
Forms Of Corruption In Stage-Blue Societies

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One form of corruption that I notice living in stage-blue society is that nobody seems to believe in the concept of specializations in professional life.

A worker in any job is expected to do pretty much everything. For Example, A worker at a hotel is expected to clean the rooms, cook, receive the guests, do repairs for water pipes, electric devices... etc. Some implications of this is that nothing is going to be achieved at higher standards.

Also another form of corruption is that the hotel owner makes sure that there's enough income to feed like 20 people of his family members, yet all the actual work in the hotel is done by no more than 2 workers, while his family members receive everything for free cuz they don't have to work.

In this regards, stage-orange seems much better, and it can guarantee higher standards and a much better form of justice. Yes everyone has to work, and that's better than few people working their ass of while the rest are enjoying work-free life.


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