Leo Gura

Elon Musk Twitter Trainwreck Mega-Thread

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@Tyler Robinson Stop believing random articles from 5 days ago. Journalists will go off literally any fucking random rumor. Elon has literally said $8 a dozen times in the past 24 hours. If they increase it to $19.99 and Musk confirms that then fine, but currently I see absolutely no indication of that being true.



Edited by Space

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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I think the fear-mongering around this whole thing is so rediculously overblown. Unbanning a few questionable people? So what. We can't just ban people because of their slightly offensive or toxic views. Online moderation has taken a step too far IMO.

$8 a month for a blue badge? Big deal. People will forget about this in 3 months time and it'll just become the norm. I'm almost certain it will be a successful strategy. Musk isn't stupid. He's literally done impossible things. I think he knows a few things about how to run a successful company.

But it's very clear the company was a sinking ship. Musk is just doing everything he can to save it.


Edited by Space

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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About this whole 'hate-speech' thing - we like to believe that our side isn't engaging in hate-speech. That 'it's only the other side that does this, we never do it'. 

By this point, it's very obvious to me that the mainstream hates the straight, cis, white guy. Will Leftist Twitter ban the haters of this group? No! We like to be 'against hate-speech', but we will apply that selectively. 

The worst problem with the Left right now, is that they're making 'freedom' a bad word. And compliance and blind obedience and submission to authority, a good thing. That's 'socialism' in a nutshell, essentially. Use the government to do everything. And 'free speech' is a very bad thing! How will we get a word in if you get to speak?! So, what we have to do, is silence you. (Because we're full of shit. And when the truth has its day, our bullshit gets drowned out. Bad for us.) 

This prevents a civil, level-headed discourse relative to social-issues. And it furthers the separation between the Left and the Right. Favoring the elites, of course. Cuz their job hinges on you being divided. If the world becomes peaceful and free, government isn't needed anymore!! Authority isn't needed anymore. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Banning dissenting opinions is one of the weakest, most pathetic, most cowardly b*tch-moves I've ever seen. It's the move of someone who can't have a civil debate, so we storm out of the room. And we don't admit to the way we've abused the public. 

In fact, this is the only way they get to stay in their little bubble of la-la land, where everything's perfect. The lockdowns are perfect, the jab-enforcements are perfect, the sanctions are perfect, the wars are perfect. The moment they let in public opinion, their voice (rightfully so) gets drowned out! 

There is a section of people that is particularly furious about the social-media censorship. Censorship of people losing their jobs/businesses cuz of the lockdowns, losing their lives cuz of the jab, Ukrainian soldiers complaining about the bad American gear, the drowning out of the big protests in Europe against climate-change moves, etc. And if Elon didn't make the free-speech move, even if only in name, something bad would've happened. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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Do you people have any idea what's going on in right-wing media cuz of this censorship?! They're calling this a 'communist takeover'. That played out during and after COVID. And if this keeps going, it won't be long before some of them will declare revolution. 

If you guys care so much about 'right-wing extremism and violence', own your responsibility in creating that. You can't just keep living in your little bubble of la-la land and expect that it will never be broken if you don't look outside of it. 

Having free-speech is so important to solve the problem of echo-chambers. You guys can call them 'safe-spaces' if you want, but that's what they really are. Echo-chambers. 

Edited by mr_engineer

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2 hours ago, Raze said:

It’s not a train wreck. In the long run Twitter will be better. Activists at Twitter were damaging it by artistically crushing posts and stories they didn’t like which could have gotten more views, and they were wasting huge amounts of money supervising everything (elon said he feels like there are 10 supervisors they were paying for every programmer). Advertisers are being pressured to pull out now, but Elon will slim down Twitter making it cheaper to run and open it up for more discussion. This will get more eyeballs on it and make it more appealing to advertisers in the long run.

His verification plan can also work, if only 39 percent of active twitter users buy the 8 dollar a month verification, it alone will cover all of twitters operating expenses.

@Raze I think that perspective may have some truth to it from an economic standpoint. However, I think your comment here presents a bit of a naive perspective.

I don't think your opinion here or Musk's approach understands the systemic nature of a place twitter. Imo opening twitter up for discussion in a way that doesn't have serious negative consequences, i.e. making the platform abusive, breeding hate crimes IRL,  would be a complex, nuanced task, which I don't think Musk understands, and I see no acknowledgment of in your comment.

In a way, I'm deeply worried that Musk doesn't understand what he's got himself into, and think its not unlikely that his leadership will cause a lot of harm to a lot of vulnerable folks, including the deaths of quite a few.


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38 minutes ago, Ulax said:

@Raze I think that perspective may have some truth to it from an economic standpoint. However, I think your comment here presents a bit of a naive perspective.

I don't think your opinion here or Musk's approach understands the systemic nature of a place twitter. Imo opening twitter up for discussion in a way that doesn't have serious negative consequences, i.e. making the platform abusive, breeding hate crimes IRL,  would be a complex, nuanced task, which I don't think Musk understands, and I see no acknowledgment of in your comment.

In a way, I'm deeply worried that Musk doesn't understand what he's got himself into, and think its not unlikely that his leadership will cause a lot of harm to a lot of vulnerable folks, including the deaths of quite a few.

Musk is not stupid. He obviously understands moderation. You just think he doesn't because he's doing things that go against your values and who you think should and shouldn't be allowed access. Twitter's moderation will basically remain unchanged. 

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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4 hours ago, Ulax said:

@Raze I think that perspective may have some truth to it from an economic standpoint. However, I think your comment here presents a bit of a naive perspective.

