The White Belt

Regular Old Enlightened Folk Vs Mysterious Edgy Mystics.

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I want to know what makes one of these magnetic, alluring mystics, different from somebody from the science and non-duality crowd. 

Is it to do with depth of enlightenment?

For example, folks like OSHO and Sadhguru are so alluring to many.

Where as, not to be insulting, but guys like Peter Russell and Gary Weber seem to be great, but there is a blatent, yet not so obvious

difference between these guys?

Is it just personality? Or is it something different?

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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Osho and Sadhguru are pure classical music.  Peter Russel and Gary Weber are a cover of a country song xD

-1/12 is Infinity 

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@Dodoster Lol. I wonder why that is though? They are so poetic, the things they say are so profound. Maybe just their unique way of getting the message to people...

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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The man of no-mind is one hundred percent present. You can feel his presence from the outside. You cannot see his no-mind. The presence of his being is a radiation of a silent state within. That is beyond you, but if you are available, receptive, you can experience something of the tremendous presence of his being. In each of his gestures, in each of his looks, in each of his words, or even in his silence, you can be touched by his presence of being.

Such people who have their being absolutely present – one hundred percent alert – are known in the world of language as having charisma. There is no other charisma. There is only one charisma and one charismatic aura and that aura comes from no-mind.

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Perhaps people have an easier time believing Indians can be enlightened because of the upbringing there and the saddhus walking around ('they must have spend every moment on meditation for decades whereas westerners generally only have a few hours to spare), and that's a valid estimation, but westerners can also be enlightened of course.

Also, they can be a breath of fresh air, they are mystical because of their enlightened state but also because of the different way of being through culture and that is interesting to watch.

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@Prabhaker But why do I feel that presence from some teachers and not others?

“In the beginner’s mind there are many possibilities, but in the expert’s there are few” 
― Shunryu Suzuki

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You can send me your mind in the mail, I'll return it in 2 weeks and tell you. Or you take a look yourself.

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4 minutes ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

But why do I feel that presence from some teachers and not others?

There is difference between spiritual teacher and a fully enlightened master. 

When inside you everything becomes silent, you are no more as you used to be – a person. Now you are just a fragrance, a presence. Anybody who is intelligent is bound to feel something new that he has never experienced before.

People have named it in different ways, because people are different. Somebody will say, ”It is a hypnotic force.” Somebody will say, ”It is something like magnetism.” Somebody will say, ”It is mesmerism.” Somebody will say, ”It is charisma.” Somebody will say, ”We don’t know exactly what it is.” One thing is certain: it has a tremendous gravity, it pulls you towards itself.

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20 minutes ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

@Prabhaker But why do I feel that presence from some teachers and not others?

Preference. And some other none energy magical things 9_9 (ex micro expresion response)

Depth if you can call it that does have a huge affect on how the ego behaves. Regardless of it always being observed


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@BeginnerActualizer You bring your personality into infinity. It gets filtered through your peresonna, if you are a scientific rational minded person, it is perhaps more difficult to communicate something so subtle, the non-verbal feel of it. If you work with data, thats what you give out to others, if you work with emotion and energy, it is a domain you master and radiate.

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@BeginnerActualizer Also to my understanding, enlightenment is simply a realization. There is also something I´d call complete emotional and energetical purification and clarity. THAT is the fancy part you see in these people, they are like fucking warm fluffs of energy, they radiate love because they cleared out their core of negative emotion and all they are left with are balls of sunlight throughout their whole body. Of course you wanna get close and get some of dat good sunshine. Who wouldn´t x).

Some people tend to talk in frequencies. It is the high vibrational frequency they embody that is actually magnetic. Also can be fucking annoying to unhappy negative people. So in a way it has prolly NOTHINg to do with elnlightenment. Although it may be much easier to attain liberation when you are high frequency yourself, because you feel very free already. 

Edited by Martin123

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@BeginnerActualizer It depends on how the person does the life purpose. Osho eventually started a Ashram. He wrote books and has his own personality and preferences mix in those. The same goes for Sadhguru. We get different impressions when we go into both of them. Same goes for the other two you've mentioned. If you go into your own life purpose and mixed in spirituality, it will give it it's own flavor. Osho and Sadhguru are full fledged spirituality. They live different lifestyles. 

Edited by Key Elements

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2 hours ago, Snick said:

Love and presence are not at all interested in strong bounds to other people, that involved time, ego and other illusionary factors. 

That doesn't mean the no-minder has lower empathy or is less responsible, in fact, the opposite is true! 

Do you resonate with this Prabhaker? 

No, life span of a no-minder is not unlimited. He is interested in making as many people enlightened as possible. He can not cling to the people who are attached to him for wrong reasons. He has to work more on the disciples who have possibility  of growing spiritually, whose commitment  is total. 

