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How to adapt to isolation as an extrovert?

2 posts in this topic

So I've been doing this for a while, and I've gotten used to it... But here's the thing.

I used to be really bad about sponging up content and being hyper-sharing with friends.  Now I don't have friends, but I have somebody I am impulsively reaching towards 5-10 minutes in videos like "oh this would be cool to share with that person"  


I'm afraid as I start getting friends again, I won't have fixed the underlying issue.


I realize it's like a dopamine attention-seeking behavior.  But the impulse that is like automatically projecting my interest onto others , I think it's related to being an extrovert.


When I was growing up, I gained a lot of popularity showing off impressing people , helping everybody ace their homework, cut class, be the hype guy getting parties started, and being a psych wizard playing therapist for everybody... And I actually benefitted a lot from it , because it was like a playground for me to explore (like randomly discussing psychology with everybody and learning what doesn't work and what does work through interacting with others and reflecting on it rinse repeat)


Like no matter how much time I spend alone, it's like a dog when you bring food around , people just suck my attention away from my own personal focus to having a shared-worldspace where I'm trying to learn/grow with "friends" by bouncing stuff off then all the time...


It's just an annoying behavior I keep realizing it's like a subconscious trigger , and I want to address what keeps triggering it... Surely it's not just a dopamine-seeking reaction, but idk









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