A Fellow Lighter

Grandest Self-Realisation I've Ever Experienced

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What is Self is ultimately the Mind. Or, put exactly, life is only that activity which we call Mind.

This is such an out-of-this-world experience for me, and yet, not really because it's the only experience I've ever had.. it's only that I'm just realising it now for what it is. It changes everything! 

What is conventionally considered as the mind is not Mind.. well it is, but that's just a really small aspect of it. The mind is not just the thoughts, or the intellect and imagination in our heads as we're led to believe. It's much more grandeur than that. It's literally the only world which you can know.

The so-called physical or material world is one big elaborate hoax. Nothing about the world is material, nothing about the world is mechanical. In fact, if anything, reality is purely organic - everything behaves as though it is one grand organism. It's not connected - it's all one thing. 

Guys, the mind isn't even a cognitive thing, it's not that faculty of reason or comprehension. It is literally Everything, it is all that there is, and it is a mystical and spiritual thing. 

I don't feel like I have a mind of my own, I am the Mind alone. There are too many profundities to say from this yet too little logic to use in expressing these same profundities. However, I can say as much as this: it feels like I've just entered a state of lucid dreaming.

This is it. This is the Self-realisation, for there is no other self to realise but the Mind. I'm yet to explore the spectrum of the potential of this Truth. For now I'm just watching the system of thinking doing all kinds of twists-and-turns. There is so much going on energetically and emotionally within me, right now. I feel like running. Yet, something is telling me to keep still and experience this energy in its raw form.

Anyway, I just thought I should probably share this while it's still in my interest to do so. I might journal about this later. For now there is only this. My Self is Mind

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I'll correct it slightly — it's mind + heart + body. 

Whatever these things go through is surmised as life 




 Be careful being too demanding in relationships. Relate to the person at the level they are at, not where you need them to be.

You have to get out of the kitchen where Tate's energy exists ~ Tyler Robinson 

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Or just Consciousness

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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