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Self Confidence

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I noticed that I've got problems with self esteem and therefore,with self esteem.I am anxious when I have to break out of my comfort zone..More anxious than I should be.I highly believe that if I'll raise my self esteem I will eliminate my anxiety, which would mean a really huge step for me.I compare myself with others when I'm feeling down, remember akward times and just think about what others think of me..And that really sucks..I guess that I have to say that I'm also dealing with depression,but it got a lot better since I have been meditating.

So..My question is how can I increase my self esteem/self confidence in other ways than meditation and affirmations,so I can speed up the process?


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Find the root cause of your anxiety and eliminate it. The root of my anxiety was feeling exposed and always afraid of being judged. This made me supress many aspects of my authentic self and it was only when I treated the root cause that things got better. 

The way I dealt with it was meditation, setting goals, keeping my promises to myself, being social, trying to be as authentic as I could. Out of these the most important was probably meditation and socializing in my case. The anxiety is still present, but I've made signifigant improvements in my mood and confidence. 

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A quick solution?  Try acting out a confident person in some chosen areas of your life.  For example, when I was a teenager I struggled with eye-contact a lot so, finally, a little bit frustrated about it,  I started looking people straight in the eyes when talking to them. Also my voice projection was weak cos of shyness so I started to act as if I was a confident speaker, talking more smoothly and wearing a smile on my face at the same time. I forced myself, it's possible and it works, became a habit through trial and error. I was thinking "Okay, fuck it, I'm too smart to act like a retard cos of my self-imposed social awkwardness." You can manipulate, change some of your beliefs about yourself, create a positive belief. And then act it out. Like a positive affirmation put to use immediately after you say/think it. 

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The six pillars of self esteem is a good start for increasing self esteem i definitely feel some subtle improvements within myself and i'm only the second pillar. 
Mindfulness meditation seems like it might be the better meditation practice when it comes to being able to deal with anxiety or any emotions for that matter.
Its been said that cold showers cure depression better than medication so you might want to take a look into that. 
Eating healthy and exercise (even just simple 20 or 30 minute walks) also couldn't hurt taking part in.
Nofap has also been found to be as something that could increase ones confidence. I made it to 29 days and have really seen some slight improvements. Leo might come out with a video about this so be on the look out for that. 

But i guess at the end of the day the real cure to anxiety is just facing it head on. Taking small baby steps to getting out ones comfort zone everyday is probably the key. 

Video you might want to look at.

Alright i hope this helped. Also dont start with all these (habits, exercises, practices) at once just pick one that seems the most appropriate to the situation and circumstance your in right here right now and then from there just build on it

Edited by Bugs

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