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Sin "To miss the mark"

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Sin is a word that seems to have accumulated a lot of emotional baggage.
To free it of that, allow me to provide an alternate perspective.

Sin, in archery, means "To miss the mark."
Missing the 'I'  in the center of the target,
"Doing the Right Thing" or "Right Action."


Upon seeing the error, a seasoned archer doesn't feel guilty for missing the mark,
But instead learns from the mistake, and improves upon their aim.

They say sin is "Going against God" But really
You're only going against yourself.

If you're an asshole to someone, You're only cheating yourself.
You've cheated yourself out of a truthful, and kind relationship in which you both benefit.
You've cheated yourself and the other person out being the best version you can be.
You've cheated yourself,

And You Know It.

You know when you've done what's right and wrong.
That's why it's a sin. You can't fool yourself forever.

The question is, when are you going to forgive yourself?
Everyone makes mistakes, and guilt isn't getting you anywhere.
Show some compassion, pick yourself up, and become the best version of yourself.

That's what sin teaches us when we see it; Be thankful when you see it;
Because this is the opportunity to step into a new and improved version of yourself.


The appearance of free will in the creation is the icing on the cake, so to speak;
Absolute Free Will is the mark of an Omnipotent Creator God, a Holy Gift that extending to all Beings, limited only to the extent we are able to hone that kind of power and learn to align our Self with our true Divine Will over the course of our Life on Earth, a school in which we begin to discover who we truly are.

If I could not tell the difference between what I was doing and what is happening to me, there would be no opportunity for growth or learning of self-awareness, because you need an apparent duality of self/other to have any form at all with which a story arc can unfold.

Adam and Eve were happy in the garden of Eden yes, but not very aware. So the gift of free will leads them to curiosity, a desire for knowledge that leads them to fall from grace (a state of balance) and enter the karmic cycle of death and rebirth to learn the lessons of God-hood. The first sin since then knowing the difference between good and evil was to judge their nudity as shameful, despite being in perfect harmony with their environment.

The word 'sin' has many connotations, but I invite you to consider a more sane conception of sin than "the boogeyman whispering in your ear" or as "God punishing you." Many people think God is judging them, but what they don't realize is they're actually judging themselves.

No, as any Good parent realizes, A parent needs to let their child fall from the nest so they can learn to support themselves. This is because we have the same creative power of God, the visionary power of The Word, which we use to communicate and construct our perception of Self and the world.

Remove any subtle preconceptions of "sin" being bad, evil and scary. It will help you to forgive yourself for making honest mistakes on your path of self-growth.

Sin means to simply "miss the mark."
If your intention is to do the right thing, but when it came down to it you did something selfish or cowardly instead, that would be "missing the mark".

Sin is what happens when you are not being true to yourself. Sin is what happens when you act selfishly despite knowing you could have made the right decision. Sin is what happens when you are distracted from your true purpose.

In meditation, one sees thoughts come and go despite sitting with the intention to a clear mind. 
Sin is the same way. Temptations to evil come and go, but you can always choose to do the right thing.

The building of the faith in discernment and guidance towards what is truly right is cultivated via both the open mind of the heart and rational faculties alike.

All it takes is a simple realignment with one's highest principles, and a recommitment to do the right thing.
If you falter and make a mistake, forgive yourself, because you're still learning, and no one is born perfect.

"Jesus came into the world to save humanity from the belief in sin, rather than from sin itself."

Jesus forgives all sin because sin is simply mistake, a decision made using finite knowledge.
What is sin in the face of unconditional Love and Omniscience? 

"Forgive them, for they know not what they do."

Because none of us have infinite knowledge, we are forgiven for every mistake made along our growth,
At which point it is not realized to be a mistake, but instead an essential lesson of God-hood.
Just as a father forgives it's child for simple mistakes, so too does the Higher Self, as Infinity is pure, unconditional Love.

Edited by tuku747

Brains Do Not Exist 

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Sin does not exist.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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