
High Carb Vegan Roasts Jordan Peterson - Thoughts on his diet advice?

22 posts in this topic

17 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

@Jannes I did a bit of fact checking and I think you're right, my assumption of bodybuilder protein intake was exaggerated. Seems I need to do more research on bodybuilding type of diet.  Jay Cutler claims to have been taking 300-400g of protein per day on average. C-Bum seems to be scoring about 250 g / day. Obviously they compete in slightly different sets so perhaps the common ratio is somewhere in between. 

It can vary widely. To give an extreme example Markus Ruhl ate 1kg of protein per day and was a mass monster. And then there is Jay Cutler with far less protein and also a heavy weight bodybuilder. Considering that they have to eat like 8000 calories a day to get to that size 300-400 gram of protein would be like 15-20% of Jays macros.
There is a video of Jeff Nippard where he asked a lot of pro bodybuilders about what their protein intake is and if I remember correctly most of them went with 1g per pound of bodyweight but some of them with a lot more as well. 

17 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

I agree that it it not protein itself but protein being proxy for saturated fats maybe? or low fibre diets? The protein-kidney thing does not seem to hold in the evidence. 

You can have an extremely high protein diet with almost no saturated fats and with a lot of fiber. You could eat chicken breast or other meats with almost no fat, low fat milk products and veggies all day, have like 60% of your macros from protein and get all of your nutrients as well. It’s actually a good way to diet because fiber and protein gets your hunger down with the least amount of calories required. 

17 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Either way I need to dust off my knowledge in this area, glad I don;t work with bodybuilders :D Thanks for multiple corrections!

No problem, I feel very much honored! 

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I'm now trying out Durianriders diet advice for a couple of weeks just to see how it feels/works for me. I think it can be an interesting experiment to get a better understanding of the effect of carbs/sugar. I think I might have underestimated the impact of carbohydrates on energy and health before.

Yesterday was day 1 and it went surprisingly well. For breakfast I had 3 bananas, 1 orange, 1 cantaloupe melon, some strawberries and about 8 tablespoons of sugar on top. For lunch I ate a black rice salad and for dinner a big bowl of white rice.

My energy levels were stable and good, I went for a run, went to meet up with an old friend and watched a movie with another friend in the evening. I struggled a bit to fall asleep as I've usually been doing lately, but my muscle spasms were noticeably less and I had almost no heartburn for the first time in many days, and my ingestion seems to be improving too. I think I might be suffering from low stomach acid and the faster digestion time of super low fat & protein meals are easier to digest. My dad and sister also has big problems with heartburn, my dad has been on Omeprazol for many years and he's gotten my sister on it as well, they both have many health issues. I'm praying for this to work well for me so perhaps it could help them too. Perhaps I've been suffering from a combination of low stomach acid, high cortisol, and some food sensitivities, is my current hypothesis.

Today, day 2 I ate the same breakfast as day 1. Fruits with sugar on top. I feel really good, a bit tired/sleepy/very relaxed today though. I'm thinking right now that maybe I had high cortisol levels before and the sugar is really helping to lower those levels. I think consistent exercise might be a must on the Durianrider diet because if you just eat tons of carbs without moving, maybe the cortisol levels get too low. And it's the combination of excercise and big carb intake that creates a balance. So I'm probably going for a run or walk today again.

My potentially high cortisol levels could have been the cause of my muscles twitching and stressed out body. It could also have been a trigger for my heartburn and indigestion because I did notice before that I could really calm the heartburn down going deep with meditation. I'm likely going to start a journal to track this wild diet experiment. 

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