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To Surrender From Crying

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Intense weeping triggered by an opening up of electricity to complete surrender. Usually with some pause of breathing, open mouth, and face scrunching. Completely dropping the weights of having to keep up many of my strong roles that I play. Just being able to be actively and invitingly aware of all intense emotional feelings has been eye opening.

What are some of your experiences with being emotionally open to a point of awe surrender?


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@JustinS  I experience crying a lot especially this year. I cry for the INTENSE joy of meditation and being. I cry out of sadness for my mom, dad, and friends who do not know a thing abt enlighnment. 

I think, my friend, that we should Surrender TO crying

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@Empty Thanks for sharing. :) I can relate to that. Starting meditation and getting deeper into has completely turned my life around for the better. I'm bringing my brother and 2 friends to the next vipassana course in a few months. They're in for a real shock teehee. 

Edited by JustinS


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I tear up when i see people waking up and realizing more of what i have realized and experience making me feel a little more home and proud every time.

Edited by pluto


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