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Very interesting Lex Fridman podcast about Russia.

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   Here's the video:

   What are your thoughts and feelings after listening to the video?

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   20 minutes in, my impression is that Fiona Hill is conflating similarities of her environment and upbringing from growing up in her culture, to some other culture. I felt like there's likely a blind spot there, like she's attributing that Russia is like the United Kingdom and its treatment of Belfast, akin to how Russia is treating Ukraine. I don't know, something's off.

  Again, it all depends on one's stage of development, cognitive and moral development, psychological development and personality types, states of consciousness and being/becoming identity developments, life experiences and other lines of development, worldviews, biases, preferences and beliefs that are indoctrinated and imprinted by one's family and upbringings and shadow aspects of the psyche and value systems. Of course, I have my own biases and worldview about Lex Fridman and Fiona Hill and the other guests he has interviewed, which may cloud my intuitive signals from GOD, the universal mind's source, or simply my right brain signaling getting corrupted by my own prejudices and biases of my own life experiences.

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   On the Donald Trump section, I don't think either side appreciated how dangerously close he almost ruined the USA, because most of Donald Trump's foreign policies came little from him, and more from others with more experience than him. I think Lex Fridman underestimates, and to some extent Fiona Hill, how Donald Trump's narcissism and some members of his group of lobbyists damaged to some extent Obama's policy and other areas of its government.

   Am I wrong that I get the sense that Lex Fridman is too autistic and left brained to understand how close America came to ruin? I get the feeling, my inference of both Lex Fridman and Fiona Hill, is that neither are willing to give a stronger answer towards Donald Trump, as if they fear a strong backlash from the right. To me, I'd clearly state that Donald Trump did more harm than good to American politics and policies, and that the majority of that came from his lack of political development and experiences, him conflating his business experiences as enough to run a political campaign and country and other lines of development that regress, depress and sometimes progresses other lines of development.

Edited by Danioover9000

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   I don't know, but I'm getting the feeling that she's a Trump apologist, that is generalizing and distorting half the American population at around 1:30 time mark. I'm starting to not like her, and Lex Fridman more, especially since4 he platformed Kanye West, and this questionable person. Disappointing, but am I right in my intuition?  

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