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Born to be Conservative?

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In part 1 of the When Does the Left Go Too Far series, Leo mentions that conservatives are born with different brain structures... I have seen studies showing that conservatives have more volume in their amygdalas and less volume in certain prefrontal cortex structures relative to liberals.

I was always under the impression that this was more of a neurological consequence of being immersed in a stage blue cultural matrix rather than simply being a matter of genetics... 

Then again, I have noticed that intuitive personality types are more likely to be progressive, cutting-edge thinkers relative to the center of gravity of their culture than sensors. It may be possible that one is relatively more predisposed to be progressive or conservative based on their genetic brain structure/personality type... I don't know though...

What do you guys think?

Edited by TrustTheProcess

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Both are at work.

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Many factors at play like with most things makes sense if genetics a factor, and survival conditions.

Most people adopt their conditioning from cultures and families and do not question it or very much, or have the option/luxury to contemplate independently, or have access to new ideas, etc. 

I am Lord of Heaven, Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ❣ Warning: nobody here has reached the true God.

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