
Not Super into Philosophy or Spirituality

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So I feel like I'm going through a phase where I'm not super into philosophy or spirituality. I consciously took a step back from spirituality after I noticed it was taking me into an unhealthy place and decided that I needed to work on some more foundational things first. I used to be into philosophy when I was in my mid teens or so but I feel like since then I put my energy towards reflection, self awareness, and things like therapy to work on myself and have a more accurate world view rather than studying different schools of thought or philosophers for example. 

I feel like I have a pretty rich life and that I have found other things that interest me, that keep me curious about the world, and that challenge my ability to think criticially outside of the conventional notions of philosophy. I can see myself dipping back into more existential questions and thoughts later in a couple years or so but I was wondering what y'all thought about it: 

Did you go through a phase in your self development/actualization journey where you didn't care about philosophy or spirituality but still saw the value in it?

Is philosophy and spirituality essential in a meaningful life if you have outlets in different places?  If so, what are your outlets and how do they create meaning for you or grow you?

How do you personally go about approaching philosophy and spirituality and how do you think it impacts your world view?  


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1 hour ago, soos_mite_ah said:

Did you go through a phase in your self development/actualization journey where you didn't care about philosophy or spirituality but still saw the value in it?

Yes, sometimes you just gotta focus on business or dating or the like.

I did something like 10 years of basic materialistic personal development before getting into spirituality.

Edited by Leo Gura

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Yeah.. I'm currently finding a lot of value from developing close quality relationships with friends, studying things that interest me, and figuring out my career and how to deal with life on my own after I graduate (i.e. finances, work life balance, finding a fulfilling career that suits my desired life style). 

Also, the misanthropy is something that I don't really get on this forum and how people like to paint social interaction as all superficial and just monkey chatter. I feel like that has more to do with a person's absense of quality relationships and knowing how to form healthy bonds more than it has to do with painting humanity with a broad stroke of superficiality. Yes, a lot of people aren't super developed, but especially if you consider yourself to be stage green+, I think it really shows how deep you are into those stages based on your ability to relate to people,  deal with them, and see the humanity in them so that they can grow and live fulfilling lives rather than sitting on a high stage if that makes sense. 

As I am typing this out and reflecting on this topic after I made this post, I really do find myself more like a social scientist rather than a philosopher or sage if that makes sense. Maybe this has to do with my personal path to self actualization more than anything but I thought that I'd just put this out there. 

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I am actually coming out of a rut and I've noticed I won't even turn on Alan Watts which would be my go-to for comfort listening...


So what I've noticed for me , is that this is like a trauma-PTSD thing , and I found some sauce listening to PsychoCybernetics (idea of Self-Image)


Basically from what I've gathered , is that you are under a hypnosis based on these neurons wired together , that your beliefs and memories about this stuff is triggering negative emotion...

Hopefully didn't fuck that explanation too badly... 

So you have to change the way you think and the way your Self-Image is , and beliefs about the future (that it's not based on the past, but created by your choices)  


I have also noticed only partial progress (I started having a breakthrough less than 24 hours ago) but it seems to feel to me that there is an invisible barrier between you and philosophy and spirituality , but that invisible barrier is just subconscious fear... It's like learning to swim, you are afraid of the water , the deep unknown, and then you jump in, and it's like, wait a sec, what was I scared of??? (Or like when you don't wanna do something and keep resisting it (and what we resist, persists) and you finally do it and it's like "wow I thought that was gonna be bad but that was easy!"


Check out Leo's Self-Image video though






Edited by KoryKat

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36 minutes ago, KoryKat said:

but it seems to feel to me that there is an invisible barrier between you and philosophy and spirituality , but that invisible barrier is just subconscious fear...

I wouldn't really say a subconscious fear rather it's just not my thing at the moment at least. 

I think my interest in philosophy waned after I took a philosophy class in high school and didn't really enjoy it. I personally found it both dense in content while also detached because of the amount of theorizing. I feel that for me personally, it is important to have some philosophy under a person's belt because it helps with reasoning skills and self questioning, but nothing beats personal experience and learning to be and move through the world in a self aware and emotinally intelligent way. In other words, it isn't experience just to experience rather it is experiencing different things in life and being mindful of what you're going through so that you get the most out of it intellectually and emotionally. 

I feel like my interest in spirituality is dormant since I've been taking a break from it for a year and a half. I do dip my toes back into it every now and then and I feel like I am in a much better place now to integrade spiritual lessons and concepts in a healthy way. However, while I am in a better place right now, I don't find myself being pulled towards it at the moment but I can see that changing as I create a more solid life for myself and things chill out for me a bit in my life.

I'm currently dealing with a heavy course load in college, I'm going to be graduating in this December, I need to figure out the next stage of my life regarding working and finances, and I am dealing with some things regarding family right now (I'm planning on distancing myself from them but I need to be financially on my feet first plus this does come with emotional baggage as well). I am also involved in my different passions as well as prioritizing my friends and significant other in my life. And in the meantime, I try to carve out time for myself to take care of my physical and mental health so that I'm not constantly running around and burning myself out. I do this by working out, going to therapy, meditating, meditating, among other forms of self care so that I can better tackle other areas of my life. 

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It depends on where you are. I think philosophy, or any other human endeavor, has any intrinsic value in and of itself, so, in that sense, I have a very pragmatist perspective. If studying philosophy gives you the experience of depth that you're searching for, then yes, you can study it. But I think, ultimately, nothing can give you that fulfilment that you're looking for other than yourself. 


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@soos_mite_ah Try out The Formula by spiritual teacher Bashar for auto exquisite balance, auto intelligent decision making, auto life purpose and finance and dating navigation, all interwoven and not separate from spirituality.:) It can't hurt to test if you find it interesting, can search it on YT

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You're probably just not gaining enough from "doing" philosophy or spirituality.  If you're not seeing results then of course you'll get bored.


1 hour ago, Bob Seeker said:

@soos_mite_ah Try out The Formula by spiritual teacher Bashar for auto exquisite balance, auto intelligent decision making, auto life purpose and finance and dating navigation, all interwoven and not separate from spirituality.:) It can't hurt to test if you find it interesting, can search it on YT

Haven't heard of the formula, but I highly recommend anything from Bashar.

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