
The Awareness Watching Awareness Practice Instructions

1 post in this topic

I found this set of instructions really helpful, here is the link if anyone is interested.




An extract from that webpage:

"The author of these pages does not claim to have invented the awareness-watching-awareness method. Rather, after many years of searching, he intuitively discovered the method while on a visit to the Ramana Maharshi ashram in India. Before applying the method, he sought support for it in the teachings of Ramana and other realized teachers, and indeed found support for it there. Many of these supporting sources are referenced below. He then applied himself diligently to the practice, and in a little over two years time experienced the death of the ego and realized his real Self. He considers this method to be the most rapid and direct means to self-realization, and the writings on these pages are intended to explain this simple practice, thereby saving the aspirant many years of vain searching, the result of using less direct means."

I hope it's useful for all

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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