
Thoughts on alkaline diet?

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My dad has been strictly following an all alkaline diet since 2016. Hes extremely healthy hasn't been sick since really and claims he cured his arthiritis. I tried it for 2 months and felt really good and incoroprate alot of alkaline foods into my diet but still drink coffee and eat garbage vegan/plant based food. I really want to convert to all alkaline diet but everytime I bring it up or anything to anyone else they act like its insane to do. People treat my dad like hes insane most of the time, but I do honestly believe that eating an all raw plant diet can heal alot of diseases. Also curious to hear anyones thoughts on fasting in regards to healing the body?

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Tony Robbins did a mini course on it years ago that I saw recently. Says (I think) our body’s biochemistry is 80/20 alkaline to acid and that’s what we should aim for food intake to be perfectly balanced, in which case everything will flow better. Says that when there’s too much acid in the body it’s hard for cells to transmit information to each other because they’re blocked up and when they’re blocked up that’s when it’s more likely we get disease etc. A quote I’ll always remember from there was “no disease or virus can grow or survive in a perfectly healthy body” I.e 80/20 alkaline… emotions play a huge role too btw because they’re very acidic (unhealthy emotions). So too much stress etc can bring us down. I find when the food part is right tho thoughts tend to align with it but obv need to do both, food + meditate, breathwork, yoga, etc 

It’s pretty much the only thing I’ve seen about this ^ in so much depth but I think it was done like 15/20 years ago. Not sure if there’s anything to add/subtract with all the latest developments with micro biome/gut health etc. need to study it more and fuckin apply it more myself lol. When I do get into a little rhythm tho I feel MUCH better and flow easier. 
Feel amazing benefits whenever I fast aswell but not read too much into the science behind it yet

Edited by B222

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It might not be the alkalinity itself, but all the different stuff from the previous diet that got cut out when switching to the alkaline diet. And also the more healthier foods that tend to come with the alkaline diet.

I'm personally opposed to PH based-diets, just because I believe that the body is amazing at maintaining balance and homeostasis and that it has many functions to regulate its PH. For example, consuming something alkaline is not gonna really affect your digestive acid PH, because of homeostasis. This pattern of balance and adaptation can be found everywhere in the human body. At this point, I would say there is more evidence in opposition of the diet, as there are many different functions in the body which help to balance things out regardless of food intake. Food can affect the PH of your urine, though. And I do admit that more alkaline bottled water tastes better than more acidic bottled water for some reason, don't know what the correlation is, but the acidic stuff tastes like plastic.

Edited by Osaid

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The benefits of alkaline diets are mostly based on the switch people make towards higher fibre diet such as eating more veg, fruits and vegetable juices while eating less junk and meat.

The Ph bit may have nothing to do with the health effects of this diet tho

If you were to alter the ph of your body significantly, your cells would start dying out. It is a tightly regulated system with many buffers such as breathing, calcium metabolism and kidneys to ensure the PH remains optimal for cellular survival. 

It's not something you can manipulate to a significant degree and i wouldn't try to do that with enzyme inhibitors and alkaline water, it may cause more trouble than benefit. 

That being said any diet moving towards more plants will generally be beneficial regardless what marketing title it caries. 

Edited by Michael569

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I think it's mostly BS. Your stomach acid has to be at a specific pH range or you'll die. Your blood has to be at a specific pH range or you'll die. Your body is constantly adjusting variables within very narrow windows to maintain homeostasis and survive. 

If drinking a glass of alkaline water or eating an alkaline food was all it took to make your body alkaline, it'd be as dangerous as drinking bleach. 

If being alkaline is healthy, then one of the healthiest things to do would be to pound back Tums (calcium carbonate) every day. It has a pH of 11.

Lots of acidic things are healthy, like apple cider vinegar. Some things like lemon juice are acidic going in, but actually turns alkaline once metabolized. Meanwhile, eating too many alkaline foods can lead to candida overgrowth. It's not as simple as "low pH bad, high pH good."

Edited by Yarco

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@Yarco Don’t think it’s all one or all the other but definitely seems it should be mostly alkaline. One way to know is how you feel when you’re full of acid vs when you’re full of alkaline. Big difference… or even slight. I feel the difference when I have acidic foods for sure. Bring my energy down, increases brain fog etc. 

Edited by B222

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On 10/24/2022 at 6:32 PM, Michael569 said:

If you were to alter the ph of your body significantly, your cells would start dying out. It is a tightly regulated system with many buffers such as breathing, calcium metabolism and kidneys to ensure the PH remains optimal for cellular survival. 

^^^ In fact, that’s an understatement. Discernible changes in alkalinity of the body = death… practically.

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It's just BS distinction, but helps. 

It's all about eating real food

whole foods

foods dense in prana,

nutrient dense foods

foods that comes from mother earth "gaia" fruits, vegetables, legumes, and all that.

Animals are healthy if they had healthy diets and lifestyle.

But whatever works to you to understand the concept of eating as "natural" "real" as possible.


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The body's alkalinity is maintained through breathing and carbon dioxide levels in the body. Diet has little to nothing to do with it. I would say follow a balanced diet that isn't extreme and doesn't make you overthink or fuel your ego too much thinking you must overly micromanage your diet which isn't really necessary, and use common sense.

There's no one size fits all diet...everyone's body prefers slightly different food groups. I'd say a Mediterranean diet is probably best. The single most important things to do for a healthy body are address stress levels, toxic thinking, and lose weight if you are overweight. Also, coffee is generally good for you, so no need to give it up.

Get a V60, burr grinder, a gooseneck kettle, scale, and learn what excellent freshly ground coffee tastes like. :)

Edited by sholomar

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@digitalkaine  There´s a difference between "healing disease" with a diet and "whats the most optimal diet for humans".


These differ!

<banned for jokes in the joke section>

Thought Art I am disappointed in your behavior ?

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On 10/24/2022 at 2:59 PM, Osaid said:

It might not be the alkalinity itself, but all the different stuff from the previous diet that got cut out when switching to the alkaline diet. And also the more healthier foods that tend to come with the alkaline diet.

I'm personally opposed to PH based-diets, just because I believe that the body is amazing at maintaining balance and homeostasis and that it has many functions to regulate its PH. For example, consuming something alkaline is not gonna really affect your digestive acid PH, because of homeostasis. This pattern of balance and adaptation can be found everywhere in the human body. At this point, I would say there is more evidence in opposition of the diet, as there are many different functions in the body which help to balance things out regardless of food intake. Food can affect the PH of your urine, though. And I do admit that more alkaline bottled water tastes better than more acidic bottled water for some reason, don't know what the correlation is, but the acidic stuff tastes like plastic.

My dad claims that our PH Balances regulate themselves by pulling different resources from parts of the body which is what causes alof of the diseases. Like yeah it happens naturally but if you are eating acidic foods then your body is going to regulate ur ph in a way that is not healthy and causes damage thats actually in  affect how osteoporosis happens, maybe Im wrong but I think I remember him saying that when you are not eating enough alkaine foods your body uses minerals in your bones to balance the ph making them weaker. 

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