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Kuba Powiertowski

What's the catch of enlightenment?

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Direct experience - a sacred phrase, a magic key. Are you sure?
Experience is one thing. And then what the mind will do with it is the latter. In its nature, experience is changeable, like all existence, which can only be known by direct experience! The problem with the human mind is that he tries to freeze (to quote Sri M) those experiences that made him feel good, unique, and even divine. Observation, observation, and one more observation of one's mind. How does it function? How does it play? How it creates, paint, and guide the narrative to make you feel fabulous and divine? Observing my mind, I keep reality constantly bending to suit my assumptions, beliefs, and convictions. Most come from direct experience. But what of it? Did I understand what I experienced holistically and comprehensively without prejudices or assumptions? Is the most profound reflection that I can, e.g., on the subject of infinity, an experience? I think so. Everything is. Direct experience is the only way we get to know. Can I say I have full knowledge of any topic, or do I know 100% about someone or something?
I leave these questions open to you.
I have gotten to the point where I know deep within myself that the so-called death of my physical-material body is not the end - not even me because I don't know what. I also don't know what will happen next. I don't know if anybody knows this. Honestly, hand on heart. Even the mega-advanced monks and bodhisattva yogis. Am I afraid of what will happen? Of unknown? Of unexpected? Indeed, still, yes. However, I recognize the illusion of fear more and more.
One more important thing:
Sri M talks about four principles - reduced from perhaps 28 - for western Kriya Yoga practitioners:
1. Practice daily,
2. Try to remain faithful to the Truth - hard to do.
3. Try not to hurt any living creatures, including people :) - regarding the case of a vegetarian, Adolf Hitler
4. Try not to eat meat. But if you are a vegetarian/vegan and someone close to you or a stranger has prepared an excellent meal containing meat out of the heart's need, then eat this meal. Out of respect for the gift of someone's heart, someone's work.
No matter how venerable, your assumptions and agenda cannot stand above the gift of someone's heart. Of course, you can pointlessly stick here, giving some nonsense examples. The point is that even as you sincerely feel you are God and everything is an illusion, you do not have to write or say publicly that, for example, Christ did not exist and Buddha was not enlightened or that someone else's parents did not exist. For someone suffering, Jesus, Buddha, Allah, or Manitou can be a refuge, a source of hope, just like someone's mom or dad, with whom being around gives a lot of joy and not much time has left together. That is love and compassion in action, not only in enlightened statements and speeches.
Please think about it.
As well as what you can be 100% sure of, except that you are.

P.S. what about Love - Realization instead of God - Realization? It's the same.

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There isn’t a catch, it's just that enlightenment isn't an actual something to get or attain.... 

it's the end of placing an overly of meaning, purpose or value(dream story) over top of reality.

It's not like a different perspective to experience reality's the end of perspectives altogether.

Enlightenment is the freedom from all that but for no one.





“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake I don't consider enlightement or awakenig as a one-time event. You wake up and that's it, you are free once for good. Spiritual path is a process to me. Process of inner expansion, increasing inner love and acceptance for all Creation or Imagination as you wish. Process of gradual letting go an ego resistance, attachments, judgements and firm statements as the knowledge of not-knowing arises.

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On 28/10/2022 at 10:11 PM, Kuba Powiertowski said:

Everything is. Direct experience is the only way we get to know. Can I say I have full knowledge of any topic, or do I know 100% about someone or something?

You said it yourself.  Direct experience is the only medium to know things . Everything else is beliefs and assumptions that are often false . Stick with direct experience and you will be seeing amazing results in distinguishing truth from falsehood.

The catch of enlightenment is your false beliefs about reality that will get shattered ? 



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9 minutes ago, Kuba Powiertowski said:

@Someone here or any belief?

I don't understand what you mean by that.

Try to ask a "full" question .



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The magic word is deconstruction. you have to get to the foundations of your psyche, the foundations of attachment and rejection that are genetically based and nurtured and strengthened from childhood, and demolish them. your mental landscape should be an empty lot, without walls, paths, forbidden and hidden areas. you must face everything and let everything go. it is extremely difficult (I do not claim that I have done it, only that I am working on it)

As the zen poem hsin hsin ming says, as soon as you make the slightest difference, heaven and earth are infinitely separated. It means that the difference between your mother hugging you at 3 years old or being tortured in the most atrocious way is only a distinction created by you. the catch is that life and death are the same. detachment must be complete, loneliness total. the renunciation of the human, absolute. enlightenment is not fast food. requires giving everything


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@Someone here. I don't know if you understand what I mean. All I'm saying is that the only thing you really know that you feel deep down inside is that Love is the most important thing. That's all that matters. But not as a concept. As an action. It is being compassionate, empathetic, serving, and caring for others. You know this is the essence. You are giving yourself and accepting yourself and others as they are. You feel it is the Truth, the Freedom, the Way. I observe that God-realization is much easier for the ego to swallow than Love-realization, and it's the same thing. It is simply in our subconscious that we have coded the concept of God as omniscient and omnipotent, which is the identification of the ego. It tries to squash the experience of Infinity and Unconditional Love into the world of its limited concepts. It is always a caricature. This action results in beliefs, assumptions, assertions, and statements, sometimes effectively blocking the essence of what is at stake. And it's about being what you really are - Infinite, Unconditional Love. In practice, not in theory.

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To say it more straightforward: it is way easier for an ego to hang on to "omniscient, omnipotent God-realization" than implement Love-realization, which is nothing more, but the ego's death

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