
How does praying (asking God for favors) works?

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If God is completely unbiased and all loving, is it even a point in praying? Why is praying so prevalent in religion?

By praying I mean asking God for favors

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That’s not true prayer 

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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@emvipi Look into the devotional rituals done in Hindu tradition, they have been shown to be quite effective in the type of prayer you mentioned.

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You decide a specific thing means a specific thing will happen and then the meaning will come through at a different now.

If you are asking God to give you something you are praying for the asking itself not for the thing you are asking for.

It should also have a reasonable means of happening. Since you'll probably be doing that from an ordinary state of consciousness.

If you put energy into "I wish I had more x" then you will experience "I wish I had more x". 

If you decide that spitting on your neighbors head means that you will win good money from a scratch off ticket, then you will win good money from a scratch off ticket because you spat on your neighbors head.

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7 hours ago, Someone here said:

@emvipi you are God.  So stop praying to yourself. 

Unless you experience yourself as God, praying to yourself makes sense.

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I was once kept up by something I tried to figure out. It was so difficult problem that I asked for Gods Will and surrendered everything to it. And then God as I said this is Gods problem, let Him handle it. Instantly I was able to fall a sleep.

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