
Alien Atma-Shakti

1 post in this topic

Leo wrote:



The most terrifying thing is when your mind expands into a domain that is completely Alien. I awoke so deeply I became conscious that my house it haunted.


Some quotes that might be relevant to put some of Leo's new sayings into context:


Rudolf Otto - The idea of the holy


"The best description of the divine to date is surely the German philosopher of religion Rudolf Otto’s classic 1917 book The Idea of the Holy. For Otto, the divine – or, to use his preferred term, the numinous – is something that presents itself as being “wholly other”[2] than the things that we experience in our everyday, mundane lives. It seems to come from a different plane of existence altogether. Confronted with it, one experiences oneself as being “but dust and ashes,”[3] utterly insignificant and inconsequential in the face of something immeasurably greater. It has a majestic, daunting, even terrifying aspect, which Otto calls the mysterium tremendum (“awe-inspiring mystery”), as well as a blissful, comforting side, which he calls the mysterium fascinans (“alluring mystery”).[4]"


Bernadette Roberts on "alien" oneness


"Since there was nothing unusual going on at the stream, I stood looking out over the valley, gazing at nothing in particular, when I noticed a peculiar gathering of intensity in the air somewhere over the valley. Whatever it was, it was gathering itself together from all parts and in doing so, was expanding outwards, obliterating everything in it's path. At the same time, it grew to such a pitch of vibratory, almost electrical intensity that it exerted a magnetic pull on my body.

At first glimpse it appeared to be the familiar Oneness, but as it grew in intensity I realized it was something else, something I did not recognize at all. The Oneness had always revealed itself through the medium of form, but if this was Oneness, it now had no medium and was magnified a thousand times over, a magnification that could not be endured. What whatever its reality, I knew to be caught in the path of its expansion was to be drawn into it like a speck of dust.

I thought my time had come and despite the mystery of what remained, it would remain no longer. Another second and the light would go out forever - the light of the eye that beheld this wonder. Somehow I knew this should not be, yet there was nothing that could be done. I could not look away for there was nowhere else to look, there was no energy to move, within, all was still and motionless - no response, no thoughts, no feelings. What would be, would be.



A spiritual practitioner's report:


I went through a phase of pushing deeper and deeper into 'how things are', saw lots of stuff, until one day I saw something that was so powerful, so ruthless, so intent, so relentless, that I felt - to stay with it another second, it would just flick me off into the fire like a gnat. That taught me a lesson

a force was seen which is original, raw, ruthless power that both moved and was still.  The feeling was of a mountain of granite rock.  Solid, unmovable and I was part of that.  It was one of those slightly silly moments when there’s the illusion of having the force of the universe in your hands.

The first seeing was of an awareness so other, that the word “alien” came up and it fit remarkably well. I’m not talking little green men, but a presence that felt alien/other to this human perception. Quite simply, it was staggering. Although all the appearances showed up in it, seemed of it, this presence had bigger fish to fry.
Various seeings followed of (what seemed to be) that-which-is-behind-beneath-throughreality. Qualities of raw power/ruthlessness/mountain of rock, then other/alien/unconcerned (like the human race was a side-effect), then nothing-moves/everything-still despite the appearance of movement.


Aurobindo talks about Atma-shakti in his "Life Divine"


"Maya can then be seen as the self-power, Atma-Shakti, of the Atman. It is ture that when we first become aware of this Aspect, it is usually in a silence of the whole being or at the least in a silence within which draws back or stands away from the surface action; this Self is then felt as a status in silence, an immobile immutable being, self-existent, pervading the whole universe, omnipresent in all, but not dynamic or active, aloof from the ever mobile energy of Maya. "

Edited by peterjames

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