I don't think your opinion here or Musk's approach understands the systemic nature of a place twitter. Imo opening twitter up for discussion in a way that doesn't have serious negative consequences, i.e. making the platform abusive, breeding hate crimes IRL,  would be a complex, nuanced task, which I don't think Musk understands, and I see no acknowledgment of in your comment.

In a way, I'm deeply worried that Musk doesn't understand what he's got himself into, and think its not unlikely that his leadership will cause a lot of harm to a lot of vulnerable folks, including the deaths of quite a few.

I haven’t seen evidence the old leadership at Twitter was helping this. For example, the developer of the retweet button said “We Handed A Loaded Weapon To 4-Year-Olds”, and foresaw how it would be used to cause pile one, cancellations, and stress. But Twitter did nothing about this phenomenon.
Twitters old moderation seemed more interested in projecting their own biased worldview, for example, they banned the Hunter Biden story during the election even though they admitted it was a valid story.

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7 minutes ago, Space said:

Musk is not stupid. He obviously understands moderation. You just think he doesn't because he's doing things that go against your values and who you think should and shouldn't be allowed access. Twitter's moderation will basically remain unchanged. 

@Space The oracle has spoken


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My gut feeling tells me that, Musk is not in tier 2 of spiral dynamics yet. He didn't even reach green yet, so his attempts to moderate clashes between all colours on Twitter will fail badly. He is already talking about never censoring "accurate" information, which in his head will be orange interpretation of whatever is thrown at him. He also meant to be INTJ and got Asperger's syndrome. He likely got no respect for authorities and rules. He has over 110 million followers on Twitter, but nowhere near likes and retweets whenever he posts, so it's not like there is army of people supporting him, but many tracking what he is doing. Likely his Twitter stock will be going up and down in coming months as Musk will be making statements or changing his mind.

Overall... what a mess and waste of time. I think he will sell it in couple months or simple revert to what it was and apologise. I can't see Musk having time to deal with this mess, which drain his time away from his other ventures.

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2 hours ago, Space said:

I think the fear-mongering around this whole thing is so rediculously overblown. Unbanning a few questionable people? So what. We can't just ban people because of their slightly offensive or toxic views. Online moderation has taken a step too far IMO.



Right unbanning one of the most prominent and powerful person in the country that tried doing a coup and still peddles dangerous election lies to millions of people is completely fine. 

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   Just because of this thread, I'm following Elon Musk, so I don't know what's really the point of this thread anymore, as it's supposed to compile a list of failure points of one individual's intent to change a digital organization?

   Maybe because of the differences in stage of development, cognitive and moral development, psychological and personality typing, ego development, sate of consciousness, life experiences and other line of development, and differences in beliefs and worldviews that most of you have, plus your biases of self-made millionaires and billionaires, that you cannot accurately judge and discern and make some distinctions that Elon Musk may have had the strategic intent of ruining Twitter. Or he is forward thinking enough, despite being hard wired for more left-brain activity, that he can evolve Twitter in a much better shape and form...by trimming down the political activism that's rampant from most lefties and some righties in the Twitter space.


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I was thinking Musk would just bleed money behind the scenes and leave the site mostly untouched for a while. Seems that won't be the case.

I had a huge addiction to twitter for many years and gave it up a couple years ago. So I wouldn't be too upset if the place collapses into nothing.

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The replies in this thread sure are…. something.  

Anyways, it was a terrible ass purchase and it is interesting if it all collapses soon.  I don’t think Elon realizes a lot of people don’t fall for his schtick.  


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He probably has his reasons why he thinks this is a good investment outside of free speech. 

How is this post just me acting out my ego in the usual ways? Is this post just me venting and justifying my selfishness? Are the things you are posting in alignment with principles of higher consciousness and higher stages of ego development? Are you acting in a mature or immature way? Are you being selfish or selfless in your communication? Are you acting like a monkey or like a God-like being?

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5 hours ago, Space said:

Musk is not stupid. He obviously understands moderation. You just think he doesn't because he's doing things that go against your values and who you think should and shouldn't be allowed access. Twitter's moderation will basically remain unchanged. 

   Solid take, I intuit this as well. Although, in an ideal situation, Elon Musk should listen to some feedbacks in running Twitter, but I don't think he's going to listen to all the feedback, only some that don't threaten his bias too much, and will continue to run using whatever strategy he designed in mind for HIS Twitter, not the Twitter codesigned by OTHER PERSPECTIVES, from the users to the moderators, to the board members, and to advertisers and other third and so parties that make up the many other sides of this issue.

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   It's an interesting interview, both to me were trying to make their points, but I felt that after Russel Brand brings up the Elliot Page guy, that was the point JP's mind closed down, became defensive, and both were talking past each other, not taking the time to unpack each other's bias in this dialectical exchange they were supposed to have. I felt there was plenty of issues and blind spots in their values systems, cognitive and moral development, personality typing, ego development, states of consciousness, life experiences and other lines of development, and other areas of differences that have yet to develop, along with beliefs and worldviews that each person's mind likes to generalize, distort and distract from a more honest intellectual dialogue that could have happened:


Edited by Danioover9000

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9 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

YouTube is extremely responsible and vigilant about hate speech. Musk is the opposite.

What is the right or at least a good approach and attitude to take regarding hate speech while balancing the importance of free speech?  the values of american society are beginning to diverge on this issue but hate speech is generally protected speech but with a few narrow exceptions. 

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5 hours ago, abundance said:

Right unbanning one of the most prominent and powerful person in the country that tried doing a coup and still peddles dangerous election lies to millions of people is completely fine. 

Who are you talking about specifically?

"Find what you love and let it kill you." - Charles Bukowski

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