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Thought expirement I can't solve

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When I was young before I knew of spirituality I came up with a thought expirement. It goes like this..

Suppose you're walking down the street and a man appears infront of you with a memory loss gun. (Like the one in men in black). If he shoots you with it you are transported back in time 5 minutes to wherever you were 5 minutes earlier. The only difference is you have a million dollars in your bank account and you won't know how it got there or remember the incident. 

The man explains this to you and asks "so do you want me to shoot you or not". If you say "No I don't want the money" you got about your day. 

I always answered no, Yeah that might seem stupid but the reason is. I always felt that the person 5 minutes ago isn't me. That once he shoots me I die and the person getting the money is someone else. Because there is a lack of continuity and to this day I still would always truly answer no, even though everyone says "well it's still you getting the money" it does not FEEL like it would be ME. 


Now when I tell most people I know this they say it's stupid and they'd take the money and don't believe my explanation but I ask you , your thoughts? 

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If you die, and are replaced by your self from 5 minutes ago, how would you notice the difference? What if you die and are replaced by me? or for a cat? being alive or dead is the same, just relax and enjoy

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How do you know this hasn't already happened to you, but you actually said "yes"? Are you still you, or someone else?

57% paranoid

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A single neuron either releases its neurotransmitters or it does not. It’s pretty much a binary setup.

The function of a hypothetical synthetic neuron is identical to a “natural” biological neuron.

At what point would you stop being you if you had 1% of your neurons replaced with synthetic neurons every day for 100 days?

Day 1?

Day 10?

Day 50?

Day 100?

Again, the synthetic neurons do exactly the same job as the natural neurons. No difference. 

Where are you in this picture? :)


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@axiom Sorry for my bad English....This topic interests me a lot : CYBORG or hybrid HUMAN/MACHINE. From my limited knowledge, I would say that : your artificial neurone will never be as perfect as the neurone created by God. It will inevitably lack some subtil mechanisms enbedded in the real one. It will look like the true neurone, but will be imperfect in its characteristics and behaviors. So with 1, 10 or 100 of these fake neurone, normal life will be possible, but over some amount of them, your brain will crash. Try your experience with rats, and observe the results. Peace & love 

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@patricknotstar You are right to prefer to refuse the offer, because YOU are no more the same as 5 minutes earlier, simply by the encounter of this magician. To boil down the choice to its essence : you must choose between believing in the normal YOU or a MAGICAL OTHER ? in other words, the proposition is to sell your divine soul for an illusion of material goods and an omnipotent magician different from you ! If you accept the deal , you are spiritualy dead (you become a ZOMBIE). Peace & love 

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This is a thought experiment that can lead to some interesting inquiries around identity.

What does it really mean to be you? What is you and what is not you?

Are you even the same person when you wake up in the morning?

What about the version of you from an hour ago? Where are they? Where is the past at all? Did it even happen?

You could ride this question all the way to Awakening.

"Finding your reason can be so deceiving, a subliminal place. 

I will not break, 'cause I've been riding the curves of these infinity words and so I'll be on my way. I will not stay.

 And it goes On and On, On and On"

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What "you", Reality, ultimately are, doesn't exist in time or space. Reality knows itself as itself alone and knows nothing of time or place. There is no such thing as a "past: or a "future" other than thought and or memory.
In the absence of thought, where is "time". It is a concept and nothing more. "We","You"i.e.,  Reality, have never experienced time (i.e., past and future). It is only the belief that we experience time, that time comes into apparent existence.  "You" are always Now, and can never leave Now, to experience a "past" or "future".

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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On 26/10/2022 at 1:43 AM, patricknotstar said:

When I was young before I knew of spirituality I came up with a thought expirement. It goes like this..

Suppose you're walking down the street and a man appears infront of you with a memory loss gun. (Like the one in men in black). If he shoots you with it you are transported back in time 5 minutes to wherever you were 5 minutes earlier. The only difference is you have a million dollars in your bank account and you won't know how it got there or remember the incident. 

The man explains this to you and asks "so do you want me to shoot you or not". If you say "No I don't want the money" you got about your day. 

I always answered no, Yeah that might seem stupid but the reason is. I always felt that the person 5 minutes ago isn't me. That once he shoots me I die and the person getting the money is someone else. Because there is a lack of continuity and to this day I still would always truly answer no, even though everyone says "well it's still you getting the money" it does not FEEL like it would be ME. 


Now when I tell most people I know this they say it's stupid and they'd take the money and don't believe my explanation but I ask you , your thoughts? 

I think as God you would end up in any body and the feeling of you is always the same. Think of a dream you have been something every night of your life or did it just feel like you were you. You might have been a snake you might have been a dog or a random person you always just assume you are you. So what is going away when you become someone from 5 minutes ago.

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22 hours ago, sanremy said:

@patricknotstar You are right to prefer to refuse the offer, because YOU are no more the same as 5 minutes earlier, simply by the encounter of this magician. To boil down the choice to its essence : you must choose between believing in the normal YOU or a MAGICAL OTHER ? in other words, the proposition is to sell your divine soul for an illusion of material goods and an omnipotent magician different from you ! If you accept the deal , you are spiritualy dead (you become a ZOMBIE). Peace & love 

My exact feelings, but articulated so eloquently. Thankyou :)

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