people depend on iran. when ayatollah regieme fall , lebenese will be massacred.

also look into islamic golden age . the best think tanks of middle ages were from persian , who were sunnis . why dont u be proud of that too. look into islamic golden age.  europeans got all the science from muslims through spain. they own their enlightment to us and we own it to persians and romans  and indians and chinese and they own it to babylon


liberalism has a lot of problems. when a guy like andrew tate who banged 600 woman come and start to say all the problems of liberalism and feminism , the govt go on to a campaign and call him mysogynit, homophobic, extremist, hate preacher. that is the limit of liberalism . there are a lot of problem with sexual liberation and when someone point it out they are called extremist, mysogynist etc.  sunni civilisation is the most healthy and is better than liberal civilisation. shiaism is the next best thing after sunni civilisation .


also check into the playlist below . wester civilization is on the way to collapse. what u see on screen about miami or los vega is not actual los vega . check this playlist below


1 hour ago, Mohammad said:


Please don't see Iran as a Shia country. Iran is an Iranian country, ruled by some idiot shia clerics.

but iran has the best foreign policy . name one country which has better foreign policy than iran . iran has the best foreign policy of all. dont fall into ideological subversion. check out a guy called daniel haqiqatjou and yuri bezminov

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lets say i own youtube. i made the enitre world get into youtube. i had them addicted. then i started to send " hunter bidens laptop "  type videos to all the people in america. and if i do that for 5 years, the people will be polorised. than i arm the trump supporters and give them weapon and start making them fight joe biden and have usa for themself .

imagine this scenario

this is what usa is doing to iranians.

usa did this to libiyans and syrians . usa is doing it to iranians

i am sure everyone got the video of  " young persian  woman in the 50s" . i had nothing to do with iran. but i got this video .


what if own youtube and make every one in usa watch " hunter bidens laptop " type videos  . and arm the trump supporters and turn usa into a war torn country


Edited by asifarahim

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