
Shipping to foreign countries legal?

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Is it legal to buy a psychedelic which will be shipped to a country where it is legal even if it is illegal in your own country ?
I feel like it’s time for me to finally get 5meo dmt and it’s illegal in Germany but legal in France for example. So I thought about buying it online, letting it ship to a collection point in france and as soon as it would arrive I would get there in a train and take it in a hotel room. Would that work or have I missed something?

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Most psychedelic laws are revolve around possession and / or intent to sell.

Basically, unless they physically catch you with the psychedelics in an area where they are illegal, you should be fine as far as possession. Intent to sell usually means being in possession of such high quantities that they assume you must be a dealer.

I think it be a bit of a gamble if you were to have the 5meo mailed across international borders from France into Germany. Most people say customs will just send you a “love letter” if they find out, but it’s still something to consider. Most psychedelics in small quantities are decriminalized where I live, but still I wouldn’t want them mailed to me internationally.

Bottom line is that if 5meo is legal in France and you only possess it in France, I doubt you’ll have problems. But I would obviously double check your own local laws.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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Generally you should avoid stuff you buy crossing international borders. If you can order it domestically, you always should.

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3 hours ago, something_else said:

Generally you should avoid stuff you buy crossing international borders. If you can order it domestically, you always should.

I can’t.

Why, is it forbidden?

ObViOuSlY I wouldn’t smuggle it across boarders and would only consume it in the country where it is legal.

Edited by Jannes

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In the United States at least, the postal service is the country's largest drug trafficker. Small and even large amounts of illegal drugs are shipped and delivered safely every day.

One way this works is as you say. The substance in question is ordered to a country where the substance is legal, to a friend for example, who then forwards it to you.

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22 hours ago, Jannes said:

I can’t.

Why, is it forbidden?

ObViOuSlY I wouldn’t smuggle it across boarders and would only consume it in the country where it is legal.

No, because domestic post is almost never inspected in Western countries, so the chances of what you ordered getting caught is almost zero. International post is inspected extremely thoroughly by comparison.

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@Jannes seems like a lot of work to deliver to France and take it there in a hotel room... you may as well go to Mexico for a toad ceremony if you want to play it all by the book!

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