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The belief system war

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The world has been at war since the Middle Ages. Back then it was called the Crusades, these days it is called the war against terror. As we all know this has been a very brutal and expensive war. There has never been a single name for this war, it flares up from time to time with individual names, but since it is because of belief systems, let's call it, "The Belief System War."

Most belief systems are religions. Religions provide reasons for our existence and for our morality. They are all based on faith because they can't be proven to be true. We also have atheism (or nihilism) which is considered to be a belief system even though it is not actually a system. Therefore, what we have are belief systems that are not actually provable and a belief non-system. As time goes on the differences between these ideas are what cause "The Belief System War."

So I have a question.  First ,when does spirituality turn into a religion?  And why does religion which is supposed to be aiming for unity and peace and equality turns out to be the biggest cause of war in the world ?

Religion was not meant to fight, it is to create way to love, to heal, to help society, to create joy. And if a person calling himself/herself as religious person is not heading into the direction of bliss and is burning with anger or hatred then I am sorry to say to such a person ..Sorry my dear friend, you have created a war in name of someone who only gave love to this world. Period.

Edited by Someone here

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When does politics turn into a religion? When are one's beliefs so strong that one feels the need to go to war over them? To oppress the opposition for them? Kill for them? Seems to me religion does the same thing politics does, tries to control the populace while making them think they are free.  They do the best job they can managing our evolutionary nature, depending on who happens to be running things at any given time. 

Someone has to be in charge. Our species wouldn't do well with no dominance hierarchy. That's why Gods were created in the first place.  Religions themselves are only as good as the people running them. They have lofty ideals, that humans can't quite meet.

Edited by sholomar

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