
How to do a Parasite Cleanse?

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I currently have a bottle of Para 1 and Para 2 from CellCore BioSciences.


Para 1 acts as a GUT SCRUBER to aide in the removal of parasites, biofilm, build up, infections, and more. The key ingredient is the Mimosa Pudica Seed which produces results that starts your body on the path towards optimal health. Para 1 is CellCore's flagship immune and digestive support product.

Has anyone had experience taking these supplements or what parasite cleanse have you tried or would recommend?

is there THE BEST method the forum has figured out yet? What's the consensus? :D

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I've done it.

Not with those exact supplements.

Basically you take this supplement called wormwood and black walnut.

It's only going to be effective if you actually have parasites.

Edited by Leo Gura

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I read "Paradise Cleanse" and I'm like "wth is Leo tripping on now" :D


ok, jokes aside......Have you actually had any sort of faecal tests that would indicate parasitic overgrowth? Medical? Not some quackery over the counter nasal swap? 

Wanna know a secret?

We are all full of parasites!  Your microbiome is made of probably tens of millions of them and thousands of different species, some may even be beneficial, keeping your immune cells at alert and keeping your intestinal mucous nice and thick so you wanna make sure you are targeting an overgrowth situation not doing a maintenance protocol that can end up with more problems than solutions. 

Overgrowth situations should be managed carefully and potentially short-term medically-administered  anti-parasitic protocol may be more effective as the drugs used for this are extremely specific and highly lethal. If you then wanna go in with probiotics, oreganos, wormwoods and agave, I don't see how that would cause any harm :)

Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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19 hours ago, Michael569 said:

We are all full of parasites!  Your microbiome is made of probably tens of millions of them and thousands of different species

Bacteria are not considered parasites. Parasites are a whole different class of creatures which are much larger in size. And no, you should not have any parasites at all. If you have parasites they need to be killed off.

Edited by Leo Gura

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2 hours ago, Leo Gura said:

Bacteria are not considered parasites. Parasites are a whole different class of creatures which are much larger in size. And no, you should not have any parasites at all. If you have parasites they need to be killed off.

the human microbiota is not just made of bacteria. There are also fungi, viruses and it is not uncommon for some parasitic species to live there too. In most cases, parasites are asymptomatic and dormant (suppressed by the immune system and other microbiome colonies). I don't think it is as black & white but I have never researched this topic in depth so that's a personal limitation - but I don't think there is anyone out there who understand the whole complexity of the human microbiota and all sorts of interactions and relationshi[s/

What if having tiny amount of dormant parasites is even beneficial? Like the hygiene hypothesis for allergies saying that lack of environmental exposure and excessive cleanliness causes the immune system to overreact to harmless proteins such as pollen, gluten or gliadin because it has nothing else to do? Which is why it actually benefits children to play with animals, play in durt and dust, put stuff in their mouths and eat every type of food available to build up immune tolerance. 

 Whose to say unnecessary antiparasitic cleanses wouldn't have same effect? Lot of people are endlessly cleansing, juicing and taking antimicrobials, that seems to me like taking low-grade antibiotics endlessly. 

Look here:

"In a similar study, it is reported that the patients who were protected from Cryptosporidium infection had an increased level of indole-producing bacteria, such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus spp., and Clostridium spp. In contrast, infected patients had an increased level of Bacteroides fragilis, Bacteroides pyogenes, Prevotella bryantii, and Akkermansia muciniphila (13). A previous study of intestinal parasite infection in individuals from a rural area showed that there was a significant increase in the relative number of Bifidobacterium spp. in G. intestinalis-positive patients (14). Increased Clostridia levels but lower Enterobacteriaceae levels were observed in Blastocystis-positive subjects (15). All these studies suggested that the tested intestinal parasites may induce significant bacterial changes in the microbiota, and gut microbiota has also a potential influence on parasite infection outcome"

"During this prospective study, it was observed that acute diarrhea occurred less often among Giardia-positive children than among children who were not infected with G.intestinalis"

 It's like there are small adaptations that force the microbiota to adjust and strengthen against these species. Maybe that's even beneficial. I'm not saying we should WANT to have parasites, just maybe that it's a threshold effect and tiny amounts are not harmful as long as one's microbiota is healthy and they have a healthy immune system. 

But regarding the tests, the risk here is that if you google "antiparasitic cleanse" you will instantly get targeted by quackery. Unreliable tests, unverified cleanses and potentially dangerous protocols harming the integrity of the microbiota. Basiclaly you will get diagnosed by some ridiculous online questionaire and then sold on a $300 dollar parasitic cleanse that needs to be done 4 times a year. 

Where a real parasitic dominance is a concern such as Protozoan infection or Trichomanas overgrowth person needs to get medically tested via stool sample test and get a proper guided protocol not half-ass it with herbs and juices.

I'm just cautious with embarking on a random protocol. unless first properly tested..that's what I wanted to say with the above. 


Edited by Michael569

“If you find yourself acting to impress others, or avoiding action out of fear of what they might think, you have left the path.” ― Epictetus

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