All kind of persons gather around an enlightened master, some are interested in listening but don't want to act accordingly. Some are interested in psychic powers. Some are interested in solving their physical and material problems. Many people come just out of curiosity. He has to avoid people who can become hindrance for real seekers of truth.

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@BeginnerActualizer They're speaking more truth, the great ones. They have experienced the transcendence of their person and world. They then have an acquired perspective, that does not contain the issues that people stuck in their ego trap have. They are what it sounds like when you have let all the resistance and self doubt go. 



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1 minute ago, Snick said:

To me that is some kind of evidence that the human race will never become enlightened as a whole! 

That's a sad insight! 

I agree, once a person is enlightened he never comes again in physical body. In a hospital you will always find sick people, as soon as patient is healthy, he is discharged from the hospital. More people become enlightened the consciousness of whole humanity rises, miseries become less. 

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@Snick Some people convinced some people long ago, that they are being judged by God. It seems that is a tough one to undo by and large. I wish them all mental health and light.



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1 hour ago, Prabhaker said:

All kind of persons gather around an enlightened master, some are interested in listening but don't want to act accordingly. Some are interested in psychic powers. Some are interested in solving their physical and material problems. Many people come just out of curiosity. He has to avoid people who can become hindrance for real seekers of truth.

I would like to ask you something here. Why is it not good to have any kind of powers? Even if it comes automatically?  I mean, you could be humble about it, like Spiderman or Superman or Wonder Woman. They want their powers to remain hidden. If they need to use it, they will. Otherwise, they just consider themselves like anyone else. It's the same as having a Satori experience. One does not have to go around telling everyone. Just use the wisdom wisely and teach peace in your own ways.

Oh man...I feel like sharing the theme song to the old Wonder Woman song. Here it is. To me it's funny and cool. ;)


Edited by Key Elements

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19 hours ago, BeginnerActualizer said:

I want to know what makes one of these magnetic, alluring mystics, different from somebody from the science and non-duality crowd. 

Is it to do with depth of enlightenment?

For example, folks like OSHO and Sadhguru are so alluring to many.

Where as, not to be insulting, but guys like Peter Russell and Gary Weber seem to be great, but there is a blatent, yet not so obvious

difference between these guys?

Is it just personality? Or is it something different?

The enlightenment that Science & Non-duality talks about might be a watered down version. Enlightenment doesn't come in stages; either the ego is completely destroyed or not. That doesn't mean what they are saying is wrong, you can still learn from them. Enlightenment is also NOT a simple realization that awareness is ever present. That only leads to intellectual gymnastics. Enlightenment is when the mind/ego is destroyed and you experience Absolute Infinity; not just believe in it but experience it. It's not intellectual at all. 

In my opinion, approximately 1,000-2,000 people might be fully enlightened right now out of 7 billion. Most of them are not famous and they won't broadcast it. They won't be able to talk about it with anyone. They can be Sufi mystics, Christian mystics, Zen masters, and anyone from any culture. Even Osho and Sadhguru might not be fully enlightened. 

I'm not trying to say enlightenment is so rare, one shouldn't try to attain it. I think striving to attain it is great, and can improve one's life very much. It's like Alan Watts says, "Brahman reveals itself to certain people at times and they know who they are." 

The unborn Lord has many incarnations. BPHS 

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18 minutes ago, Key Elements said:

Why is it not good to have any kind of powers? Even if it comes automatically?

You have to pass through the psychic realms because they lie between you and your innermost depth between you as you are and you as you will be. But you can pass through them with such jet speed that you never experience them or you can pass through them at a bullock cart’s pace.

But if you are longing for psychic powers, even unconsciously, then even with a jet method you will behave as if you are in a bullock cart. If you have a keen desire to develop psychic powers then as you pass them you will be caught by them. We have inner longings that we are not even aware of. Our mind is basically power seeking: whether it seeks power in the outer world or the inner, it is always seeking power. One must be careful not to seek power. The psychic realm is there, and if you are seeking powers then you will be caught in them somewhere.

The outer world cannot give you as much power as the inner world; there is a great potential of power within.

They are there, but if you seek them you will be caught in them, which will be pathetic, pitiable, because when you reach the psychic you are very near to the cosmic, to absolute bliss. You are near to the flower, but you have shut your hands over it. 

We must be cautious of psychic powers. They are there, but they are not of much significance in themselves. Inner power becomes absolute in the sense that you are not dependent on anybody else. You are the sole master of it so it becomes more egocentric. Outer power has corrupted man, but inner power has corrupted him more. It is not power itself that corrupts, because the divine also is power; rather, it is the seeking, longing ego that corrupts. If we are corrupt, then when power comes our corruption will be exposed. Before that it remains hidden. To be corrupt we need power. So one must beware of inner psychic forces. They exist, but do not look at them.

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